
Harry Potter and The Hidden Heir

James Harry Peverell was never a normal child. His white hair and amethyst made him a target for bullying. But now, things are about to change for this young man. But how different with this world be from the one he knew before? Harry Potter AU fic. I've had this story knocking aound in my head for a while now, and figured I would like to share it with the world, even if the world don't care.

ObsidianBLK · Livres et littérature
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3 Chs

Chapter one

July 31st, 1980 23:00, St. Mungos', Maternity ward.

"AAAAAAAUGH! YOU DID THIS TO ME JAMES POTTER!!" screamed out Lily Potter nee Evens. The others in the room gave a knowing and jovial look at the black haired man who's had was being crushed by his wife. The Healers as well as James and Lily's parents were watching with joy as they looked to welcome the new members of their family into the world. Mrs. Even looked, lovingly at her daughter and son in-law and muttered under her breath. "I wish Petunia would have stop being so stubborn and come to join us. We went to see her boy Duddly be born, now she refuses to support her little sister."

Mr. Evens wrapped his arm around his wife and pulled her in for a hug. "It's okay my love, I'm sad she is so closed minded as well, but at least we are here for Lily." The warm atmosphere was shattered at this moment and Lily let out a louder scream as she brought her first child into the world. The Healer stood up with a baby held in his arms. "The first child is a beautiful baby girl, Lady Potter. Stay strong, just two more to go."

Giving James another dirty look, Lily began to push again, and twenty minutes later the Healer once again stood and announced "It's a boy this time, Congratulations!." as the Healer was announcing and congratulating the family, no one noticed the silencing charm that had just been cast on Lily's lower body as the clock struck midnight and the day moved to August 1st.

Lily continued to push and felt a great weight that left as her third child was brought into the world. But unlike the first two that screamed when they were exposed to the cold, this child made no noise. This alerted the other family members in the room, but before they could ask, the Healer shot up and in a hurried voice announced "the child isn't breathing, I need to take his to another room to see if we can save him.'' Before they could do anything, the Healer had bolted from the room carrying the infant away, in that instant, Lily only got a glimpse at snow white hair. Two hours later, a clearly failed and upset Healer returned with a bundle swaddled tightly, leaving no skin exposed. "I-I'm so sorry. I couldn't save him." The wailes of a mother as she held her two living children sounded throughout St. Mungos.

August 1st 1987, 00:01 "Our Mother of Mercy" orphanage.

James Harry Peverell, was an interesting child. His snow white hair and amethyst eyes tended to draw a lot of attention, though not always the best kind of attention. Presently, the freshly 7 year old boy was lying in bed with a nasty lump on his head, courtesy of one John River. James had never known why the other children didn't like him, but the worst one was John. He seemed to make it his duty to make James's life as terrible as possible. James had the secret idea that John hated him for having a real last name and not being given one based on where he was abandoned. John had been found under a bridge next to a river, thus they named him John River. Better than John Doe, but not by much. Just as the clock struck 00:01 a throbbing pain hit the boy and shocked him awake. His bright amethyst eyes snapped open as the pulse of pain hit him. As each pulse of pain and pressure moved through the young boy's head, images flashed in his eyes. They showed memories of a life he didn't recognize, of places he had never been. Shouting out at the last moment, he fell unconscious, left to drift through his muddled thoughts.

As the sun rose, blasting light through the window onto his face, James shot up from his bed with a start. The fist thoughts through his mind were [Where the fuck am I!] Moving out from under the covers James moved his legs to get out of bed when he noticed that his feet didn't touch the ground, but before he could think something was wrong, he remembered his feet never touched the ground before…[why would I think my feet were supposed to reach]. Having seen enough around the area in his first seven years of life, James stopped to think for a moment before he came to a conclusion. [I've been reincarnated, and it seems like I just recovered memories from my last life. Guess second chances do exist.]

After getting ready and finishing his meager breakfast, James walked out to the yard to sit under his normal tree. Due to his issues with the rest of the children in the orphanage, James tended to spend a great deal of his time alone reading books. Even at the young age of seven, James had an advanced reading level and would regularly read books that were supposed to be for an age group much higher than his. But for James, they were the escape from reality he so desperately needed from his bullies. In the past, when he was bullied, he would cry just like any other child, but he made a resolution to himself now. [These are children and their words won't affect me. I want the greatest future possible, and I can't get it if I let them tear me down now.]

As James sat in the corner of the yard, John and his cronies got together. John looked over at his goons before saying "Alright, that little freak is all alone. Guess that rock to the head yesterday didn't put him out for long enough. They never believe him when he tells on us, but even then he needs to learn not to snitch." He then motioned to his goons that they were supposed to chase him. Stopping just in front of him, blocking him from being seen from the building John spoke out. "Hey you! Freak! You told on me yesterday and I had to come up with a story about how you got hit. Now you're going to pay for it."

James looked at the group and realized what they were doing. It really was a good move for them. James spent most of his time alone, so most of the other children didn't know him very well, and they didn't want to get bullied by John and his goons. Thus, the other kids never backed him up when he was being hunted down by John. It was easier to lie and say it was James's fault, rather than try to tell the truth and have John come after them as well. they knew it wasn't nice, but it was easier. Better that kid than me, right?

James tensed up to try to bolt, his mind was completely focused on running away and getting to his single room. The one place that he could consider his own. That was when he noticed it, John had flipped out a knife. James had no idea where he got the object, and they weren't supposed to have anything like that, but James realized that things were much worse than he thought. Making a quick decision, James shot up and was about to run when one of John's goons grabbed him from behind, holding his arms so he couldn't fight. James began to sweat with fear, and John moved to plant the knife into his gut. Just before the knife made contact however, James felt a twist. It was as if he had been squeezed into a small rubber tube. It was terrible, but next thing he knew, he was standing in his room. He then heard the screaming from the yard. The boys that had been holding him were still outside. However the one that was holding his arms behind his back, was on the ground, screaming while holding his belly. John had backed up, his hand now covered in blood.

James watched with cold eyes as the matron ran out to see what was going on. She had passed his room just before leaving and noticed him looking out the window, his book still in his hand. Nothing out of the ordinary for her, but for James, he made a rapid connection. [I just Apparated to my room! I'm in the Harry Potter world! I'm a Wizard.] These thoughts ran through his head in just a few moments as the screams outside grew quieter. He then heard the sound of sirens as they approached. John was being held down by the other Nuns in the orphanage, as they could see that he was the one that stabbed the other child. He kept screaming that it wasn't his fault, and that James had been the one to stab the other boy. James smirked as he heard the Head Matron respond. "Don't you try to weasel your way out of this. I know for a fact that James is in his room and was reading a book until you started stabbing people. I saw him there as I came out. Now unless you can somehow explain how James came out here, stabbed this boy in the belly, got your hands covered in the poor boy's blood and then went back to his room and washed up in less than a second, you are not going to be getting out of this. This orphanage has no place for little boys that try to kill each other."

This was the last time that James ever saw John. From what he was able to discover, the boy had been taken by the police to get a mental evaluation, which he had apparently failed after reviewing him and gaining statements from the other Nuns as well as a number of children. James was never asked to the interview, as the Matron must have realized that he would be incredibly biased. She had realized that every time James had reported the boys for bullying him, had been truthful. It was then that James had stopped speaking to the Matron as well. A small way of showing her how upset he was with her for never believing him.

Now knowing that he was in the Wizarding World, James did what every person in his situation would have done. Try to get his magic under control. This was a new world for him. Deciding that he needed to keep his secrets safe, he worked to create an alphabet of symbols that would correlate with English one and then proceeded to use a substitution cipher after that to hide his notes. Any time he could get his hands on a notebook, it was added to his collection. For the next four years, James spent a majority of his time studying his own magic in the hopes of mastering it. By the end of four years, he had managed to get things like creating a light at the tip of his finger, moving things with his mind, even starting a small flame that he could use to light his candles that he had stolen from the supply cupboard at the orphanage. And then the day arrived, August 1st 1991.

Hey everyone, it's been a while since I have written anything, but I'm getting back into the flow of stuff. Not really expected much from this, but wanted to get this down for others to take a look at. Hope you can all enjoy it.

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