
Harem God of Origin (ATG)

Ling Yunlong is an apathetic youth who was about to truly enter adulthood and was searching for his future, only for a phenomenon to occur that would forever change his life, and the life of millions of individuals across thousands of universes in the omniverse. Finding himself in a situation where the common sense of his world could not explain his predicament, Yunlong was driven to madness before the Creator appeared before him, making him the successor of the Void. Reincarnating into the Against the Gods universe and reborn as Yun Long, he decided to pave his way to the peak of existence in his new life, but it seems that the Creator may have other ideas for Yun Long and his so called traverse to the peak! ~ 100 advance chapter @ https://www.patreon.com/OriginSaint ~ Leave reviews as I want to see where I can improve my story! ~ Copyright Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction that includes plot and characters of existing characters and content that I claim no ownership or credit for, only being used for fictitious work. Please support the official content used and know I only my claim credit for my original character and new plot that has been introduced within this fictional work. Book Cover is not mine! I take no credit in creating it! Just using it cause it is awesome :) Make sure to check the original creator for it. ~ Tags: Anime Worlds, Anti-Hero, Apathetic Protagonist, Borderline Loli-con, Comedic Elements, Fan-fic Elements, Handsome Male Lead, Harem, Harem-seeking Protagonist, Multiple Realms (Verses), Novel Worlds, Overpowered Protagonist, Past Plays a Big Role (Spoiler Alert), Perverted Protagonist, Polygamy, Scheming Protagonist, Slice of Life, Special Abilities, Transported into Another Worlds, Time-Travel, World Travel Sub Tags: Adopted Protagonist, Angels, Arranged Marriage, Bloodlines, Body Tempering, Charismatic Protagonist, Cheats, Cruel Characters, Cultivation, Demi-Humans, Demons, Depictions of Cruelty, Dragons, Elves, Entities, Fairies, Famous Protagonist, Fantasy World, Fast Cultivation, Gods, Goddesses, Hiding True Ability, Loli, Long Separations, Maids, Manipulative Characters, Monster Girls, Mythical Beasts, Older Love Interests, Parallel Worlds, Parody, Phoenixes, Romantic Subplot, Ruthless Protagonist, Shameless Protagonist, Slaves, Vampires, Witches, Younger Lover Interests

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261 Chs

Small Heart Demon

"Place your hand on mine, I will transmit my knowledge of the technique to you and you can decide whether or not you wish to go forward with it, just know that if you choose to do so your mothers can accompany you, but if not then we can only use their method… whatever choice you make, make the choice your heart urges you to make"

Hearing his voice, the girls did not have much hesitation, as they raised their arms and placed it on Yun Long's palm, as they all received a shared memory regarding his Spirit God Soul Binding.

If they previously held any feelings of disdain for him, or just ignoring him as an unworthy person, they were now paying special attention to him because such a wondrous technique.

A technique to connect two souls together so perfectly, with no backlash regarding the difference in souls, and from what they could gather, so long as Yun Long lives, the binding will never falter.

But when they recognised the spell effect within the Spirit God Soul Binding, they could only think of one word which they just barked at Yun Long…


Yun Long may have been a little annoyed but the daughter of the Primordial White Tiger ended her shout with a little 'Nya' which had him bamboozled.


Since it was the only thing that was going through his head he just subconsciously replied to their rage with his very own 'Nya'.

Realising what he had just uttered and the look on the tiger girls face as tears were threatening to burst from her eyes, he simply said "Hmm… if this Young Master was shameless… would I not just make my condition for you to become my women? Unlike some others you actually have a choice you know…"

Yun Long questioned whilst remembering all the times he had used the alternate timeline to make up bullsh*t stories regarding him…

Whilst he always regretted acting so, Yun Long deemed it necessary to do so… which always annoyed him because if he was given another chance… he would still manipulate his way into their hearts.

'Since I have no malicious intent but a malicious approach, the only thing I can do is repay the debt of love for the rest of my life… but I can only do so when I have reached the apex… otherwise there will always be something waiting to disrupt our lives…'

As he was going through his internal monologue, his body automatically assumed his patented Shota-pose which was created by Sect Leader Hua Mei, and was enough to put the five little girls at bay, whilst the Primordial Black Tortoise was looking at Yun Long for another reason.

The atmosphere around the cave changed, she could recognise that it was slowly developing into a heart demon, even though Yun Long would have never expected such a thing, it did not erase its possibility due to his ignorance.


"Are you tired child?" she asked him.


Thinking about his foreseeable future, Yun Long just chuckled pitifully "It matters not… until I reach the peak and smash all obstacles out of my path… I will never rest easy…"

"That is not what I asked about child… are you tired of having to sacrifice your conscience?" she questioned him once more.

"Conscience… even if I had any left… how can I dare ask for a conscience when I perform such despicable deeds, and whilst I can say that my focus is not trying to manipulate them to give me their hearts… but it still does not change the fact that I have manipulated my way into their hearts… just the thought disgusts me… I… disgust me… since I will carry on doing so, should it secure my loved one's future…" as he spoke, he gradually started opening up more as his tears just leaked from his eyes automatically.

"Stop… why are you making me… why am I telling you this…" Yun Long said as he crouched and hid his head in between his knees trying to block out her truth-telling voice from making him blurt out stuff he did not want to hear… since it was the part Yun Long locked away to avoid the damage his actions took.

But what good would that do?

"You are indeed too pitiful my dear… a being on your path is the most pitiful existence in the whole Primal Chaos… solely because those attachments will bring you to the brink before fate plays you as they cruelly toy with your life" the Primordial Black Tortoise said pitying Yun Long greatly.

"You manipulate your way into a woman's heart, whilst saying it was to secure the happiness of your loved ones… yet with the current power you possess, does such things even have meaning? The reason why you hate yourself is because you recognise the underlying selfish act of you wanting to have them for yourself… you hated the fact that you treated them like possessions… is that not right child?" the Primordial Black Tortoise asked as she broke down all his mental manipulations.

"Most likely… I guess my thinking was at first to secure my loved ones safety but the added incentives in having such wonderful woman to accompany me for the rest of my life sealed my decision… but I will never treat my woman like a possession, they have their own will for a reason… whilst I cannot say this for those beyond saving, I would never damage my woman just for my selfish desires" Yun Long said with conviction.

"Then you are having needless worries from your actions… whilst it may seem despicable, it comes from an aspect of purity, otherwise you would have never recognised your actions and hated yourself for doing so, you would have never been able to release all your hidden troubles as your soul would have been tainted making my innate ability worthless… you would have never regretted your actions and were willing to do so again…" the Primordial Black Tortoise stated.

"Thus the only thing you can do, child, is to one day admit to your faults to those you believe have acted despicably with, but by placing yourself under this needless burden, you are in fact paying them a disservice, after all one could argue that one can only be manipulated if they only allow themselves to be manipulated, do you think a random human, using the exact same methods as you, could pass through the doors of their heart?" the Primordial Black Tortoise asked Yun Long gently.

"Of course, not… after all they are strong women… only I in the entire Primal Chaos have enough guts to even attempt to manipulate such beautiful souls…" he said with a genuinely broken smile.

"Then you needn't worry yourself over this matter anymore… but our time is running out, it is time to make a decision, my dear daughters…" the Primordial Black Tortoise said as she sighed.


The five little girls and the four remaining Divine Beasts just watched their conversation with great intrigue and curiosity, as they heard his arrogant statements, to his ambitions and desires, before they witnessed his weak side, the side he harms and locks away for his loved one's sake.

For the five girls, this changed their opinion on him slightly, especially the daughter of the Primordial White Tiger, who was already impressed by his comments about reaching the peak, as she inwardly thought 'Nyahaha… not if I get there first…"

Yun Long forgot about the presence of nine other eyes, but he just ignored it since they witnessed him at his lowest, as he asked them once more.

"So, what is your decision, do you wish to become, essentially, this Young Master's women, or do you prefer the other method… time is not on our side, thus you must make your decisions now…" Yun Long explained softly.

The five of them wanted their mothers to stay alive, of course they did not want to sacrifice their mothers just for their future, what would be the point in such a future, especially since the last thing they could remember was the fresh warm blood of their father painted all over their bodies as he protected them with the last bits of his strength.

They all just nodded without making eye contact, after all they were only sixteen years of age… they had no idea that they would suddenly wake up and basically get married to the first bloke they found after they woke up, talk about kissing the princess out of her coma…

Yun Long then stood in front of the five, as he gestured to them to come over "Come one at a time"

The first to step forward was the Primordial White Tiger's daughter, so Yun Long questioned her "What is your name?"

But she just shook her head "Father and mother just call me little white"

"Surname?" Yun Long asked once more as he just slapped his forehead when she saw her confused look.

Looking at the black-golden eyes in the background, Yun Long just shook his head whilst looking at those eyes, signalling his disdain to the great almighty Slaughter God!

"Then I shall grant you the name Yun Bai"

He then looked at the remaining girls and asked them all "Do any of you have names?"

As he had unfortunately expected, they all just shook their head…

Looking at their mothers in disdain, he just opened his mouth… but he could not even be bothered to bring himself to insult them.

"Yun Xiang" (Vermillion Daughter)

"Yun Xuan" (Tortoise Daughter)

"Yun Yin" (Silver Sheep of Serenity Daughter)

"Yun Zi" (White Spider of Purity Daughter)

"I grant you these names, do you like them?" Yun Long asked as he just received polite nods.

He then finally bound his soul to the five, as their mothers attached their final power consciousness within their soul worlds, becoming a Jasmine type character for the little girls, as he allowed them to recuperate in the Immortal Realm as he finally was able to leave the god forsaken God Realm of Absolute Beginning.

----- Author's Notes -----

Chapter Word Count: 1697

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