
Haikyuu: A Twin's Choice

In a vibrant high school community, Aubert Hiro was an incredibly talented and passionate volleyball player, destined for greatness. However, a pivotal match shattered his dreams when he failed to receive a crucial spike, leading to a heartbreaking loss and overwhelming blame from his teammates. Devastated, Aubert Hiro left volleyball behind and discovered solace in tennis, drawn to its distinct challenges and a desire to distance himself from his painful past. With innate athleticism and unwavering determination, he honed his skills and found purpose on the tennis court. While immersed in the captivating anime series "Haikyuu!" centered around volleyball, Hiro's love for the sport reignited, but it was still not enough for him to play volleyball again. Years of relentless dedication led him to become a tennis legend, but tragedy struck when his life was cut short. Reincarnated as Shoyou Hinata's older twin brother, Aubert faced a life-altering choice: Should he embrace volleyball or reclaim his past as a tennis legend? ============================================ Disclaimer: This fanfiction is based on the Haikyuu!! series by Haruichi Furudate. It is a creative interpretation and not intended for commercial use. Reader discretion is advised as it may deviate from canon and contain mature themes. The original characters and settings belong to their respective creators.

WeighingSwing_35 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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31 Chs

Yukigaoka Junior High vs Kitagawa Daiichi (Part 2)

The referee blew the whistle, signalling it was time for the second set.

Each volleyball club member in both schools returned to the court and positioned themselves.

On the Yukigoaka side of the court, it was now Sora's turn to serve.

Sora stands behind the line, dribbling the volleyball while waiting for the referee to start.

Shoyo, seeing it was Sora's turn to serve, grinned and exclaimed, "Go do the monster serve this set, Aniki!"

Sora smiled at Shoyo and said, "You can count on me, Shoyo."

In Shoyo's eyes, Sora looks self-assured with his serve. But in Sora's case, he was nervous.

'Crap! I did practice in my serves, but I'm still not confident with it.' Sora thought.

In the previous set, Sora did serve, but the serve was slow and readable.

Also, serving has always been his weakness in Sora's previous life since he either puts in too much power or it always lands on the net. But in his current life, he did improve...slightly.


The referee blew the whistle, and it was now time for Sora to serve.

The pressure was on as Sora took a deep breath, trying to calm his nerves. He focused on the ball in his hands, feeling the weight of responsibility as he prepared himself for the serve. With a determined look, he shifted his feet slightly to find the proper stance.

On the other side of the court, the Kitakawa Daiichi players were on high alert, knowing that Sora's serve could be a game-changer. They watched him intently, trying to predict where the ball might go.

Sora bounced the volleyball a few times in his hands, trying to find the perfect grip. He reminded himself of all the hours he had spent practising serves, trying to improve his technique. He knew he had to give it his all if Yukigoaka wanted to gain an advantage in this set.

Feeling as ready as he could be, Sora's grip on the ball tightened. He took a moment to visualize the trajectory he wanted to achieve.

"Here goes nothing," Sora muttered to himself.

In an instant, he tossed the ball into the air and swung his arm with all the force he could muster. The ball soared through the air, leaving a trail of intensity behind it. Sora's heart pounded in his chest as he watched it fly.

But he had overdone it. The ball zipped through the air with incredible speed, almost like a bullet. As it approached the other side of the court, the Kitakawa Daiichi players were caught off guard. They weren't fast enough to react to the incredible speed of Sora's serve.

However, the power came at a cost. The ball went just a few inches over the back boundary line, landing outside the court. It was an exhilarating yet disappointing moment. Sora's eyes widened, realizing he had put too much strength into the serve.

Shoyo and the Yukigoaka team members groaned in frustration, realizing they had missed the opportunity.

They knew that if the ball had landed in bounds, it would have been nearly impossible for the opponents to return it.

Sora clenched his fists, trying to shake off the disappointment. "Too much power," he mumbled to himself, trying to learn from his mistake. He was still determined to improve his service but knew he had to find the right balance between power and control.

The referee called out the point for Kitakawa Daiichi, and Sora returned to his position on the court, ready to defend against the upcoming serve. He didn't let the setback deter him.

Instead, he used it as motivation to do better in the next opportunity that came his way. After all, in volleyball, every point mattered, and Sora was determined to make a difference for his team.


On the Kitagawa Daiichi side, they were still recovering from shock by Sora's serve.

Sure, Sora did serve in the first set, but the speed is nothing compared to what he does now.

"I'm glad the Carrot Head's serve was out. That would be troublesome to receive." A player with dark hair parted into two sides in the middle muttered.

"I agree with you there." A guy with dark hair that sticks straight up agreed.

Kageyama, known as the "King of the Court," had always been a player with high standards and expectations. He didn't tolerate distractions or any signs of complacency from his teammates. When he heard Yutaro and Akira discussing Sora's service, he scowled and immediately called them out.

"Yutaro and Akira, stop blabbering and focus!" Kageyama's voice was firm and authoritative, demanding their attention.

Akira Kunimi, the player with dark hair parted into two sides in the middle, rolled his eyes at Kageyama's reprimand.

He knew Kageyama's intensity all too well. Muttering under his breath, he replied sarcastically, "Okay, King."

Yūtarō Kindaichi, the guy with dark hair that sticks straight up, snickered.

Kageyama's scowl deepened, but he should focus on the match now.


Someone from Kitagawa Daiichi served, and the second set continued.


Kageyama took a deep breath and stepped back to prepare for his serve. The score was 7-11 in their favour, and he knew every point was crucial at this match stage.

His eyes scanned the Yukigoaka side, trying to assess the best place to target his serve.

His gaze settled on Sora in the Libero position, and a frown creased his forehead. He remembered from the first set Sora excelled at receiving, which was unexpected for someone primarily known as a setter.

Kageyama respected Sora's skills, but he also knew that targeting him with a serve could potentially disrupt Yukigoaka's offence.

'If I serve hard, it might put them under pressure and make it difficult for Sora to receive cleanly,' Kageyama thought, contemplating his options.

He had a powerful serve that was known to challenge even skilled receivers. But after witnessing Sora's earlier serve with immense power and speed, Kageyama couldn't help but wonder if he should also take it up a notch.

"Should I also hit hard?" The question lingered in his mind as he prepared for the serve. He wanted to contribute to the team's momentum and make a difference in the match.

The referee blew the whistle, and Kageyama's focus intensified. With determination in his eyes, he tossed the volleyball into the air and swung his arm with all his strength. The ball shot across the court at an incredible speed, leaving a trail of intensity in its wake.

However, the heightened power also came with less control. The ball landed out of bounds just a few inches past the back boundary line.

"Damn it!" Kageyama gritted his teeth in frustration. He knew he could serve well, but his attempt to increase the speed had backfired. His risk did not pay off, and he gave away a precious point to the opposing team.

The Kitagawa Daiichi players exchanged concerned glances, but Kageyama scared them off with his usual death stare.

The score was now 8-11, and Kageyama was determined to make up for his error and lead his team to victory. The match was far from over, and he knew he had to stay mentally strong and make the right decisions on the court.


The score was now 11-10 in Yukigaoka's favour.

The atmosphere in the gymnasium was tense as the score gap narrowed to just one point. The match had been intense from the beginning, and both teams were putting all their efforts into gaining the upper hand.

Izumi's serve had been received well by the Kitagawa Daiichi libero, setting up the play for Kageyama to make the next move. As the ball came to him, Kageyama couldn't help but recall the incredible Quick Attack executed by the Hinata twins. The memory of their perfect synchronization and lightning-fast speed flashed in his mind.

Determined to turn the tables, Kageyama decided to try something different. He set the ball to Kindaichi much faster than usual, hoping to catch the opposing team off guard. However, Kindaichi seemed unprepared for the sudden change in pace and missed the opportunity to spike the ball effectively.

Kageyama gritted his teeth and faced Kindaichi angrily, "Yutaro, be faster and be more alert!"

Yutaro, however, didn't like what Kageyama said and decided to roll his eyes.

The score is now 12-10, in Yukigaoka's favour.


The tension on the court was palpable as the score reached a critical point, with both teams tied at 15-15. Kitagawa Daiichi's server sent the ball over the net, and Koji managed to receive it, setting up the play for Sora to do the quick attack with Shoyo, their usual move.

Kageyama, known for his exceptional observation skills and strategic thinking, closely watched Sora's movements to anticipate where the ball would go. As he observed Sora, he saw Shoyo positioning himself to spike the ball, leading Kageyama to believe that Sora would set it to Shoyo as usual.

Thinking quickly, Kageyama signalled his team to block Shoyo, hoping to thwart their opponents' attack. However, this time, Shoyo was playing the decoy. Unbeknownst to Kageyama, Sora had other plans. At the last moment, Sora set the ball to Izumi, who was left unguarded due to the focus on Shoyo.

The unexpected move caught Kitagawa Daiichi's blockers off guard, and Izumi took full advantage of the opening, delivering a powerful spike that landed on the court untouched. The ball hit the floor, and the gymnasium erupted into cheers from the Kitagawa Daiichi supporters.

Kageyama's expression turned from anticipation to surprise and frustration as he realized his mistake in misreading Sora's intentions.

Kageyama then saw Sora looking at him. As Kageyama's eyes met Sora's, and he saw that smirking expression, a surge of irritation washed over him.

Clearly, Sora had deliberately deceived him with that clever decoy play, and it stung Kageyama's pride as a setter and strategist. He prided himself on his ability to read the game and make precise decisions, but in this crucial moment, he had been outsmarted.

Kageyama turned to Yutaro and said, "I want you to be faster since I will set faster, so be alert!"

Yutaro, however, rolled his eyes and said, "Sure,"

Yutara knew that the fast set that Kageyama did earlier was too quick for him and his teammates, so it was almost impossible.

The score is now 16-15 in Yukigaoka's favour.


In the intense match, with the score now 16-15 in Yukigaoka's favour, Kageyama's frustration was evident as he repeatedly set the ball too fast, causing the spiker to miss the opportunity to spike effectively.

"Be faster!" Kageyama's exasperated voice rang out each time as he urged his teammates to match his pace.

The pressure continued to mount, and the score extended to 19-15 in Yukigaoka's favour. Yet again, Kageyama's quick sets posed a challenge for the spiker, resulting in another missed opportunity.

"Be faster!" Kageyama's frustration was growing with each missed attempt.

The score is now 21-15 in Yukigaoka's favour, and Kageyama couldn't find the right rhythm with his spikers. He set the ball too fast again, leading to another missed spike.

"Be faster!" Kageyama's voice echoed with a mix of annoyance and urgency.

Recognizing the impact of Kageyama's frustration on the team's performance, the coach of Kitagawa Daiichi wisely decided to call for a time-out. The coach wanted to provide a moment of respite for the players and take the opportunity to address the issue.


The Kitagawa Daiichi volleyball club atmosphere became tense as the coach addressed Kageyama's fast setting. The players gathered in a circle, and the coach directed his question to Kageyama, seeking to explain his actions.

"Kageyama, why are you setting the ball faster than usual?" the coach inquired.

Kageyama, without hesitation, responded, "Coach, I wanted to replicate the quick attack that the orange-haired twins did."

The coach sighed, recognizing the ambition and potential dangers of attempting such a challenging move without sufficient practice. He tried to reason with Kageyama, "Kageyama, I told you that quick attacks require a lot of practice. It's not something that can be done haphazardly."

But Kageyama persisted, driven by his desire to succeed on the court. "But I want to do it! They're just slow!" he exclaimed, referring to his teammates.

His words struck a nerve among his fellow players, particularly Kindaichi. Feeling offended and frustrated, Kindaichi fired back, "Hah!? Slow?! You're just uncoordinated!"

The tension escalated, and the coach intervened, raising his voice to quell the rising conflict. "Enough!" he commanded, restoring order to the conversation.

With a stern expression, the coach turned his attention back to Kageyama and calmly explained, "Kageyama, I want you to sit this one out for now."

Kageyama was taken aback by the coach's decision, feeling surprised and disappointed. "W-What?! But why?!" he protested.

The coach concisely explained, "I'll be brief in my explanation, but your frustration is disrupting the coordination."

As the coach's words sank in, Kageyama's eyes widened, and he glanced at his teammates.

The realization that his frustration was affecting himself and disrupting the team's coordination hit him hard. He felt embarrassed and regretful for letting his emotions get the better during such an important match.

As Kageyama saw the disappointment and frustration in his teammates' expressions, he knew that stepping back and allowing someone else to take his place on the court was the right decision. He sat on the bench with a heavy heart, feeling a mix of emotions - regret for his earlier actions, determination to do better, and hope that his team could still turn the game around.

Observing the situation, the coach decided to take charge and address the team's concerns. With a determined look, he said, "Okay, I know their quick attack is hard to predict, but I've got a strategy."

The players perked up at the coach's words, intrigued by the prospect of a new plan to tackle Yukigaoka's challenging quick attack.

"What is it, Coach?" they asked in unison, eager to hear the strategy.

The coach explained his plan, "Since their quick attack is catching us off guard, we'll focus on improving our block and defence. Instead of trying to predict their moves, we'll work on reading their spikers' body language and adjusting our positioning accordingly."

He continued, "We'll communicate more effectively on the court, calling out potential plays and staying vigilant. By strengthening our block and defence, we can slow down their quick attacks and give us a better chance to counter."

The players listened attentively, absorbing the coach's strategy. It was a shift in approach, moving away from trying to predict the unpredictable and instead relying on their teamwork and adaptability.

The coach also emphasized, "Kageyama, I want you to observe from the bench and analyze their plays. Your input will be valuable when you return to the court."

Kageyama nodded, acknowledging his role as an observer and supporter for the time being. He knew that even from the bench, he could still contribute to the team's success by analyzing the game and providing valuable insights.


All the players regrouped on the court, positioning themselves strategically.

As they returned, Sora couldn't help but notice Kageyama sitting on the bench.

Memories of Kageyama's time on the bench in middle school resurfaced in Sora's mind. "Didn't that happen after they beat Yukigaoka?" he thought.

Just then, he felt a tap on his shoulder and turned to see Shoyo with a beaming smile. "Aniki, the black-haired setter you had a bad impression with earlier, got benched. This should be an easy match!"

Sora replied thoughtfully, "True, but we mustn't underestimate them, Shoyo."



As the celebration subsided, the Kitagawa Daiichi team gathered in a circle, their faces reflecting determination and concern. They were starting to adapt to the quick attack that the Hinata twins, Shoyo and Sora, were famous for.

This quick attack had been their most potent weapon so far, and it had caused trouble for Kitagawa Daiichi in the previous sets. Now, the twins' best weapon was losing its effectiveness.

Shoyo and Sora exchanged frustrated glances, realizing their signature move might not be enough to secure victory in the final set. The twins knew they needed to devise a new strategy that could catch Kitagawa Daiichi off guard once again.

"Sora-San, what are we going to do? They are adapting to your quick attacks," Izumi, one of their teammates, asked, concern etched on his face.

Koji said, "Yeah, that's like our only weapon in our team."

They were right. The Quick Attack executed by the twins was the main reason they had given Kitagawa Daiichi a tough time. Without it, they knew they would be at a significant disadvantage.

"There's also the fact that everyone except Shoyo and Sora is average with their skills," Koji pointed out, acknowledging that the twins' talents significantly impacted the team's performance.

Shoyo's eyes lit up with an idea. "Aniki, I think we should use Decoys more often," he suggested.

Sora pondered the suggestion for a moment before nodding in agreement. "You're right, Shoyo. If we can create more decoys and mix up our plays, it might catch them off, guard. Let's make them uncertain which of us will attack next."

Their teammates listened intently, showing signs of excitement and hope. Incorporating more decoys into their plays held promise, and it was worth a shot to keep the opposition guessing.

As they continued their discussion, the team explored various scenarios and strategies, taking into account each player's strengths and weaknesses. They realized teamwork and precise coordination would be vital in the upcoming sets.

The atmosphere around the circle became charged with determination as the Hinata twins' passion and resilience inspired their teammates. They knew it wouldn't be easy, but they were ready to give their all to turn the tide in their favour.

They broke the circle with newfound enthusiasm, ready to face the third set with a renewed sense of purpose. The match was far from over, and Kitagawa Daiichi was about to witness the true spirit of the Hinata twins and their team.

I have no idea if I'm doing the volleyball match correctly lol

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