

The story follows Akimitsu, a student who is desperately trying to to make his ends meet in a time when Japan is at its worst and faces severe crisis but everything takes a turn for the worst when he survives a deadly encounter with his long lost brother and learns a secret which may set to change the course of his life;he isn't a human but something else entirely:he is a monster

Hadie_Khan · Fantaisie
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39 Chs


While Akimitsu and oldman were fighting their own demons,the whole doujo was filled with duels happening all over the place.

The enemy had not yet managed to come underground and most of the fighting was taking place in the upper portions of the dojou.

Still,the scale of the attack was enough for everyone to know how dangerous and serious the situation was.

Ahihito,Akiba and Fumiko were in the training hall when they heard the explosion and felt the hallway shake.

It was like an earthquake the whole building shaked and each and everyone of them who standing fell on the ground.

"What was that?" Sora asked while gripping his head which had hit the ground.

"The barrier has been destroyed:there is a hole in it I can feel it" Kuro answered.

He turned towards Akuma.

"You know what it is"


He walked towards Akuma and put his right hand on his shoulder.

"You know what we discussed before.It must be done.You take them to safety with your life"

Akuma straightened himself to accept the order

"Yes sir"

"Remember how important it was for the oldman"

Kuro turned towards the group.

"I hope you goodluck with everything.Its not gonna be easy from now on".

Everyone of them was wondering what he meant about what he was saying.

He than turned to walk away from them.

"Sir,I hope I get to see you again"

He didn't look back instead he bend down and disappeared in an instant.

Akuma turned towards the group.

"We need to get out of here as quickly as we can:we'll take the short route,regroup with Akimitsu and make our way outside the doujo as soon as possible".

"Well,do you mind telling us what happened?"Akiba asked.

Akiba did not like being kept in the dark about anything

Without answering,Akuma simply walked towards the wall infront of them and put his hand on it.

The wall moved places and a hallway appeared.

"Here,we will take this pathway" he stepped aside for all of them to walk through.

"You still didn't answer my question" Akiba complained while they all walked in and the wall behind them closed.

Akuma turned towards them with his hands in his pockets.

His handsome features were apparent for the first time and from how he looked it appeared he did not give a fuck about anything or anyone.

He walked towards Akiba.

"Am I subordinate to you in any way?" he asked moving closer and closer to Akiba.

"If you think you can have an attitude with me-"Akiba was cut short with a punch in his stomach.

Akuma held him up with his collar.

"Luckily,the next task involves running otherwise it would have been your balls so you get what I said?No attitude with me"

He dropped him on the floor.

He looked towards the other two.

"I expect the same from both of you"

Akiba was struggled to stand up.

"Now listen we are running through this hallway and we are not stopping until we reach Akimitsu so whatever happens we do not stop running until I say so.You guys don't know how dangerous the situation is so listen to whatever I say".

"Fair enough"Ahihito replied.

Akiba was groaning on the floor.

Akuma kicked Akiba again in the stomach.


Akuma had a smile on his face.

"Just try standing up"he replied.

Akiba was not having it.


Irritated,Akuma held him up straight and Akiba felt no pain in his stomach this time.

Akiba opened his mouth to say more but Akuma stopped him.

"We don't have anymore time to waste so we run and we don't stop,understand?".

Everyone of them nodded not knowing what was about to come ahead.

i jus realizes 13% of my audience is from pakistan so quite surprised lol but anyways I hope you enjoy this chap next one on Wednesday pakka

Hadie_Khancreators' thoughts