

Haffiriala, a young woman with a perfected beauty beyond description found herself in Egypt, where every man wants to get married to her. Her people the Israelites were under slavery at the hand of Pharaoh, Rameses, the prince of Egypt desperately desired her as a wife, but she fell in love with Morinaadri, a wine dealer who could not return same affection because of her excelent beauty. Her people, the Israelites see her as a gift from God, and so they placed the heavy burden of their liberation on her head. It is either she marry the prince so that they will be made free, or she and her familly faces great persection.

Etinosa_Iyinbor · Fantaisie
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8 Chs

4. He came to the dinner

Meanwhile, having gotten home, Haffiriala deliriously engaged herself in the kitchen. Soriam also joined her mistress to prepare for her guest. Some people who came to offer a generous service were as well present. So having enough helping hand, she deliriously delegate duties. They all helped her rebrand the sitting room while she and Soriam took charge of the kitchen. Thereafter, the table were delicately garnished with palatable meal and the sweet wine of Morinaandri. She needed not to chivvy any one to be serious in their duty, it was crystal clear that such a guest who could fascinate her is very special. Soriam however was inquisitive, but she was not willing to divulge the identity of the person, till he appears. 'Is it Morinaadri?' Soriam asked.

'Wow, how did you know that.' She replied with surprise.

'I learnt you went to Vanaela market today, the news of your closeness with him is everywhere. Why did you invite him over?'

'Do not worry, you will get to know soon.'

'I hope it's not what I'm thinking.'

'You are free to think anything.' Haffiriala concluded.

Soon, everyone completed their task, The sitting room appeared so appealing and new, nothing was left unclean. All those that helped received a warm smile and embrace from her before leaving, which was the very reason they were present. Some behaved in a manner that could get her attention. They were not willing to leave at yet till she convinced them to do so.

Later that evening, her parents returned home with her aunt named Dosilia, to see the table and it environ unusually prepared. They were as well marveled at the new look of the villa. Dosilia was the first to exclaim, she freak-out the moment she entered the sitting room. 'This is so lovely; I never knew that I was such a hallowed guest.'

'Dosilia, you know that this is an unplanned visit, there's no how my household could have been aware of your coming.' Idoffia helped to delude her illusion.

Soon, Haffiriala and Soriam came out to welcome them. Dosilia was so delighted to see Haffiriala, she gave her a kiss on the forehead and a warm embrace. Not seeing her a month seems like a year. She was so close to her right from her childhood, she watched her grew into a beauty-queen. But Haffiriala was inconvenient with her presence, she knows her to be absonant and difficult, and wished she left before Morinaadri's arrival. Nonetheless she concealed the dislike for her presence.

'May we have dinner already, I'm hungry.' Gaias grunted while taking his feet.

'Not yet father.' Haffiriala made a move to stop him.

'And why is that?'

'I've invited someone special to have dinner with us, he will be the one I want to marry.'

'Haffiriala!' Soriam exclaimed, with a melancholic behavior.

'Do you know the person?' Gaias inquired from Soriam. A gesture from Haffiriala made her to answer differently. 'I only reacted because she didn't let me know.'

Everyone beside Soriam was curious to hear from Haffiriala. This was her reply: 'Soon you'll see him, let it be a surprise.'

Her parents became excited, they held and kissed her, and expressed gratitude, thinking it was prince Rameses. 'It is not the prince,' she said. Instantaneous, their bright countenance declined. 'This is shocking. Which other choice is better than the prince?' Idoffia asked. Gaias was quick to respond. He said; 'Do not worry, let's see that person she claims is perfect than the prince.'

Throughout that period, it was only Dosilia whose bright look did not diminish. She was only excited for her decision to finally marry. She was aware of the numerous suitors she declined. 'I can't wait to see such thrilling man who could steal the heart of my beauty-queen.' Dosilia continued speaking, demanding high expectation from her spectacular man. Meanwhile herparents abound with lamentation, triggering tension.

Still at that intriguing moment, Soriam privately brought the news of Morinaadri's presence to her. Instantaneously, Haffiriala find her way to him. He appeared at the surrounding with his best clothe. The outfit may not portray him to be wealthy, but it was compensated by his cuteness; and his looks tells that he is a responsible young man. He came close to the building, not seeing any one at the door, his anxiety amplified; he took a deep breath that gave him the morale to keep going. But immediately she showed up at the door, all storm within his bowel subsided, and his morale got invigorated. The unconducive atmosphere suddenly became fresh. She revealed her indisputable excitement by her charming smiles. 'I'm so pleased you honored by invitation,' She gripped his right arm, to walk him in.

'If necessary, I will go a thousand mile just to find and gain your love.'

'The journey has just started. Now is the time to find me.'

'I hope your parents will receive me.'

'Do you care to know? Just be patient with them and you may win their trust.'