

Haffiriala, a young woman with a perfected beauty beyond description found herself in Egypt, where every man wants to get married to her. Her people the Israelites were under slavery at the hand of Pharaoh, Rameses, the prince of Egypt desperately desired her as a wife, but she fell in love with Morinaadri, a wine dealer who could not return same affection because of her excelent beauty. Her people, the Israelites see her as a gift from God, and so they placed the heavy burden of their liberation on her head. It is either she marry the prince so that they will be made free, or she and her familly faces great persection.

Etinosa_Iyinbor · Fantasy
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8 Chs

3. I will love you

Thereafter, she sneaked out of the villa to locate the market. Morinaadri had already noticed her presence in the market from the noises generated. He knew she was after him. What baffled him was that, despite how their conversation ended that morning, she refused to backdown. He sighted her walking majestically. Some people who saw her appeared that way, gave her beautiful dresses; decorated her hair with flowers; some jewelry, and some shoes so she could put on; both the Egyptians and Israelites alike flocked around her. She gladly received them and appreciate with a warm gesture, but did not do as they required. Her steps were not hindered, though she revealed her smiles and waved at them till she stood before Morinaadri. This time he looked at her and gazed at her dress. 'I told you, you can't conceal your glory through apparel.'

'The same way you can't drain up my person.'

'You are not just blessed with beauty, but favor goes along with you.'

'Just the same way we will never run dry. All that my father has is through the grace that follows me. It is a gift from my God.'

'Come over here.' He invited her into his shop and offered her a cup of sweet wine.

One of prince Rameses spies set to watch over her where about, conveyed the news of her attachment with Morinaandri. The prince was bitter knowing that he is competing with a common citizen. He was about to furiously take a hasty decision against Morinaadri while he was still with Haffiriala in the market. But the spy refrained him by his wise thought. 'The traders may seize your men and force them to divulge the person behind the attack.' He continued by giving a more subtle idea, which he whispered to his ears to prevent the walls from hearing.

Meanwhile Morinaadri and Haffiriala have been having a pleasing moment. Almost all buyers clustered his shop in order to buy from them. They conversed so much with her and referred Morinaandri her brother. The buyers kept tripping in to buy from them, thereby clogging other vendors, so that they stationed jealously to watch them. Soon all his barrels of wine emptied, there was no more wine to sell to the remaining buyers. Gradually the disappointed buyers dispersed. So Morinaandri immediately locked his shop and left with her.

On their way he began to boast, he claimed to be the luckiest man in the planet. Words could not describe his excitement. She was a glory to him; no one passed by them without a revered greeting. Even the princess of Egypt does not get such salutation. Either does the prince enjoy such mutual greetings. Morinaadri was already swimming in love, if possible, he was prepared to go extreme mile to marry her right away.

So, he took her to his house and said, 'this is where I lay my head.' She smiled while gazing around. The room was so unclean; barrels littered the house and cobweb hanged around the walls, the table and chairs were covered with dust. She spread her hands and said, 'let's make here a palace for us.' Immediately, she got hold of a broom and began cleaning up the house. Morinaadri became flabbergasted, 'how could a girl of your status have the pleasure of doing this?'

'You see me as a girl with class, but I see myself as any other girl who will someday make a home.'

He likewise joined to assist her, saying, 'Why was I so blind to desire wealth more than you? A treasure which thousands dig deep into the earth to seek I saw on my way, but was scared to pick it up.'

'Still, it went after you. What is yours is yours, and that to me it's destiny. You are my destiny; I will forever anchor my love with you.'

'If I think of the reason you love me this much, I may lose courage. But this is destiny as you said. I do not want to procrastinate making you, my wife. I need to grasp this chance now it's at my hand.'

'The only challenge now is for you to prove your love for me before my parents.'

He claimed to be equal to the task, meanwhile Haffiriala gave him no reason to doubt. With the two of them together, no mountain is impossible to climb. She was confident that if she put on a dramatic nature, it could twist the thought of her parents to her favor. Haffiriala therefore invited him over for dinner so he could meet with her parents.

All the while they cleaned the house, they talked about several things. The house was giving a new look, it shows how important a woman is in a home. Morinaadri was so good in giving her compliment. He made her realize what makes her attain a perfect woman. She truly had the best quality of a perfect wife. However familiar she was with praises, his own were special and enervating.

After tidying up the house, it is high time she left. She said to him, 'I will be leaving, do not forget to come over for dinner, I want you to meet with my parents and get their consent.' Not to take that moment for granted, immediately she left, he began practicing what to say to her parents that will be convincing. To him all his words were bluntly selected. The thought of his friend, Simeon, who is more prudent with words came to his mind. Fortunately, Simeon was his neighbor. He walked in as Haffiriala left a while ago. He had become so inquisitive after learning about her presence in Morinaadri's house. Simeon learnt about his closeness with her from several people, but didn't believe it till he saw her leaving the surrounding. The condition of his house was an evidence that he hosted a special guest. But he was still eager to hear from the horse's mouth. He startled after Morinaadri told him that he will be meeting her parents that evening. If she hadn't show up at his place, Simeon would have made a sarcastic remark over that. At that point in time, what was needed is to assist Morinaadri prepare for that dinner.

Morinaadri cared less about clothes, it was complex for Simeon to see the one to approve; they all looked almost alike. And when it was time to practice what to say, it was a thing to laugh over as if he lost his mind. Simeon began his lessons: 'The way you will walk into their midst should be with a pattern that will describe your dignity. To do that your steps should be gentle, you should show no panic, either trust your eyes around with things you see or hear. Your greetings should be swift and simple, and you must learn to look at their eyes'. Do not make any movement unless you are being told to do so. Only sit if she is the one asking you, and make sure she sits by you. Do not express surprise when you see the garnished meal on the table, and don't be quick to compliment the chef, if you do so they will think you are unfamiliar with good dishes, but make compliment if you notice others expressing the same. They will want to bring topics that may ridicule you, be smart enough to know when and how to come in. Be bold enough to defend yourself even when they discover your weakness.'

'This will be so difficult. Too many rules, how can I remember all.'

'You have to remember them. Now let's be more practical.' Simeon acted the role of her father. He said to Morinaadri, 'why do you want to marry my daughter'

'Because I love her so much.'

'Everyone loves her so dearly, is there no better reason?'

'I want to marry her because she is the perfect one for me.'

'That sounds selfish. Don't you think she is so unique and needed to be treated as a princess?'

'She is so special to me and I will treat her as a princess.'

'And how do you intend to doing that?'

'I will make her, I will give.'

'You will what?'

'I will give her anything she desires.'

'What if she desires half of this kingdom, can you get her? And what is your occupation as evidence?'

'I'm a wine dealer.'

'A wine dealer, and you want to get married to my daughter. What can a wine dealer offer her?'

At this point, Morinaadri loosed self-esteem; he thought Simeon was too hard on him. 'This lesson is enough for me. I will know what to answer at that very moment,' he concluded.