

In the heart of New York City, where power and danger collide, Felicity "Flick" Lancaster, the fiery CEO of the Lancaster Legacy Hotels, finds herself under the protection of Nikolai "Niko" Vasiliev, a stoic ex-soldier turned bodyguard. As danger escalates, Flick and Niko must confront their growing attraction amidst rival mafias seeking revenge. With secrets unraveling and hearts on the line, they must decide if love is worth risking it all.

csrishti225 · Urbain
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3 Chs

Blood Reeking Secrets.

"Marco, get me those footage now." Flick barked on the phone like a crazy woman which people usually thought of her. Sofia, her bodyguard aka the secretary followed Flick through the lobby. 

As Flick ended the call, Sofia began, "As Mr. Lancaster got down of his car, two looking-like beggars were standing at the corner of the alley." Sofia, quickly stepped ahead opening the door to her cabin. Luxury was an understatement. The walls were adorned with tasteful artwork, but all the attention was getting a photo frame placed at the center of the room. A family photo. 


It was the only thing Flick cherished the most after her Lancaster Hotel chain. The whole cabin was lightned with warm lights. A sturdy oak wooden desk was placed in front of the photo frame. Paired with her throne-like leather chair. 

As they both enter, Sofia continued,"His men thought of them as drunkards, so they didn't take them as a threat. Which those two men took the opportunity and aimed at Mr. Lancaster." 

Flick slowed down. Her hand slowly caressing the photoframe of her family. Her dad. He wasn't an ideal father for her still she looked upon him. Flick eyes got closed and a drop of her grief dropped. "How many shots?" Her voice was hoarse with all the sadness she was holding inside of her burning heart. 

"Three. Two on his chest and one on his arm." Sofia spoke with a straight face. Flick's eyes opened the next moment. Her emrald eyes blazing with a thirst of blood and revenge. She gritted out the statement, "Show me the footage." Turning back with a stoic expression on her face, she walked to her chair.

Settling down like a queen she was. Her eyes were glued to the screen of her desktop. An email notification poped on her screen. It was from Marco. Not wasting any time, she opened the email. A number of footages started to come in her sight. As the email was loaded completely, she started the first footage. 

It was from their family mansion. Her father was getting into the car and his men were all prepared. The next footage was of the bustling street of Manhattan. Her eyes kept staring at his father's car. Though a direct attack was not possible but not for a sniper. "Sofia, tell Marco to find the footages of our area from two-to-three months. See if there was any unusal activities going on."

"You mean to say an assassian was also there." Sofia understood her suspicision but Flick didn't reply. Not that she needed Flick's confirmation.

She and Marco were with Flick for a while. In this time, they saw her serious and strict demeanor. And also the beautiful smile of hers when she spends time with her family.

Retrieving her phone, Sofia called Marco and informed about their suspicision. Flick kept looking for any other clues but from her furrowed brows and frustated expression, it was evident that she failed. One last footage left, she took a sigh as if she praying for finding any clue. As she clicked on the footage, the screen turned bright. 

Her eyes scanning the environment, she realized that it was the alley which was just situated one block away from hotel's backside exit. The whole alley was deserted until her father's car was seen coming towards the alley. They stopped at the blind spot from where she couldn't see anything. 

Moments later, Few figures started to come in her sight. Two men were dragging an old man. The man was still and drenched in blood. As her eyes met with that dread scene, her heart skipped a beat. The man was her father. Drenched in blood. Helpless. Her eyes squinted as if she didn't want to admit it. The fact that her powerful father, The Johnathan Lancaster. The head of the Lancaster family. The Lord of the underworld of New York. Even a thought of messing with him or his family was enough to get them killed. 

But now his father was not looking a powerful as he depicted. She realized that none of them were able to dodge death everytime. Just one shot and that person could leave you forever. "Mr. Lancaster has come ot of surgery. He is stable now." The news made her eyes snap open. She stood on her place and grabbed her jacket and clutch. Sofia quickly opened the door for her and also exited from the cabin with her. 

While following Flick, she called Marco to get the car to the front of the hotel. The ticking of Flick's heel was echoing in the opulent lobby. Staff when noticed both especially their lady boss, they all cleared up to give them space. 

Getting into the elevator, Sofia pressed the ground floor button. The door shut and the air trapped in staff's lungs got out. "Did you see her face?" One female staff asked the other staff. "Yes, it seems like she is in a bad mood." The other replied. Joining in the conversation, the third staff informed, "Don't you know, I heard that Johnathan Lancaster got into an accident."

"Are you sure it was really an accident but not a murder attempt?" The first staff spoke her mind. "Really?" the second staff gasped with shock, "Why do you say like that?" Both the other staff looked at her with an are-you-serious look. "Don't you know who Johnathan Lancaster is?" The second staff stared at them with a confused look when they both continued, "He is a don. Not only that people say that he is the boss of the underworld."

"No way!" The second staff covered her mouth and her eyes widen. "Of course. How do you think Ms. Lancaster is successful at such young age." The third staff stated with a bit of jealousy. The first staff gruffed out, "Also, she is really a spoilt brat who doesn't think about others. I think it's just the karma of their family."

"What's happening here?" They were still busy in their conversation when the manager appeared out of nowhere. Folding hands and having a serious expression on his face made them realize that he would have heard their conversation. "If you don't want to work overtime then do your work with more sincerity and less gossip is that clear?"

"Yes, sir."

Not wanting to get in trouble the three of them left the lobby to their respective work. Letting out a sigh of relief then Manager also got into his work. 

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