

In the heart of New York City, where power and danger collide, Felicity "Flick" Lancaster, the fiery CEO of the Lancaster Legacy Hotels, finds herself under the protection of Nikolai "Niko" Vasiliev, a stoic ex-soldier turned bodyguard. As danger escalates, Flick and Niko must confront their growing attraction amidst rival mafias seeking revenge. With secrets unraveling and hearts on the line, they must decide if love is worth risking it all.

csrishti225 · Urban
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3 Chs

Backstabbing Bonds.

[In World Relief Hospital]

In one the VIP room of the hospital, Jonathan lay motionless on the bed, his frail body was covered with the tubes and wires. An oxygen mask covered his face. The rhythmic voice of the respirator was the only sound in the quiet room.

Luca was standing out of the room with his phone. His whole demeanor was speaking power and danger. His emerald orbs were matching with those of Flick's eyes. But his piercing eyes could see all of a person's deepest, darkest secrets. His features were attractive. He was the flame to which all kind of moths get attracted to and then loose their lives. His styled hair were now coming to his face making him drop-dead handsome. His ironed, hand-stitched suit were all shabby which proved that how fedup and frustated he was. 

"Those f**kers will get to any extents to get us dead." His low yet deadly voice echoed in the hallway.

"Doesn't matter what those f**kers do. None of those people can tarnish our empire. I will take care of that brother." Flick who just came onto the VIP floor answered to his brother. Not giving any second thought, Luca ended the call and straight took her in his embrace. "Oh Flick, I don't know what to say."

"You don't need to say anything Luca. It's our war and we will win it on our terms." Flick replied while caressing his back. They both knew it was a tough situation. Both took the ought to be it the first and the last time that they got emotional and weak. Seprating from each other, Luca's eyes fell on Sofia. 

In return Sofia quickly bowed to him and greeted, "Hello, Mr. Lancaster. I am sorry that you are going through such hard time." Luca nodded his head in return and turned to his sister. They both had the same eye color and the hair color. Rather than that there was nothing in common between them. 

While Luca was a practical and strategic man, on other hand, Flick was a Fierce woman with the worst temper. She was emotional about her family and her anger was her fuel to burn this whole world. While Luca was also sad about his father still he couldn't let his emotions win over himself. He knew one wrong move and they all are 6 feet under the ground. Taking Flick with him, he entered the room. 

Johnathan was still laying unconcious. His face got paled. Flick's eyes were burning. She took a deep breath. Walking towards her father, she sat down beside him. Her hand automatically went upon his hand. The warmth of the hand were turned into stone-cold. The big-calloused hand which she used held were now all frail. 

She didn't like it at all. She covered his hand with both of hers and started to rub them to give him some warmth. Luca was watching her from the corner. He knew Flick was a family person and Johnathan was both her father and mother. 

All the love she was supposed to get from her mother was taken from her. He was the only one left for her. If Johnathan didn't make it through, it will be hard to control Flick. But this wasn't the only concern for him. From what he got to know, the attack was planned by one of their family members. 

Only few people knew that Johnathan was going to meet Flick that day. Even Flick didn't knew. Johnathan was busy with Yakuzas. He was in Japan for approximately two years. He returned just few days back but none of them got to see each other. 

Johnathan stubborn wish to meet his daughter made everyone helpless. Who knew that a happy suprise would turned into a deadly attack. Luca knew if Flick got to know about it. She will blame herself for it and could even loose her temper. 

Both the father-daughter duo were stubborn like hell. His lips curved a little thinking of those sweet family moments he had with his father and sister. But the next moment the smile was gone and his lost the trail of the thoughts when he heard Flick's voice, "Why did father came out of the mansion?"

Not now Flick, Luca spoke to himself. Tightening up his expression, he answered straight, "I can't tell you. It's confidential." Flick froze in her position. Her eyes which were then glued to her father's face was now glaring at Luca. "And why is that?" She asked gritting her jaw. "Father was the only one who asked me to keep it secret."

"Even from me?" Flick stood from her place. Slowly stepping towards Luca as if a tigress is preparing to catch its prey. Her eyes still on him. "Yes. It's business-related. So, I cannot even tell you." Luca was in his position ready for anything. He knew that her sister could turn into a wild cat. 

"Our father is lying on the bed and you are still talking about business?" Her tone went up. Brimming with anger, her hands were shivering. This Luca's eyes went cold and so does his tone, "Don't forget who you are and who you are speaking to." This time he took a step towards her. Coming face-to-face with his sister, he continued, "You know, I am not obliged to answer your question. So, don't cross your line or..."

"Or what?" Flick interrupted him with a predatory look on her face. 

"Or else it will not even take a second for me to snap your neck." A cold and hoarse voice fell in her ears. Flick's eyes moved to the figure approaching towards them. Seeing that person, Flick turned to him. A viscious smile came upon her face, "Before you could even try to do so I will pull out your eye ball from the socket with my pretty long nails, Niko." She pressured on the nickname. 

She knew he didn't even like a bit when she used to call him that. Though it doesn't suit his personality still the annoying look on the man's face was worth every penny. 

But this time the man didn't even have a line of annoyance on his face. Instead the man's lips curved into a devilish smirk, "I would love to see that, malysh."

Oh God, how could I forget about it. Flick thought to herself while glaring straight into his dark-night eyes with her fist ready to blow up his face any second.

Little one, the nickname that Niko gave to Flick due to their major height difference. 

Author: *kicking legs in the air.*Something is brewing. The spark has started to ignite.

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