
Guardian Alphas

Both Gael and Adrian are alphas. Born at the same era and for the same goal. Nature wants them together but will one alpha bow to another? They will fight, love, cultivate and grow stronger together as they build a family but will they build this family together or apart? It is a story of resilience and love. We laugh as we cheer them on. It's a boy love story like never told before.

Cate_mae · Fantaisie
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55 Chs

37. Foetus Cravings

After a whole night of cultivation, we needed to rest and although we knew that dual cultivation would help us level up faster, we just wanted to sleep the exhaustion off.

As usual, I talked to the trees and they gave us shelter and we slept in each other's arms. (I would not really call it talking to tree but it's because of the lack of a better word. It was like nature and I had some kind of understanding and they could do my bidding just at a mere thought. You get me, right? I know you do). It felt so good just to sleep here like there was no hurry in the world and in each other's arms. (I know many of you won't understand us in love. It is the best feeling ever. But don't tell Adrian because I do not want his head to grow big because of pride. Okay? Okay. Thank you.)

I don't krnow for how long we had slept but I was woken up by my growling stomach. It was asking for something to be put in and when I woke up, Adrian was looking down at me smiling. (Creepy, right?) He was propping his head up with his hand which was pivoted by his elbow and it looked creepy with him looking at me like that.

I flinched and then asked, "Why are you acting weird? What's going on? Why are you being creepy?" I tried moving away and he laughed.

"Nothing Love. You looked so peaceful and handsome when sleeping and I found you adorable. Is it wrong to admire the man I love? Besides, I wondered how long you would sleep with your stomach complaining like that. The growls and rumbles were so loud that they woke me up. They could rival. thunder during a storm," he laughed at his own joke but I found it lame.

"What time is it?" I asked as I yawned because I was still sleepy. So damn sleepy.

"It's lunch time. Lemme see... Its half past two. Not a bad time to take our lunch," he said as he looked at his watch.

"Okay. Let's go though I wish we would stay here longer. It has been so long since we had a time like this to ourselves," I stretched and forced myself to sit.

He looked at me again and smiled then said, I also wanted to stay here longer with you and that is why I brought us these as you slept," he said as he brought out two baskets from behind him.

"When did you do this?" I asked amazed at how efficient he was.

Now tell me, won't you be happy to have a man like him by your side? So thoughtful, caring. Loving generous, amazing...mmmm... and all those good adjectives you can think of. He is all I could ever want. (Ahem!)

"I woke up to relieve myself and then I heard your stomach growling and I decided to get you something because I knew you would wake up hungry honey. Besides, I was famished too," he finished plating the food selection and I felt so touched.

"You are so awesome. Thank you," I said and then leaned in and kissed him. I intended for it to be a light peck but his kisses were just ... so... so addicting and it took longer than I intended. I even found myself moaning and I was embarrassed. (Am I always this horny or is it Adrian's male scent that is making me lose myself? *ahem*) After we parted, I was flushed and blushed at the way he looked at me. He looked at me like he would devour me then and there.

"Not now Adrian. Not now," I said because I could see in his eyes what he was thinking.

"What? I wasn't thinking anything," he denied but the grin on his face and the lust in his eyes spoke volumes.

"You don't have to deny it. It is written all over your face. As much as I would love to make love to you, we don't have time. First, my stomach is about to kill me because I am taking too long in filling it and secondly, we have to know what is written in that cave and where that portal leads," I said as I took a bite from the chicken sausages he had brought.

I don't know why but I liked chicken sausages better than pork or beef. Even when it came to eating meat, I liked chicken better. (A short prayer for all the fowls in Zor because I fear for their lives. Dear gods, I ask you to let all the hens in Zor lay more eggs and to hatch more chicks because I will need many more chickens to eat in the future. In the names of all the gods... guo. I know you love me. Just smile. Ha ha ha!)

I'm not joking by the way. I swear since I started turning, I eat more than usual and my craving for chicken meat is on its all time high. I'm like a woman who is pregnant and the foetus keeps craving chicken.

Anyway...where was I... oh sorry. Adrian was looking at me and he laughed and asked, "why are you eating like that? You know that all the meat here is yours right? You don't have to gobble food like you haven't eaten in years," he continued laughing and that was when it dawned on me that I was eating like one who had been starving for a long while.

"Don't ask me why coz I have no idea."

"You look like a pregnant woman," he laughed again and I was startled. How could he be thinking of the same thing I was moments ago?

"Don't even joke about it. I'm a man and I can't get pregnant. Maybe it's because we cultivated a lot last night," I said with food in my mouth and it sounded funny because my voice came out mumbled.

Adrian was laughing so hard that if it was the old me, he would be dead by now. Literally.

Still with laughter on his lips he continued, "you would look adorable with a protruding belly plus our baby would be the cutest thing ever. Imagine a cuteling that looks like you and me. So adorable right?" He joked

and I swear it sounded funny and it was a dream worth having even though for a while but I didn't want him to see that he was affecting me with baby talk.

"What cuteling? If we were to ever have a baby, the one getting pregnant would be you. You would look so adorable with our child inside you," I said with a grin and watched his reaction.

"It would be my greatest joy to have our baby in me. Too bad we are all men and we can't." Mmph!" He finished with a sigh and a pout and I kinda felt bad for him.

What if he wanted to have children and this whole fated one thing crashed his dreams? I would hate myself forever for not giving him what he wanted most. I would even sacrifice my love for him if it meant his happiness.

"Adrian, do you ever wish that your fated one was a woman so that you two could have a child together?" I asked and he was about to speak when I interrupted him, "the truth babe. No sugar coating words. The truth."

"No. I would never trade you for anything in the whole universe. You are my everything. I am because you are." (Aaawwww! It's moments like this that make me wanna pounce at him and f**k him senseless. Sorry. Forgive my language. *ahem* My throat.)

"Then I'm glad," I said and we continued eating.

This was one good day.