
Chapter 26

The flight towards Menagerie was, peaceful...and boring. You hardly ran into any Grimm in the air. Just a bunch of Nevermore, albeit, you got a couple Giant Nevermore, but still, it was all so very disappointing.

To pass the time, you ended up playing about mostly with your magic, experimented what you could do with it and trying to increase your pools of it. And surprisingly, on your third day of travel, you actually figured something out. You figured out how to compress it into a raw beam of energy when Pyrrha commented on the fact that there was a similar aura technique based on a blast of energy that ancient Grimm were known to use, the Cero.

You were pretty sure it was the Cero, at least according to Pyrrha. The power and the red glow was definitely distinctive from what she told you.

Shooting laser beams was fucking cool, you weren't going to lie. And when you ran out of magic to use and were waiting on it to recover, you used a more thorough meditation technique Pyrrha taught you to increase your aura capacity.

And when you were bored of that, you played about with your unique Grimm abilities. and you found quite quick, that you had gained a few new abilities. you'd gained the ability to breath fire, like Manticore. And on top of that, you had gotten a bunch of abilities from the Nuckelavee. You could stretch your limbs hundreds of feet, produce massively loud roar that was so powerful it blew a Giant Nevermore out of the air, produce that same black smoke that the Nuckelavee could to make that tower of smoke and most of all...you'd found you could regenerate using your magic power, and even refill your aura when it was low using it.

Honestly, it was quite a productive few days for you, you weren't going to lie. You'd definitely say dying and becoming a Grimm was the best thing that ever happened to you...if you hadn't lost your cock in the process.

Still, it was on the fifth day that you noticed something interesting as you flew across the vast expanse of the ocean and were nearing Menagerie by your estimates.

A massive red dorsal fin sas cutting a line through the water below you. Like, really big, as big as a bus.

"The hell is that?" you wondered, cocking your head to the slide and slowing to a stop above it, beating your huge feathery wings to keep afloat.

'..I think it might be a Sea Feilong,' Pyrrha commented, 'I'm not sure though, they're incredibly rare to encounter, they're supposed to generally stick to the thick areas of the ocean and keeping people from creating structures out there. Makes a lot of sense now that we know about Salem.'

That you could agree with. It was well documented that there were many dust deposits hidden in the ocean. but any attempts to set up mining corporations over the ocean were destroyed quickly. Mostly by Sea Feilong's, so they generally weren't encountered very often now since most people had long given up making underwater mining corporations.

'Cobalt no!' Pyrrha prosted as an idea began to form in your mind and excitement built up in the pit of your stomach.

"Cobalt yes!" you guffawed.

Pyrrha groaned.

Another kinda short one. Mostly because, the next chapter will feature a PoV change.

0_Jordinio_0creators' thoughts