
Chapter Twenty

The moon hung low in the night sky, casting a gentle glow over the dense woods that enveloped the cottage. Nick moved with deliberate steps, attempting to maintain silence in the moonlit shadows. Aware that the Coven anticipated his arrival, Nick sought to avoid presenting himself as an easy target. However, the dozen Hexenbiests accompanying him created a challenge, their movements occasionally betraying their presence. The shadows made it difficult to see; twigs snapped underfoot, and some stumbled over exposed roots or inconspicuous rocks. Amidst the hushed whispers exchanged among them, complete silence became an unattainable goal.

Clutching his Staff with both hands, he ensured that neither end touched the ground or the surrounding underbrush. He would occasionally take out his phone to check the time. The glow would light up his face for the briefest moment. It was important that he not arrive too soon. He quickly calculated in his head that perhaps they could stop and rest. Before he could suggest such a break to the women with him, he sensed a subtle shift in the air.

It started as a distant hum, barely perceptible, like a faint whisper in a gathering storm. As seconds ticked by, the hum grew into a resonant vibration. The very earth beneath Nick's feet seemed to pulse with an otherworldly energy. He felt them before he saw them – a shiver ran through his bones, a prelude to the impending arrival of an unstoppable force. The hairs on the back of his neck stood on end. Nick turned instinctively, his eyes scanning the darkness. Surrounded by ancient trees, the air swirled with an unnatural anticipation. And then, like a malevolent apparition emerging from the shadows, the Coven appeared in the distance. Their figures hovered several inches above the ground, a collective embodiment of power. Crackling arcs of blue energy danced between them, creating an ethereal web that pulsed with every heartbeat. The arcs of blue energy sparked with intensity, their brilliance almost blinding in the darkness. The rapid, chaotic dance of sparks created a mesmerizing yet disorienting display. The darkened surroundings struggled to absorb the vivid hues, and for Nick, staring directly at the arcs left lingering afterimages burned into his vision. The flashes of bright blue played tricks on the eyes, adding another layer of challenge to navigating the moonlit forest in the wake of this arcane procession.

As the Coven moved through the forest, more surges of energy left a trace in their wake, scorching and burning the ground beneath their feet. Disturbances rippled through the natural surroundings; the ancient trees seemed to recoil from the sheer force of their presence, their leaves rustling in protest. The air carried the sharp tang of ozone, a metallic scent that cut through the night. The smell lingered like a threat. The sounds of the arcs were palpable, a symphony of humming and crackling energy that reverberated through the forest. Each surge created a dynamic melody, echoing the power that bound the Coven together. It was a sinister harmony that announced their arrival. The atmosphere shifted as the Coven drew closer, their withered dried-up corpse-like faces cloaked in an aura of menace. The forest seemed to groan under the weight of their power. Moonlight revealed the twisted contours of their faces, etched with determination and a hunger for dominion.

Nick's gaze locked onto the advancing Hexenbiests, a knot of tension tightening in his chest. The Coven's entrance was not just a physical arrival; it was a manifestation of impending doom, an embodiment of their magical supremacy that stirred the very core of the earth. The oncoming Hexenbiests exuded an aura of power that transcended the physical, leaving behind a scarred trail through the heart of the forest.

Nick heard Johanna exclaim, "Heilige Scheiße!" He didn't need it translated as he was fairly certain he was feeling it himself. He'd seen fully Woged Hexenbiests before, but seeing them floating toward him, giving off magical sparks, was something he'd never expected and forced him to wonder if perhaps the plans they'd made would all be worthless against the massive amounts of power they'd be up against. Like firing a sling shot at an oncoming train.

As the Coven drew closer, Nick saw that there were only three of them. He commented to Heather to make sure she and a few others kept their eyes on the surrounding forest in case the fourth was approaching from another direction. Rather than try to close the distance, he motioned with his hand for the women behind him to stay put. He doubted it would make a difference, but if the Coven was going to use their power to put on a show of floating through the forest, let them. Every bit of energy they exerted could help. Maybe?

Nick stared at the Coven, attempting to use the random sparks that illuminated them to determine if Juliette wasn't among them. When he determined he was right, he relaxed a little. He suspected that Collette had foolishly planned this event without her. Collette won't care that Adalind isn't with him.

When they were close enough, Collette gently floated down to the ground, landing on one foot and then the other. Robin and Gail did so as well only a few seconds later. The earth at their feet would illuminate and glow as energy seemed to pass between the three Hexenbiests. Collette's dried-up corpse contorted into an expression that Nick interpreted as a menacing smile, though perhaps that was just his imagination.

Before she could speak, Nick asked, "Where's Bud?" Collette shrugged, "All that matters is where he will be in the near future, and that will either be with you because you decided to hand over that Staff, or dead because you didn't."

At first, she had ignored Nick's entourage, but now she deliberately turned her head to scan the group as if daring them to involve themselves, "I'm not surprised you brought along your little helpers. Though I'm disgusted that they're willing to stand next to a Grimm like this."

Heather, who was standing closest to Nick, had Johanna standing directly behind her. Heather spoke softly, translating everything into German, and when she repeated Collette's words, Johanna Woged and let out an angry guttural sound before she began speaking in German. Collette rolled her eyes and stood patiently, tapping her chin with her finger as she waited for Johanna to finish her rant, and Heather could translate it so that the rest of the group would be up to speed. To be petty, she pantomimed a yawn, making it known that she was already bored with the whole interaction.

Heather decided it would be better to also deliver the message with the emotions that she was feeling herself. She Woged, and her words, though not her own, cut through the night like daggers, "Petty thieves like you, breaking centuries-old laws, kidnapping an Eisbiber, and threatening his life just to steal again. And yet, you have the audacity to judge us? We recognize an ally, Grimm or not. He's willing to fight with us." Heather paused and shifted on her feet a bit. Her confidence broke for a moment as she said, "And I'd like to personally add that you're pathetic, your judgment is pathetic. No matter how tonight ends, you'll be remembered as cowards and traitors to Hexenbiests everywhere."

Robin was the first to reply, "We don't care. Look at us. More powerful than probably any Hexenbiests in the history of the world. You're mosquitoes to us. Gnats!" She turned to Nick and performed a mock curtsy as she said, "And thank you for bringing us more Hexenbiests, by the way; it will save us from having to track them down later."

Silence fell on the group; it was as if no one was sure what to say next. Nick knew it was too early, and he wanted to buy more time, but Collette was impatient. She held out her open hand, gesturing at Nick's staff in a hand-it-over gesture.

Nick thought quickly; the words seemed to leave his mouth before his mind had fully thought of them, "Proof of life!" After regaining his composure, he said it again more calmly, "I need proof of life. That Bud is still okay." Collette scoffed, "What? Are you expecting me to have a picture of him holding today's newspaper? This isn't a movie. If you want to see him, you hand over that Staff!"

Nick slowly lifted the Staff with one hand in a gesture that said to the Coven, 'I dare you to try to take it.' He was surprised when Gail actually took a step forward as though she was going to try to take up Nick on his offer when Collette put an arm in front of her, halting her movement. He remained silent and hoped the shadows hid his confusion.

For reasons she didn't disclose, Collette changed her mind as she said, "You want to see the Eisbiber, we'll take you to see the Eisbiber. But then, you hand over the Staff."

Whatever failure Nick may have possibly shown in hiding his confusion was nothing compared to the reaction Gail and Robin had when their heads turned to look at Collette.

Nick gestured with his free hand, "Lead the way."

Adalind was peeking out the curtain towards the street again. She had done so countless times in the past hour and had been admonished by Rosalee a couple of times, "Adalind, it's likely going to be a while before they get back; you may as well sit down and try to take your mind off things."

Adalind replied, "Yeah, but if there's a problem, I doubt they'll call. They'll probably just show up..." her face took a pained expression, "or not show up at all..."

She peered up the street and back down the street. She'd occasionally spot the headlights of a random car going in one direction or another. Occasionally, she'd see a vehicle that looked too similar to the one Nick had left in, and she would unconsciously hold her breath until the vehicle drove past without stopping. Her son sat on the floor behind her. Occasionally, he would try to crawl off, and Rosalee or Monroe would pick him up and place him back on the floor behind Adalind without her noticing. Then they'd return to their seats in the living area.

A minute, perhaps two, had passed without any traffic, and Adalind released the curtain and turned around. She was dealing with a lot of emotions.

Worry for Nick. As much faith as she had in him, he was going up against extremely deadly and powerful Hexenbiests; there was a chance she may never see him again.

She felt shame. It seemed as though everyone had told her that she no longer bore any responsibility for the actions Juliette was taking and the power thefts that had been done by Hexenbiests she'd never met before they attacked her at Juliette's order. But then she would go over the timeline of her life in her mind and relive every decision she'd made. She'd done awful things. Somehow those terrible things she'd said and done had led to her having a child, falling in love, getting married and, overall, living a good life. Despite that good life, her past continued to creep back up and grab her. Feeding in her self-doubt and guilt.

She looked down at her son and thought to herself what she would say to him about tonight if Nick truly didn't come home, and all she did was sit and stare out the window. She thought about her daughter Diana, who was on a forced vacation with her father because they feared the Coven might go after not only for Diana's power but simply because she was Adalind's daughter. What's the lesson she's teaching her children? Don't take responsibility for your actions and decisions? Run when things get hard? Hide when things get scary?

As if to confirm to herself that she wouldn't be of any help if she had actually gone with Nick, she reached out with her hand and attempted to lift one of Kelly's toys with her mind. The toy, a wooden block, floated off the ground, but only lifted a few inches before it fell back down to the ground again. She shook her head to herself. Deflated, she turned around and peered out the curtain once more.

More headlights, more disappointment. Another minute spent with no passing traffic, and her gaze shifted and she could see her eyes in the glass staring at her, almost accusingly. She knew it was silly, but she thought to herself, 'Don't look at me that way.' She narrowed her eyes and tilted her head and thought up a response to herself, 'What are you gonna do about it? Nothing. That's what. Because that's the person you've become. A person who sits back and does nothing!'

Unintentionally, she Woged. She hadn't done so since the night she'd sat in that tent with Megan and Manon. Seeing it in the window's reflection, she saw that her Woge was best described as patchy. Very little of her appearance took on the typical Hexenbiest attributes. She felt so ridiculous. After having lost her powers because of Nick, she went through an ancient and disgusting ritual to regain those abilities. Then after having fallen in love with Nick, she'd wanted so badly to be rid of them again. She finally got her wish, and now, here she was wishing again to have those powers back so that she could not just support her husband, but fight by his side.

In that moment, she made up her mind. She'd made countless bad decisions and now it was time to possibly make one more. She released the curtain and turned around, her mouth open about to speak. Before she could, though, Rosalee, whose eyes seemed to have been looking in Adalind's direction, quickly looked over at Monroe and said, "Isn't it crazy that Adalind left the way she did? Calling Hank and then sneaking out the back? You think Nick will be mad at us for allowing that to happen?"

Monroe scrunched up his face at Rosalee before she widened her eyes and glared at him, and then he said hesitantly, "Oh, I, I mean, yeah, crazy." He'd not be winning any awards for his performance as he outlined, "I mean, Nick wouldn't blame us for her sneaking out the way she did. And calling Hank? Who could have seen that coming?"

Rosalee replied loudly and with clarity, "Well, Adalind knows that we would look after Kelly any time she needed to help Nick out. It shows she trusts us."

She paused a moment with every intention of saying it herself, but Monroe saw where she was going and finished it for her with as genuine of words as Adalind had ever heard, "And we trust her to look after Nick."

Adalind took the hint; she had no actual need to tiptoe, but she felt it met the spirit of the moment as she quickly tiptoed past Monroe and Rosalee as she took out her phone and began to call Hank.

Nick trailed behind the Hexenbiests, deliberately maintaining a considerable distance. It became apparent that their newfound powers had instilled a sense of entitlement, as all three floated above the ground, with sporadic blue sparks connecting haphazardly between them and the earth. He chose not to tempt fate by risking exposure to a wayward bolt.

As they arrived at the cottage, Nick used hand signals as best he could to his faction of Hexenbiests to keep an eye on the surrounding forest. He refused to trust anything until he knew where Juliette was.

Collette seemed to be doing the same thing as Nick, using hand signals to direct her faction of Hexenbiests. She steered Robin to stand on one side of the door to the cottage and Gail to stand on the other. They turned and stood like sentries guarding the entrance. Collette stood to the side and performed a dramatic flourish, gesturing for Nick to enter and investigate.

For the first time that night, Nick was glad it was dark. The grounds surrounding the cottage were a place he'd witnessed his friends and family die at the hands of Zerstörer. He hadn't told anyone, but he'd occasionally dream about that night. The night that somehow never happened, by way of some sort of mystical time travel event that he'd never fully understand. At Collette's dramatic flourish, he resisted the urge to start a fight right then and there, but he needed to buy more time, and there was no better way than making sure that Bud is safe.

He stepped between Gail and Robin, turned the knob, and then turned back to Collette, uttering a single-word question, "Cellar?" Collette simply nodded, and he entered the cottage.

It was dimly lit, as though there had been a brownout. He stepped over to the door in the floor, lifted it, and rather than go down the stairs, he simply called out, "Bud! Come on up!"

Then he waited. He continued to trust nothing. If there was a trap down the stairs waiting for him, he wasn't going to make it easy for them. Surprisingly, though, there appeared to be no trap. Instead, he saw Bud walk over to the bottom of the stairs and look at him. He paused for a moment, looking up to make sure there were no obvious obstacles or threats, and then began climbing the stairs.

As Bud climbed the steps, Nick asked, "Are you okay? They hurt you at all?"

When Bud reached the top of the stairs, he said, "I'm fine. The worst of it was the boredom." He paused, raised an eyebrow, and asked, "I can just walk out of here now?"

Nick shook his head, "No, stay in here. I just wanted to make sure you're okay. Things are about to get pretty bad. So, at some point, you may need to run for cover or maybe even duck back down in the cellar. Be creative, but most importantly, be safe."

Bud glanced around looking for anyone that might be listening. When he was satisfied they were alone, he spoke softly, "What's the plan, then?"

Nick shrugged, "Surprise them, then surprise them again, and then surprise them again. It's the best we could come up with."

Bud didn't understand and didn't bother to hide it, but nor did he ask for any additional information. He trusted Nick's judgment, "You need me to do anything?"

Nick walked towards the door, "No, Bud, just keep yourself out of the way."

Bud's relief at being asked a second time to do nothing but keep himself safe made him smile a bit in relief.

Nick opened the door a crack, turned to Bud and nodded at him silently, then opened the door the rest of the way, turned back, and walked out of it.

Before he could say or do anything, Collette called out, "So you've seen he's perfectly fine. No harm at all." At the moment, she was hovering just a handful of inches off the ground, but she spread her arms, tilted her head back, and lifted higher into the air. Nick thought to himself that Collette certainly had a penchant for the dramatic as he lifted his head back to watch her rise up to ten, perhaps even fifteen feet in the air.

When it seemed she wasn't going to go any higher, she looked down at him, her face contorted in what maybe was anger, and screamed, "NOW HAND OVER THAT STAFF!" As she suspended herself in the air, Collette's eyes locked onto Nick with a menacing intensity. The demand to surrender the staff echoed through the night, resonating with an air of impending chaos. At the command, a radiant phenomenon unfolded beneath her feet—a swirling cloud of vibrant, charged blue static. The luminous display mirrored a brewing storm, intensifying in brilliance as it swirled around her heels. In an electrifying crescendo, a blinding flash erupted, momentarily robbing Nick of his vision.

In the aftermath of the dazzling spectacle, the amassed energy surged downward with explosive force, meeting the earth with a thunderous crash. The impact reverberated through the surroundings, dislodging rocks and sending them careening in all directions. The ground trembled beneath the release of mystical power, leaving a chaotic aftermath in its wake.

Nick had lifted his arms to protect his face. He felt himself being pelted with small rocks and dirt, though his vision would take a moment to recover. He was relieved to discover that he wasn't the only one who had been blinded by the display. Both the group of Hexenbiests he brought with him and also Collette's allies seemed to not have been expecting the show as well. They too were rubbing at their eyes.

Perhaps it was Nick's Grimm reflexes or just the fact he was still holding the Staff in his hands, but his sight seemed to have recovered faster than anyone else's. He looked up to discover that Collette seemed to have actually surprised herself. She lay on the ground, though she was already rolling onto her side and onto her feet before Nick could close the distance between them.

He charged in her direction. Mid-sprint, he concluded that as powerful as these Hexenbiests are, they aren't yet comfortable with it. Like a toddler trying to wield a chainsaw.

Collette had only just gotten to her feet and was also rubbing at her own eyes as Nick approached. He used his Staff and struck at the back of her legs, knocking her back to the ground. She let out a howl more in frustration than any harm he'd done to her. She attempted to get back to her feet, but he rotated into a roundhouse kick, striking her across her face. With every attempt at trying to stand herself upright, Nick would strike and knock her back down again. But with every knock-down, Collette would grow angrier, letting out shrieks and cursing at Nick.

He knew his time was limited. She was near defenseless, but striking her was like hitting a marble statue. Whatever harm he was doing to her was hurting him as well with every blow. He could feel the Staff doing its work and healing him, but it was slow to do the repairs. He decided to stop using his fists and instead began striking with just the Staff, but before he could implement his plan, he was tackled from behind and knocked to the ground himself. By Gail or Robin, he wasn't initially sure. Though whoever it was seemed to still be at least partially blinded as they'd barely touched him, having grabbed at just his coat than his body.

Nonetheless, the fall brought his face down hard onto a rock or perhaps a tree root. He rolled to his side and spun his legs around, striking at whoever had tackled him. Then he kicked up onto his feet and readied himself to be attacked again.

However, that was the end of the physical attacks for the moment. He discovered Robin was the one who had attempted to tackle him as he turned and saw Gail walking toward him, her sight finally restored. Rather than lash out at him with fists or claws, she sneered at him, then let out a little chuckle as she said, "This is for Nikki." She then flicked her wrist at him.

He felt his body lurch off the ground with incredible speed, causing his neck and limbs to whiplash as he shot up into the air at an incredible speed. Before Nick could comprehend what was happening to him, he felt his body being ensnared by intangible hands, each one working against the magical force propelling him upward. It was as if these spectral hands, defying the expected descent dictated by gravity, were wrestling with the magical impulse, creating a surreal sensation of suspension in mid-air.

The sensation was disorienting, a chaotic whirlwind of magical force that defied explanation. Nick struggled against the invisible hands, his initial panic giving way to a sense of weightlessness as he hung suspended in mid-air.

Unbeknownst to Nick, the Hexenbiests he had brought with him were seamlessly blending their magical prowess. Their combined energies wove an intricate web, forming an unseen safety net around him. The hands that gripped him were not physical; they were manifestations of the Hexenbiests' magical collaboration. The past days of practice and training coordinated by Samantha and the Wesen Council were coming to fruition. They couldn't stop him too quickly without risking damage, so they were instead attempting to slow his ascent before they could try to bring him back to the ground to safety.

The tree canopy of the forest did much to hide Nick's presence as he flew high above the forest into the night sky. Gail's arrogance did the rest. She assumed that any moment Nick would either suffocate in the Earth's atmosphere or he would come crashing down, breaking every bone in his body. She had seen Nick release the Staff he'd been holding when he was carried up into the air, but she wasn't sure where it had landed. Once she found it, she knew that Collette would be happy. Her only regret was that she couldn't see Nick's face as he died. Being this powerful was beyond incredible, but it could take away some of the smaller pleasures in life.

"Wait. What am I forgetting?" she cooed sarcastically, then she turned to face the Hexenbiests that had come with Nick, his army of rejects. She expected them to still be blinded by Collette's mishap. What she saw, though, confused her. The Hexenbiests were all on their feet, waving their hands in the air as though they were attempting to grasp at ripe fruits on imaginary trees. She tilted her head to the side, watching for a moment, trying to decide what she should do. She remembered that Collette would want the women incapacitated but left alive. After all, there was even more power to use the Siphon for. Or perhaps they could use Staff if they could figure out how to make it steal power.

They'd all agreed to stop using the Siphon to steal power, as the pain was too much to suffer through. However, they also couldn't say no when Hexenbiest hairs were falling into their laps. The temptation was, Gail thought to herself ironically, too powerful. Perhaps it was addicting? As she watched a dozen Hexenbiests all behave like they were tripping on acid in front of her, she didn't much care. There was so much potential power in front of her. Their Coven would become god-like that much faster. All thanks to the Grimm.

Wait... The Grimm! The realization hit her so hard and fast that she raised her hands to attack before she had finished the thought in her mind. These damned Hexenbiests, who all looked as though they were dancing in a silent disco, were trying to save the Grimm. She picked one at random and made a pushing motion with her hands in an attempt to knock her down, but, remarkably, as the woman's body was thrown across the forest, several of her Hexenbiest allies reached out with one hand and slowed the momentum. All while still keeping their other hand trained on Nick, doing their best to get him to the ground without hurting him.

The Hexenbiest Gail had attacked with her magic had fallen backward, and likely would have slid along the ground for dozens of feet before colliding with a nearby tree. Still, the combined might of Nick's allies brought her back up to her feet as though someone had pressed the rewind button on all of reality.

Gail called out to her other Coven members, "I need your help!" However, when she turned her head, she realized she had shouted too loudly as Robin and Collette had walked up behind her. They were too focused on the odd behavior of Nick's Hexenbiests to react to Gail's unnecessary shout, unsure of what they were looking at.

Collette was about to ask when Gail cut her off, "Just attack them!"

Gail held out both of her hands to her sides; she was going to try something new. She was going to attempt to bring her hands together in a single clapping motion in hopes it would knock down all of her Hexenbiest opponents that were attempting to save Nick's life. She never got to find out if it would work as she felt violently pushed from the back and she fell forward onto her face. Unable to brace the fall as she'd had arms out wide, she also received a mouthful of dirt and weeds. She spit out what she could and cursed.

Collette and Robin, completely stunned, had no idea what had just happened. Each spun in circles trying to ascertain what was going on when at last Robin pointed deep into the forest, "There!"

However, Collette contradicted her, "No, over there!"

They'd each seen something. A person perhaps? Neither was certain. They had only seen a flash of color in the shadows among the trees. Gail had climbed to her feet, still spitting weeds out of her mouth, as she attempted to ask what the women had seen when it became wholly unnecessary. Out of the dark and out from behind trees, more Woged Hexenbiests stepped forward. Collette attempted to count, but none would stand still. Some were darting out from behind trees just to leap behind other trees. Some were using shadows for cover. She made an educated guess and thought perhaps there were fifteen new Hexenbiests they were facing. But as she said before, they could bring fifty if they wanted to. She and her Coven could handle it.

She was about to say as much to Gail and Robin. An attempt to encourage them along, inspire them, but the new Hexenbiests didn't hesitate. They all began attacking, making it impossible for Collette to get a word out. The combined powers of the new group weren't to be dismissed out of hand, however, she had no doubt her Coven would defeat them if given enough time. Robin felt herself being knocked to the ground next as three Hexenbiests combined their forces against her. But, unlike Gail, Robin was ready for it. She used magic not just to stand up but to magically levitate herself off the ground and onto her feet. She attempted the trick of flicking a wrist at one of them new arrivals only to see Hexenbiests, both old and new, once again combine forces to safely bring them back down to the ground to rejoin the fight.

Gail was about to unleash every bit of power she could on a group of Hexenbiests in front of her when she heard the distinct sound of leaves and branches being shoved aside as a large object came soaring through the trees. She couldn't determine what was making such a ruckus until it was too late. The Grimm had soared to the ground just yards from her. He smoothly rolled forward head over feet and used the momentum to carry himself directly into her. It wasn't graceful, but he tackled her and knocked her down yet again.

This time, Nick attempted to ignore how much it hurt to punch and kick these witches. He put as much force as he could behind each blow. Gail may be powerful, but it was clear she knew nothing about hand-to-hand combat. Everything he aimed at her, he landed. And for a moment, it seemed like he was winning. However, the blows simply weren't doing any real damage. True, Gail was being knocked off balance and delayed, but she continued to get back up, and he began to doubt he'd even left a bruise. Eventually, she gained her footing and without touching him, sent him flying back dozens of feet. He'd have landed hard, but his Hexenbiest allies prevented him from any harm by softening the landing.

The dark forest transformed into a battleground, lit by sporadic bursts of magical energy. Collette, Gail, and Robin faced an uncertain number of Hexenbiests, the air thick with tension as the two factions clashed in a chaotic dance of shadows and magic.

Collette, recovering from the surprise attack, gathered her composure. She extended her hands, arcane energy gathering at her fingertips. With a sweeping motion, she released a wave of force that sent several Hexenbiests stumbling backward. Resilient, they quickly regrouped, their eyes reflecting her own magical energy back at her in the darkness.

Gail, exuding confidence, embraced the chaos. She summoned the shadows to her aid, melding with the darkness as she moved between trees. Her laughter echoed through the forest as she launched magical assaults, her movements unpredictable and blending seamlessly with the flickering shadows.

Robin, levitating above the ground, manipulated the environment with her magical prowess, pulling up rocks, fallen branches, and anything else she could find with her powers and launching them with bullet-like speeds towards her adversaries.

Amidst the mayhem, Nick's Hexenbiests emerged from the darkness. They moved with an otherworldly grace, their forms weaving in and out of the shadows as they launched surprise attacks on the Coven. Collette, Gail, and Robin, incredibly powerful, were not seasoned in battle.

Collette's eyes narrowed with determination as she countered every Hexenbiest that approached her. Bolts of energy shot from her fingertips, each strike calculated to disrupt the magical defenses of her adversaries.

Gail mimicked her enemies as she summoned shadows to conceal her movements. She danced between trees, launching magical assaults and disappearing into the darkness before her foes could react.

Robin, of strategic mind, assessed the battlefield, directing bolts of energy as covering fire against her newfound enemies, limiting their mobility.

Nick, realizing it was his moment to try to find the Staff he lost, moved with determined resolve. His team of Hexenbiests, synchronized through practiced coordination, attacked and retreated, creating a chaotic rhythm that left the Coven struggling to anticipate their movements. The forest echoed with the clashes of magic and the occasional pained cry of a Hexenbiest. He moved among the chaos, using the light from his cell phone to try to find a Staff, made of wood, somewhere on the forest floor. A needle in a haystack.

In the heart of the turmoil, the battle raged on, each side seeking dominance in the ever-shifting shadows. The dark dance of magic and mayhem unfolded beneath the veil of night, the outcome hanging in the delicate balance of power.

Collette had been pushed back on her heels several times as wave after wave of Hexenbiests came at her from all directions. She would push back and deflect, push back and deflect with all her might, knocking many down or at least steering them away from her and towards Gail or Robin.

She found herself standing, waiting for another attacker, but a moment passed and then another, and it felt as though perhaps, even though the battle was far from over, she could get her footing and take a much-needed breath. Once she got her bearings, she would rush to the aid of one of her partners. Whoever she felt required it the most in the moment.

The air, chilly, with only the subtlest of a breeze, carried with it a sound that Collette recognized, though at first, she questioned if perhaps it was her imagination. She shook her head at herself. No. It would make sense for the Grimm to have brought that thing. Whatever it was. She'd forgotten to ask Juliette what it had been. She peered through the night in all directions, attempting to verify to her eyes what her ears had heard. But the sounds of nearby combat were washing over everything, making it near impossible.

Then she'd heard it again. Louder, or perhaps closer, and different somehow. More... something...

Two more Hexenbiests jumped out at the dark at her, and she reflexively and dismissively knocked them back, sending them into trees. Maybe they were dead, maybe just unconscious, but she'd have to figure that out later. She focused once more on trying to hear past the cacophony of witches fighting among each other. She tilted her head one way and then another. But then the sound came again, and it was so loud special attention wasn't required. She turned her head towards the direction she believed it was coming from, and her eyes widened in shock. The moonlight cast light through the trees, and the shadows cast by the forest created a near strobing effect as she saw dozens of people running through the forest in their direction.

Then, she matched the sound to reality.


Minutes earlier, Sergeant Drew Wu was standing at the edge of the Forest, standing with a field that was normally occupied by farm animals in the daytime. Occasionally, the muscles in his shoulders and back would twitch in anticipation. Wu would then talk to himself, but also not to himself. "Buddy, I need you to stay calm for just a little longer. Don't worry, I'm gonna give you the wheel any second now. I promise."

He turned to the dozens of people standing in various clusters talking among each other. Not truly Wesen and having only been aware of the Wesen Community for a couple of years, Wu didn't know any of the Wesen around him. They, in turn, weren't sure what to make of him.

He'd shown up wearing his best blacks. A skull cap, sweater, pants, and shoes. He couldn't risk wearing his police uniform at such an event. Before finding out about Wesen, Wu had never even contemplated working outside the law. Now it felt as though it was a weekly occurrence.

Staring into the darkness, someone walked behind him and called out to no one in particular, "Two-minute warning!" then continued walking and shouted it out a few more times until everyone was aware and ready.

Wu clenched his fists, the anticipation coursing through him like a wildfire. He bounced on the balls of his feet, each hop igniting the fervor within. A quick shake of his head and a rhythmic twist of his neck, preparing for the transformation that loomed. With a final shake of his hands, he muttered, "Okay, buddy, you ready?" The curious glances from those around him were dismissed with a determined focus. He ignored the people looking at him for talking to himself. Maybe they'd understand in a moment. Maybe they wouldn't.

To his right, he saw what he wanted to see. People were shouting, "Go! Go! Go!" and that was all he needed to hear. He released the hold he'd had on preventing his other-self from taking over. His face distorted. His brow, cheekbones, and jawline all expanded, the hair on his head grew longer and scragglier. A bit of facial hair had formed where, before, he had been clean-shaven. His hands grew to an unnaturally large size, and his fingernails grew to be more claw-like.

The Neanderthal Wu drew in a deep breath through his flared nostrils, the forest's primal scent filling his lungs. Exhaling in controlled bursts, he steadied himself for the crescendo. After another expansive breath, a moment of shared preparation, he then let out a roar, shattering the night's stillness. Wesen halted in their tracks, turning to face the source of this raw power. Their exchanged glances mirrored a collective acknowledgment — they stood witness to something wholly unfamiliar. They had never seen anything like him before.

When Wu had exhausted his breath, he turned to his left and then to his right, making eye contact with all he could. His mouth turned up into a mischievous smile. Once more he took in a deep breath, arched his back, and then turned to his new comrades in arms as he let out another roar as he turned from his left to his right. He wanted them all to see him.

He saw a few of them nodding their heads. They were beginning to get it. A few Woged. Mostly it was Hexenbiests, but there were Klaustreichs, Blutbaden, and Drang-Zorn and many others. Those who Woged motioned with their hands or patted others on the back or their shoulders. More and more began to Woge. Knowing smiles passed through the groups. When finally, Wu was satisfied that all had converted their appearances, he took a deep breath again, then raised a fist in the air before he let out another roar as he took off at full speed into the forest. A few seconds later, his army of Wesen all entered the forest in their own sprints, and they all let out their own shouts and roars.

He'd repeat his roars several times as he ran through the forest, and his new allies would echo his roars to the best of their abilities.


Dozens of people were sprinting into the forest towards Collette and her Coven. She saw Wu in the forefront as he let out a roar, that was the sound she recognized, and then a few seconds later, all of his companions let out their own roars and screams as they ran into the foray. They quickly overwhelmed Gail and Robin. For the first time, Collette was actually worried. She nearly turned to run, but instead decided she couldn't leave her Coven. She ran forward, using her abilities to push people left and right to create a path for her. Gail and Robin had found each other and were standing back to back. The simple method of launching their opponents into the air had proven to be ineffective. Each time they'd try, Nick's Hexenbiests would use their combined abilities to catch one another.

Nick had been running among his allies, picking those who had fallen onto their feet as he continued to look for his Staff. His mind raced through possible long-term consequences of leaving his Staff in the middle of the forest. Hundreds of people knew he had gone into battle with it. He couldn't just leave it for anyone to find.

Deciding how much time he could spend looking for it mid-conflict was tearing him up internally. He didn't want to leave the fight. He glanced back and saw that Collette had made a strategic mistake. She'd joined Gail and Robin in the center of a clearing, and they were surrounded on all sides by Wesen and Hexenbiests, plus Wu. None could get close, however. Nick's allies would push in, and the Coven would push them back.

Nick decided now was as good a time as any to search the grounds. He'd run in one direction, then another, tripping over tree roots and vines. For a moment, he shined his cell phone light on a branch that he genuinely thought was the Staff. He attempted to pick it up with false relief. But once he pulled on it, the wood snapped, and he let go in frustration. He waved his light in one direction and then another.

Not knowing where to go next, he took a step back towards the fight. He didn't feel right being away this long and this far. He felt his foot had caught on a vine and thought nothing of it. Choosing to simply force walk his way through it until the vine gave way. Instead, though, it rode a bit higher and then a little higher. He reached down to remove it and found a new vine had found its way around his arm. Still, he didn't think anything of it as he used his other arm to pull at it. But the more he struggled, the tighter the vines became. Something was wrong. This wasn't natural. He started pulling at the vines with more force and speed, but then a new one wrapped around his waist and more wrapped around his legs. Before he could take another step, the vines picked him up off the ground violently, digging into his arms and legs. The vines tightened until he was having trouble breathing.

He attempted to struggle, but just as he began to think it to himself, he heard words echoing his thoughts, "It's no use, Nick. You're not going anywhere."

Juliette had finally shown up.