
Chapter Twenty-One

On a normal October night in the forest, one might hear the occasional rustle of leaves as nocturnal animals foraged for food or attempted to find shelter. The distant hooting of an owl might echo through the trees, adding an eerie yet serene ambiance to the surroundings. Occasionally, the call of a distant coyote might pierce the silence, a reminder of the wildness that lurks in the darkness.

And one might see the moonlight filtering through the branches, casting intricate patterns on the forest floor. Illuminating patches of fallen leaves and moss-covered rocks, shadows dance across the forest floor, playing tricks on the eyes and heightening the sense of mystery that permeates the night. Birds would likely be settled in their nests, roosting for the night, and if one were careful, it's possible one might catch a glimpse of smaller nocturnal birds or migrating species passing through.

This night, however, was very different. Instead of the gentle rustle of leaves and the distant calls of nocturnal creatures, the air was thick with the sounds of battle. Echoes of combat reverberated through the trees, mingling with the piercing screams of those engaged in the fray. Roars, both primal and otherworldly, cut through the darkness, each one a testament to the intensity of the conflict.

Amidst the cacophony, sparks danced through the air, casting fleeting glimpses of light against the shadows. The usual serenity of the forest was replaced by an atmosphere charged with tension and urgency. In this nightmarish symphony, there was no room for the usual nocturnal chorus. The wildlife, sensing the disturbance, had fled, leaving behind a haunting silence broken only by the tumult of battle.

Nick, suspended by vines, branches and thorny brambles, couldn't see anything or anyone. What he could hear concerned him. Attempting to discern how the fight was going based on just the sounds felt worse than being in the middle of the battle.

He'd heard Juliette's voice a minute earlier, but she'd spent that time using her Hexenbiest abilities to wrap him up in more vines and various other plant life. Part of him felt flattered; she feared him so much that she was perhaps doing more than what was necessary to prevent him from escaping. When at last he strained to say the words, "I can't breathe," she seemed to be satisfied that he was no longer a threat.

She loosened the plant's grip and said, "I only need you to be able to breathe long enough to tell me where she is, Nick."

"You can keep asking, but no matter what you do, I'm only ever going to tell you to go to hell."

Juliette paced behind him. He could hear her feet stepping through dead leaves and the dirt. She stopped for a moment and the silence between them was uncomfortable. Made moreso by the violence he could hear in the distance.

"I don't want to kill you, Nick. There was a time when that was what I wanted more than anything. If not for Trubel, you'd likely be dead already. You should have killed me when you had the chance. But, I'm not a total monster. I don't want to leave Kelly an orphan."

From behind she grabbed Nick by the top of his head with a fist full of his hair, "But I will, Nick. Unless you tell me where she is!"

She released his head, shoving it forward, then stepped around a tree and came into his view. They locked eyes, her Woged appearance was never easy to look at. But he held her gaze defiantly. She pointed a finger at him as she said her words accusingly, "Why are you so able to forgive her, Nick?"

He thought to himself for a moment as to how to reply, but it seemed that she was only getting started, "She tried to kill your Aunt. You forgave her."

She paced back out of his view, unable to turn his head, her voice echoed back to him, "She tried to kill Hank. You forgave her. On a totally separate occasion, she put Hank in the hospital, and you forgave her! She's tried to kill you. Again, you forgave her."

"Let's not," though he couldn't see her, the tone of her voice implied she was using finger quotes for emphasis, accentuating the double entendre pun and sarcasm, "'forget' that she nearly killed me and erased all my memories of you in the process."

Juliette stopped both pacing and talking for a moment. She wanted him to his face her for her next accusation. She walked around him and grabbed his face with her dried up corpse-like fingers, squeezing him at his cheeks and forcing his face up to look at her, "She disguised herself as me and tricked you into having sex with her! Do you know what that's called, Nick? That's rape! And still, you forgave her!"

"But after all that, after all the terrible things she's done, she gets to walk away with you. A kid. A home. A career. A life!"

She released his face aggressively, cutting his chin with one of her finger nails, then she backed up so he could see her fully for the first time. "Where's my forgiveness, Nick!? Why do I get left behind and forgotten? I was in a coma for six weeks. A month and a half! Did you even notice I was missing? Did you even wonder how I was? How can you forgive her so easily and move on like I never existed?"

Nick felt anger boiling up inside him with each point she made. Factually, she was correct with everything she said, but, in his mind, she seemed to be intentionally omitting the most important aspect of their shared history and when he shouted to correct her, his voice cracked with anger, sadness, grief and betrayal, "YOU KILLED MY MOM!"

Juliette reflexively shouted back aggressively, "I KNOW!" But the words caught in her throat as her eyes welled up at the realization of how evil she had once been. She repeated herself, though softly and with inner reflection, "I know."

She may not have performed the act of killing Nick's mother, but every decision, every action she took in the day leading up to her death were completely avoidable and the consequences completely predictable.

Juliette turned away from Nick, not wanting him to see this moment of emotional weakness. Sniffing up the tears, she turned back to face him defiantly. "I did horrible things. I admit that. But so has she. And it isn't right that she gets to live happily. I wouldn't have even become a Hexenbiest if not for her. None of this would be happening if not for her."

'Yeah, we get it. I'm a terrible person!'


Juliette's eyes widened in shock at the sound of Adalind's voice from the shadows before the back of her head was struck. The vines holding Nick in place loosened a bit as Juliette fell to the ground, but not enough for him to escape. Only enough for him to turn his head to see Adalind. She had hit Juliette with a stick? A log? Nick wasn't sure what to call it, as it was big enough that Adalind struggled to swing it, falling out of her hands as it connected with Juliette's skull.

The emotions that ran through Nick were many. Fear, surprise, love, but, most of all, panic. Adalind could never dream of defending herself against Juliette. He immediately began barking orders at her, "Run! Get out of here! Go!"

But Adalind stood her ground. She may not be the Hexenbiest she once was, but for once, she was going to take responsibility for her actions, to deal with the consequences, good or bad. There was every reason to believe that if not now, Adalind would never find peace with Juliette always looking for her.

Juliette was shaken, but not injured. She had simply been caught off guard. A mistake she swore to herself to not repeat again tonight. She cursed under her breath as she stood up. She held up a hand and closed it into a fist. In response the vines tightened around Nick's chest and throat.


Trubel was uneasy. Surrounded on all sides by Wesen who obviously didn't like her. She could feel the glares and she heard the whispered conversations. She wasn't sure if it was because she was a Grimm or because she was dating the Chairperson of the Wesen council. Samantha had insisted they never flaunt, but also never try to hide their relationship.

Nick is married to a Hexenbiest, so Trubel felt it odd they'd have a problem with her dating a Scharfblicke, except that she's the official leader of their community. For now, she was simply doing her best to not take it personally. She was given a job to do by Nick and she was going to do it.

It was a combination of Nick's and Samantha's ideas. She suggested the final wave of Wesen come from all sides. It took extra coordination and time, but Samantha's hope was that if the Coven had no idea where people were coming from, they'd panic and make mistakes.

Nick was the one who came up with the plan to keep the Coven alive in hopes or reversing the power theft. He couldn't do it by himself though. He'd needed Trubel's contacts at HW. Her employer, who seemed to keep her on retainer because of her close connection to Nick, didn't even ask questions when she'd put in a rushed requisition request. It was as though they'd been waiting for it or something like it.

Trubel had filled her backpack to the brim and used her motorcyle to travel between strategic points. She'd then explain the plan to a whole new group of Wesen as she handed out her newly acquired weapons. Tranquilizer bolts. The steel glinted in the moonlight and was difficult to not see being held in the hands of so many people.

Nick had a valid concern that if anyone had taken a weapon into battle against the Coven, it would likely backfire, having learned the hard way after being shot by Hank. By only giving bolts to the final wave, he was hopeful the Coven wouldn't notice until it was too late. It was a risk either way, but if they wanted to take the Coven alive, he couldn't think of any other way to make it happen.

Trubel had reiterated Nick's concern with every group she'd spoken to, "Hide that thing! Don't take it out until you actually have a clear shot. Imagine a couple dozen bolts flying around hitting everyone with enough tranquilizer to kill the average person because the Coven caught on to what we're trying to do."

She'd set an alarm on her phone to go off one minute before they had to enter the forest and she was doing her best to not keep checking the time over and over. She'd gone into battle before, but never anything on this scale.

She wondered if any of the Wesen walking around her were once members or at least sympathetic to Black Claw. Perhaps that was why so many Wesen were so stand-offish to her? The idea occurred to her that maybe she was the one being stand-offish since she was standing there wondering if any of them wanted to kill her. Samantha would probably point out that Trubel was likely overthinking things.

"Excuse me?" A voice startled Trubel from behind. She turned around to face a girl who, at first glance, made Trubel think maybe she'd wandered into their group by mistake. Dressed in converse sneakers, oversized jeans and a sweatshirt.

Trubel raised her eyebrows in inquiry.

The girl pointed at Trubel's backpack, "I just got here and I was told to get one of those arrow things from you?"

Trubel looked her up and down before she asked pointedly, "How old are you?"

Due to the girl's appearance Trubel wasn't surprised when she'd replied she was fifteen years old, though Trubel was taken aback that a fifteen year old was even there. Most everyone else present was, at the very least, in their twenties, if not older. The youngest she had seen before just now was nineteen.

Trubel shook her head at the absurd request, "No!"

The girl Woged to display her Hexenbiest face. She puffed out her chest and stood as straight as her body would allow it. But the bravado was hollow. She stumbled over her words as she exclaimed, "I.. I'm here to help. I need one of those... those.. you know... arrow thingies."

Trubel had no intention of turning this conversation into a fight, but squared her chest and crossed her arms, "There is no way I'm letting a fifteen year old girl, Hexenbiest or not, risk her life. You should be doing homework or something. Do your parents even know you're here?"

The crowd's attention shifted to Trubel, and the girl grew embarrassed. "My mom was a victim of their power thefts. I'm here to help her get it back. I'm not-"

Trubel cut her off, "I'll take that as a no." She uncrossed her arms and put a hand on the girl's shoulder, speaking softly, making it harder for eavesdroppers to overhear, "Hey, relax." She then gestured at her own face, signaling, 'You can relax your Woge.' The girl did as she was instructed, returning to her typical appearance.

Then Trubel continued, "I get it. My dad is in there. The fact I'm out here and he's in there, it's eating me up. So, I understand wanting to help your mom. I do. But you're fifteen. No disrespect, but you belong in there about as much as a Kehrseite. If I let you go in there and something happened to you, I'd be furious at myself, I'm sure your mom would be pissed and Nick, that's my dad," she was still getting accustomed to not calling him by his name, "he'd never forgive me for allowing something like that."

She took her hand off the girl's shoulder, crossed her arms again to make it clear she was prepared to make a stand, "If you insist on trying to enter that forest, I will stop you. Even if it means I don't go help my dad fight this fight."

A voice came from behind Trubel nearly making her jump again, "She's right." It was Malcolm. Usually so fastidious with his clothing and appearance, he'd dressed for the occasion by wearing fatigues. Trubel didn't bother to ask if he'd got them while serving or if perhaps they were purchased as surplus.

Malcolm stepped forward and Woged. Trubel assumed he did so to show the Hexenbiest that he's a Zauberbiest, then spoke in solidarity with Trubel's words, "And she wouldn't be stopping you alone. I would help her."

From among the crowd, Trubel was surprised to hear a few people add, "And me!" as well as, "Me too!" and a few other offers of assistance.

Before the girl could make a counter argument, as she appeared poised to do so, Malcolm added, "We can still use your help though. There will likely be wounded. We already have a handful of nurses and EMT's here, all ready to assist as needed. How about you stay behind and help with that?"

The girl looked around, hoping to see any kind of support in her favor and when she found none, rolled her eyes and exclaimed as sarcastically as only a teenager can, "Fine!"

Malcolm removed his Woge and gestured at a few of the Wesen to collect the girl and take her to the triage area.

Trubel, took out her phone to check the time and immediately regretted it. Perhaps they'd spaced out the waves too far? When she looked up, she was surprised to see that some of the Wesen were staring at her. A few giving her respectful nods. Malcolm was also looking at her. She took as much edge off her words as possible as she asked, "Can I help you?"

Malcolm smirked, "I think you just earned a lot of respect just now. It's not easy to trust a Grimm. I hope you'll forgive us these old habits. It just takes some getting used to seeing new things."

Trubel nodded her head once in understanding but glanced back at the teenage girl she'd just reprimanded, "Make sure your people keep an eye on her. I wouldn't be surprised if she tried to sneak in."

Malcolm took out his phone and texted Trubel's instructions to his makeshift triage team, "You make a good point. Teenagers."


Collette, Robin, and Gail found themselves encircled from all sides, their options narrowing with each passing moment. In a stroke of tactical insight, Gail suggested maneuvering toward a towering tree, using it as a makeshift barrier against the onslaught. Yet, this strategy also boxed them in, intensifying their predicament.

Undeterred by their dire circumstances, Robin conceived a daring plan. Harnessing the crackling energy that had been emanating from their stolen powers, she attempted to wield it as a weapon. Inexperienced in such manipulation, her efforts yielded both awe-inspiring and unforeseen consequences. As she unleashed a surge of magical electricity toward a targeted Hexenbiest, the resulting spectacle was both magnificent and terrifying. However, what Robin hadn't anticipated was the unforeseen connection her magic forged among the combatants. The arcs of light not only struck their intended targets but also linked the adversaries and allies alike, unleashing a chaotic cascade of shouts and screams as the unexpected energy surged through them, causing involuntary spasms and convulsions.

Amidst the chaos, bodies littered the ground, temporarily incapacitated by the unexpected burst of energy. Among them was Wu, momentarily stunned but fueled by a primal ferocity that propelled him forward. With unparalleled determination, he clawed and lunged, his target clear: the members of the Coven. Ignoring the cries of his allies, he barreled over them, colliding with Collette and Robin in a frenzied assault. Collette's screams pierced the air as Wu's onslaught drew first blood, leaving deep scratches and wounds in his wake. Despite her efforts to repel him, each movement seemed to exacerbate her injuries, as his claws dug deeper with every struggle.

Meanwhile, Robin, driven by instinct and desperation, made a split-second decision that she knew she'd regret. With a surge of resolve, she channeled the crackling energy within her, directing it toward Wu with unerring precision. The ensuing blast engulfed him, sending his body contorting and careening through the ranks of his Hexenbiest allies, leaving chaos and destruction in his wake. Yet, as the electrifying force dissipated, Robin felt the consequences of her actions. The blast had not only harmed Wu but had also inflicted additional damage upon her and her Coven, forcing her and her own allies down to one knee. With a sinking feeling, Robin understood the true cost of her desperate act—the harm done to herself and her Coven in her reckless attempt left her woozy.

She lifted her head just in time to see Collette staring at her. Collette snarled, her anger evident. For a fleeting moment, Robin felt certain that Collette would lash out at her, but instead, Collette managed to redirect her anger at her attackers. Weakened though she was, she reached down and grabbed a chunk of soil in her hand, pulling it out as though she were violently uprooting a weed from the ground. Hidden partially by shadows, the soil swelled up and shot forward, sending dirt, rocks, and clay outward, knocking down several Hexenbiests that had been trying to get to their feet. The action formed a crevice between each side of the battle. Its depth was impossible to determine, shrouded by the veil of night, adding an air of mystery to the chaotic scene and momentarily disrupting the flow of the battle.


Detective Hank Griffin felt foolish. A small part of him felt cowardly. But this is what he agreed to do. To be fair, it was more that he was following the orders issued to him by Adalind. She'd wanted to confront Juliette on her own. They'd walked around the forest, following the sounds of battle and screaming, managing to stay out of view. It was Adalind who'd seen Nick running around looking for something. They'd had to traverse the battle the long way, walking around the warzone rather than through it. Adalind hated it. She'd shouted angry whispers at Hank as they made their way past trees and bushes, demanding that he find a shadow and stay there until he could find an opening to help Nick. Even though she'd been trying to rush through the brush, she stopped and looked up at Hank's imposing figure, narrowed her eyes, and said, "You protect Nick. Your job is to get him out of there. Do NOT worry about me. Nick!" She lifted her eyebrows in expectation before repeating herself, "Nick…."

Hank nodded. He'd follow her instructions to the best of his ability, but by no means did he like sitting back and waiting.

He could hear fighting in the distance, and he winced a bit as he heard the log Adalind had picked up connect with Juliette's skull, but overall, it was quiet where he was sitting. No birds, no insects. Just the sound of his own breathing. He crouched down, and when he heard a twig snap, at first, he thought he'd put his weight on something. His assumption was proven incorrect as he turned just in time to see someone casually walking through the forest, heading in the direction of the battle being waged. Hank had not been made privy to all of the Wesen Council's plans for the night, so he was immensely confused at how casually this person was walking, and even more confused when he noticed another nearby walker on his opposite side. He did his best to remain hidden in the shadows, assuming they were friendly, and being incorrect wasn't how he wanted his evening to end.

He watched in silence as the two people passed him. One he thought was maybe a woman, though it was difficult to tell. The other definitely a man. Slowing his breathing, Hank attempted to remain as silent as possible. He looked back over at Adalind and saw her and Juliette staring each other down. Whatever was being said between them, he was too far away to hear. Temptation began to overpower him. He didn't like not knowing exactly what was happening. He was about to risk it all and step out from the shadows in an attempt to get closer. Out of the corner of his eye, however, he caught two more people walking casually in his direction.

He could only make out their silhouettes, but they were clearly walking side by side. Two men. One walking with his hands in the front pockets of his jeans. The other was pushing aside a low-hanging branch so he could keep pace with his companion. Hank decided he would sit and wait for these people to walk past him, but before his patience could pay out, one of them noticed what was going on between Juliette and Adalind. He grabbed the other by the shoulder to share his discovery. Hank caught a few whispered words between the two men as they argued about whether to continue their path or intervene with what they could see in the distance.


Juliette had never felt so much anger and so much relief wash over her at the same time. It was quite possible that she'd never felt this particular combination of emotions before. Anger at being attacked from behind, and also years of built-up anger at Adalind that she'd never been able to act on. The relief she felt caused by having Adalind in front of her with nothing between them. She could end this ridiculous burden she'd placed on herself. She'd kill Adalind, then she'd likely have to insert herself in the battle Collette, Ronin, and Gail were mired in. Once that battle was won, however, Juliette would happily hand over a few strands of hair from her own head to the Coven and wish them well. She had no specific plan for after that other than to go far away and find a new life for herself and try to forget that she had ever known anything about the Wesen world.

As a combination of both a test and an attempt to kill Adalind, Juliette flicked her wrist at Adalind, intending to launch her into the air. She already suspected what the consequences of this would be and wasn't surprised to find out that the answer was nothing. Adalind brought her hands up reflexively to defend herself but then nodded her head in understanding at how unnecessary it was.

Juliette began walking in an arc around Adalind. "Out of curiosity... Do you know why we affect each other the way we do?"

Adalind had been wondering the same thing. Elizabeth had tossed out a pretty valid explanation: that they'd simply done too much magic against each other. That explanation simply wasn't enough, though. It had to be more. It had to be either that Adalind had married Nick, causing a new spell to be cast, albeit completely by accident, or it was the consequences of them then reversing the magical repercussions of that marriage, leading to yet more unexpected consequences. Adalind, however, decided it was best to be honest, enjoying the chance to torment Juliette with her response, she spoke in a dry and calculated tone. She replied, "I have no idea," fully aware that appearing to lie about her lack of understanding would only stoke Juliette's frustration.

With the knowledge that Juliette wouldn't believe her, she expected Juliette to lash out at her, and she wasn't wrong. Juliette attempted again to use her powers directly on Adalind. Using a flourishing motion with her hands amounted to nothing.

As a reflex, again, Adalind put up her hands, but this time, she also Woged. The Woge was so completely unlike what would be expected of a Hexenbiest. Only a few patches of skin took on the rough, dried-up appearance. So little, in fact, that Juliette's eyes widened in surprise as she pieced together what she was seeing. Juliette couldn't control her reaction. She stopped walking and cackled.

Adalind tilted her head and shrugged. It wasn't as though she had any control over her appearance and didn't see the humor in it. Juliette however, seemed to think it was hilarious and needed a moment to compose herself.

Like a switch had been flipped, however, she straightened herself, her face contorted with rage as she motioned with one hand to find the first random thing on the ground she could grab. It happened to be a tree limb, about the length of an arm. Lifting it off the ground, it floated and rotated in the air. As Adalind watched, Juliette waved her free hand back and forth, removing the smaller limbs from the larger branch with two quick slices of her hand. Then, with deft precision, she sharpened one end, creating a makeshift wooden stake.

Adalind, at first, had been intrigued with what Juliette was doing but when she saw what was clearly a forest made shiv, her eyes widened in fear. She took a step back and instinctively put a hand up, anticipating what was about to happen.

A twisted smile crossed Juliette's face as she declared, "I'm going to enjoy this."

The branch that hung in the air stopped rotating with the sharpened end facing Adalind. She couldn't help but say, "No!"

Juliette simply pointed a finger at the shiv and it shot into Adalind. With a sickening thud, it pierced through her shoulder, emerging from her back.

Adalind's scream of shock and agony echoed through the forest as she collapsed to the ground. Meanwhile, Nick, ensnared by the constricting vines, emitted guttural sounds of horror and rage, his voice stifled by the tight grip around his chest and throat.

Unable to move or help in any way, Nick did the only thing he could. He began praying... but not to any god.