
Great Hero becomes Demon Lord Slave

Why can't the world give me a simple, happy life? I don’t have anything. I don’t have anyone. My only attachment to this world is gone. I feel like dying. Yeah, maybe dying is the best outcome for someone like me who doesn’t have anything. ================================================================= Hello guys... Comeback to writing since My life is broken in rl... Rather than killing myself, I better find something to mend my broken life :') Doesn't care about your comment... I just writing for healing... https://discord.gg/fYwzCSR5 My dc Also, I'm looking for a cover that explains my brokenness Got a recommendation? comment or chat me in discord, doesn't matter, since I don't get any in google that resonate with me *Note: Not an English native, just using Grammarly to help with my Grammar

DimLight · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
13 Chs

2. Ritual (Not yet Edited)

"Shadows gather, and night descends,"

"Hearken, spirits of the void beyond."

"By these dark sigils, our realm bends,"

"To bridge the chasm, to the bond we fond."

"From the abyss where silence reigns,"

"By these words, the gates unseal."

"I call thee forth with sacred chains,"

"Appear before me, let the pact congeal."

"Ancient power, to our god we give this offering,"

"With blood and essence, I invoke."

"Through mystic fire that spirits reckon,"

"Manifest now, through mist and smoke."

"Please descend, O mighty Demon King,"

"By our plea, attend our rite."

"Rise from thy dark throne, unfurl thy wing,"

"And in our circle, claim thy sight"


"Please descend, O mighty Demon King,"

"By our plea, attend our rite."

"Rise from thy dark throne, unfurl thy wing,"

"And in our circle, claim thy sight"


"Please descend, O mighty Demon King,"

"By our plea, attend our rite."

"Rise from thy dark throne, unfurl thy wing,"

"And in our circle, claim thy sight"


That's what Steven heard when he came to his senses, feeling disoriented and shackled.

As the repeated invocations echo through the cavernous chamber, Steven's vision begins to clear. The cold, hard stone beneath him and the metallic taste of blood in his mouth brings a grim sense of reality. His eyes adjust to the dim light, revealing the eerie scene around him—a circle of robed figures, their faces obscured, standing before a massive, intricately drawn pentagram glowing ominously on the floor.

Though the darkness swells around him, Steven feels a cold detachment rather than fear. His mind, rather than seeking a way to escape, simmers with thoughts of revenge against Emma and Dorn. He absently tests the chains binding his wrists, more out of habit than any real hope of freedom. They are as unyielding as the fate that has brought him here. 

The chanting around him intensified, the air thickening with dark energy that seemed to echo his own thirst for vengeance. As he resigned himself to the grim ceremony unfolding, he wondered what the hell was happening

Suddenly, two figures clad in black robes appeared at Steven's side.

"You are Steven, right? You need to help us stop the madness, or this world will end with these zealots reigning over us."

Steven looked up and down, noticing two black robes figures suddenly on his left, while the one who was talking to him was the guy in front. Though judging by the situation with all the mystic things happening here, added with some chanting about the descend of the demon king and how this guy talking about the world end and all.

Anyone can judge that this was a really, really bad situation.

But so what?

To hell with the world!

And if we think further, isn't this what actually Steven wants?

"Hahaha, good, good. I like this, no need for me to lift a finger, and this world will be gone!"



Steven laughed maniacally when he thought this fuck up world would be gone.

"Are you sure about that? Don't you want to know who killed your sister?" the robed figure asked, his voice smug, as if he knew Steven intimately

"What do you mean?!"

Steven's rage peaked in an instant.

"Rise from thy dark throne, unfurl thy wing,"

"And in our circle, claim thy sight"


A sudden shift occurs in the atmosphere. The ground trembles faintly, and a low, guttural growl reverberates through the chamber. The robed figures cease their chanting, stepping back as the center of the pentagram begins to emit a blinding light. From this light, a figure starts to materialize, taking form from the shadows—a towering entity, its presence so imposing that it seems to warp the very air around it.

"The Demon King..." a voice whispers reverently from among the crowd.

"Alright, kid, we don't have much time. Want to know who killed your sister? Then help us." the figure urged Steven.

"What do I need to do?" Steven asks.

"It's simple. In a moment, the Demon King will fully descend into this world. The offering they've prepared isn't enough for a complete summoning—it will last at most three days. To resolve this, they need someone born on the second of June at exactly midnight to be devoured by the Demon King, allowing his body to be completely controlled. And that's exactly you."

"What you need to do is let the Demon King enter your body and stall for time. Meanwhile, we'll take down everyone here and halt the summoning ritual."

"Why should I trust you?" Steven rasped, his voice hoarse with doubt and suspicion.


Author Nore:

Sup guys,

Just want to ask for your help, please donate to me in PayPal... Alright, before that I think I need to tell you a little about me, I guess? And why I'm literally begging you to help me.

So, I've entered a hospital because of an accident, long story short, I don't have any money, so my only choice is debt, I hope my recovery is fast, but shit happened, and I'm 1 month in the hospital with piled up debt... Added to how I got fired from my work...

Yeah, I'm miserable af... Now I'm discharged, To pay for a fraction of the debt, I sell everything I have, and leave with my laptop which I use to write a novel here... I just don't know what I should do... I want to look for a work, but there is no way I can get it fast

My debt is about 1890$ well maybe next week it's already 2k... I want to die actually... But I also don't want to

So I hope you can help me... Whatever it is, it means a lot to me :')


And you can join my discord
