
Great Hero becomes Demon Lord Slave

Why can't the world give me a simple, happy life? I don’t have anything. I don’t have anyone. My only attachment to this world is gone. I feel like dying. Yeah, maybe dying is the best outcome for someone like me who doesn’t have anything. ================================================================= Hello guys... Comeback to writing since My life is broken in rl... Rather than killing myself, I better find something to mend my broken life :') Doesn't care about your comment... I just writing for healing... https://discord.gg/fYwzCSR5 My dc Also, I'm looking for a cover that explains my brokenness Got a recommendation? comment or chat me in discord, doesn't matter, since I don't get any in google that resonate with me *Note: Not an English native, just using Grammarly to help with my Grammar

DimLight · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

3. Death (Not yet Edited)

"Why should I trust you?" Steven rasped, his voice hoarse with doubt and suspicion.

"Because we have a common enemy," another figure chimed in, stepping forward. The new voice was calm, almost soothing. "And because we are your only shot at learning the truth about your sister—and enacting your revenge."

As they spoke, the pentagram's glow intensified, casting eerie shadows that danced like specters on the walls. The air thickened, charged with a palpable energy as the Demon King's form solidified. Its towering presence commanded the chamber, its features sharp and imposing, a crown of ethereal flames flickering around its head.

The Demon King's deep, resonant voice filled the chamber, echoing off the stone walls. "Who summons me with such audacity? Who dares to bind me with chains of mortal making?"

One of the robed figures stepped forward, previously hidden among the shadows, and bowed deeply. "O Great Demon King, we summon you to bestow upon us the power to reshape this world, to guide us through the light, to show us the might of the Great Demon King you are. As a representative of our allegiance, we offer you the soul of one born under the cursed moon, just as you prophesied."

"Alright, here comes your role. Remember what I told you before,"

The robed figure whispered urgently to Steven as they pulled on the chains around him and dragged him toward the altar

Before Steven could respond, he was thrown atop the altar. Immediately, he felt the pull, a tug at the very essence of his being. It was as if invisible chains wrapped around his spirit, drawing him towards the Demon King. He took a deep breath, focusing on his sister's face, her laugh, the life they had shared, and the brutal end that had come far too soon.

As the Demon King approached, the air shimmered with dark energy. He felt the demon's power encase him, a cold, numbing spread that threatened to overwhelm his senses. But he clung to his anger, his need for revenge.

With a defiant scream, Steven allowed the Demon King to enter and merge with his own, fighting to maintain control, to use this unholy union to his advantage. His body convulsed, his vision blurred, and then there was darkness.

But in that darkness, there was a spark—a memory of pain, of loss, and a burning desire for vengeance to destroy the world that refused to be extinguished.


In the shadow-drenched chamber, as the Demon King's essence intertwined with Steven, the two robed figures watched with a cold detachment masked under their hooded cloaks. Unbeknownst to the summoning cult, these figures had their own dire motives, poised to exploit the chaos they were about to unleash.

As Steven's essence could be seen slowly changing with naked eyes, as the Demon King greedily consumed his essence, intertwining their souls in a perilous dance. The two robed figures exchanged a glance, their own plan set in motion. The chamber thrummed with a sinister energy, the air crackling as the ritual neared its climax.

"Is it time?" hissed the first figure, his eyes gleaming with a cruel anticipation.

"Now," replied the second, tightening her grip on the dagger imbued with ancient curses and dark enchantments.

They advanced towards Steven, their movements swift and decisive. The dagger plunged into Steven's back, where his heart desperately fought against the inevitable. The pain was excruciating, a searing blaze that consumed his senses.

The Demon King roared in fury and agony, the ritual disrupted by this unexpected betrayal. The energy within the room spiraled out of control, a big bang and a maelstrom of power that no one—not the cultists, nor Steven, nor even the Demon King—could have anticipated or contained.

As the chamber collapsed into ruins, the two figures retreated into the shadows, their mission seemingly accomplished. But the outcome was not as simple as death or destruction.

And that's how the sad story of Steven ended with an unexpected betrayal. Swallowed by eternal darkness, Steven vowed to never trust again, his heart hardened by the deceit and cruelty he had endured.


Author Nore:

Sup guys,

Just want to ask for your help, please donate to me in PayPal... Alright, before that I think I need to tell you a little about me, I guess? And why I'm literally begging you to help me.

So, I've entered a hospital because of an accident, long story short, I don't have any money, so my only choice is debt, I hope my recovery is fast, but shit happened, and I'm 1 month in the hospital with piled up debt... Added to how I got fired from my work...

Yeah, I'm miserable af... Now I'm discharged, To pay for a fraction of the debt, I sell everything I have, and leave with my laptop which I use to write a novel here... I just don't know what I should do... I want to look for a work, but there is no way I can get it fast

My debt is about 1890$ well maybe next week it's already 2k... I want to die actually... But I also don't want to

So I hope you can help me... Whatever it is, it means a lot to me :')


And you can join my discord
