

Joan was still asleep the whole time while they were battling. Joan's students' pride was trampled the moment they underestimated him. It was the moment they stood up and beat up all who opposed their master. The ones who specifically talked behind his back were offered a duel with his students.

"Hey! You will pay for beating up my comrade!" shouted one of the students who was underestimating Joan.

"Yes! How about a small bout of a contest against us?" Elbert said to him.

"Sure! Hahaha, we will beat you assess like you will all crawl going home!" shouted one of them.

"Hey, we can heal right?" Heinz said to them.

It was then, they scoffed. All were paired against Joan's students. They moved to the stage and then brandished their battle instinct. It was then, Elbert was the first to fight them.

"Go, Luke! You beat his ass for us!" said their supposed leader.