
Grand Voyage, Can I Invite Traveling Sims

Accidentally crossed into the world of great voyages and awakened the simulation system. Able to continuously acquire abilities through Sims to strengthen themselves. It is also possible to invite companions to simulate, free prostitution. At Luffy’s invitation, Lin Lai decided to join the pirate group that had touched him countless times. Therefore, in the continuous Sims, the painting style of the entire Straw Hat Pirates has changed. Luffy: “The sound of freedom that resounds in the sky, the form of the sun god.” Sauron: “Swastika, six-armed Asura.” Nami: “Thunder Dragon Slayer Magic.” Robin: “Thousand-handed Buddha. “Frankie: “Gundam!” Lin Lai looked helplessly at the enemy in front of him. “My companion is too strong, I don’t even have a chance to make a move.”

Gold_D_Dragneel · Anime et bandes dessinées
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174 Chs

Chapter 92

everyone walked up to the Merry with anticipation, looking forward to the century soup that Sanji said.

After a while, everyone looked at the bowl of shining soup in front of them, and they couldn't help but swallow.

without him, it is so fragrant, just smelling that smell has already made people's saliva constantly secrete.

but a thick soup, but on the surface it is just a bowl of water, the only difference compared to clear water is that it shines like an aurora.

"I'm moving."

Luffy was the first to couldn't help it, directly picked up the bowl, and drank it in one gulp.

then, the next second.

"Oh, hey, it's delicious."

as if feeling something beautiful, Luffy showed an extremely lewd smile and stood stupidly in place.

"Cut, look at you."

Solon glanced at Luffy with disdain, he was known to be a cold swordsman, no matter how good it was, he would not be able to become Luffy.

without any hesitation, Solon took the bowl, drank it dry, and then.

"Oh, that's nice."

"Cut, look at your sluggishness."

Usopp is very unhappy with the performance of the two, just like this, be a captain and swordsman, go back to feed the pigs.


"It's delicious, hey, hey."

watching everyone drink the century soup, Vivi frowned and looked good, did she forget something.

"Forget it, it should be an illusion."

Vivi shook her head, also picked up the bowl, and drank the thick soup that made her extremely curious.

So, after a while, everyone sitting on the Meili showed a lewd smile, entered the sage moment, and felt the beauty of the world.


moment, Nami thought back to her expression just now, became angry, punched everyone except Vivi, and ran into her room.

"hiss ~ so it hurts."

Lin Lai and several people covered their foreheads and cried out in pain.

"It's all women, you look at Princess Vivi, and then look at you."

Usopp muttered in dissatisfaction, however, Vivi on the other side was already hiding in the corner with a red face and did not dare to see anyone.

"It's a shame, it's a shame, how can I make that expression."

covering her reddened little face, Vivi experienced a death in her life: social death.

At this time, it would be nice if there was someone to embarrass next to it, hey, by the way, the Ikalem.

At this moment, Vivi finally remembered what she had just forgotten, that is, Ikalem, her loyal courtier was still lying on the ground.

here it was very joyful on the Meili, and on the other side, in the Red Earth Continent, in the Holy Land of Mary Joa, in a conference room, five powerful old men who looked like high-ranking people were sitting at a conference table.

these five people are the five old stars who stand at the pinnacle of power in this world.

As the supreme controller of world power, their usual every action will cause a lot of turmoil, but at this moment, they are all gathered together.

"That fruit was born again, it has been eaten, we need to strangle him in the cradle."

a five-old star armed with a cane spoke, his tone serious.

the other five old stars also nodded.

"In this world, it is enough for that kind of person to appear once, and he must not be allowed to appear again."

"Just kill that man, once and for all."

"No, this fruit seems to have its own consciousness, in so many years, even if our world government has been looking for it, it has not found it once, this time it is hard to find, you must have a perfect solution to make a move."

At this time, the five old stars with a knife in his hand spoke, and his tone was cold.

"Wouldn't it be better if we summoned the admiral directly to capture him and then imprisoned him."

Five Old Stars with a cane looked serious and shook their heads.

"No, according to the information we have, this imp who has gained the ability is Karp's grandson, and Karp's reputation in the Navy is too high to do it to his grandson with great fanfare."

"Then send members of cp0 to arrest them, so that they will not attract attention."

"Then it was decided, to be on the safe side, send two high-ranking agents to catch that imp."

CP0's senior agents have extremely strong strength and can briefly contend with the admiral, and once the two senior agents cooperate, they can also support under the admiral's hands for a short time.

and the reason why such a powerful agent was sent to carry out the mission was naturally because of Lin Lai.

According to the information at hand, Luffy has a crew member who can briefly fight Hawkeye without falling behind.

so sending two senior agents is just for insurance.

in their opinion, even a guy who can tie with Hawkeye in a short period of time is unlikely to easily solve the senior agent of CP0, one drags Lin Lai, and the other takes the opportunity to catch Luffy.

It's just that no one would have thought how fast Lin Lai's strength would improve, and now he could fight with the admiral.

"By the way, according to the route, the destination of this group of people should be in the kingdom of Alabastan, just send those two agents here, just now, there is a little crocodile that is not very honest, it's time for him to be quiet, by the way, assist us in the mission."

And just like that, without everyone knowing, the world government began its first operation against the Straw Hat Pirates.

but this time the outcome is destined to disappoint them all.

"Ay~ how do I feel that someone is praising me for being handsome."

Luffy rubbed his nose and muttered.

"Don't face, I remember the last time I was so speechless."

Usopp sat leisurely on the side of the boat with a fishing rod, and after taunting Luffy, he turned to look at the keg next to Lin Lai, which was empty.

Usopp showed a malicious smile and deliberately asked loudly.

"Lin Lai, how many fish have you caught."

Lin did not look back, his eyes were serious.

"If you catch this one, add two and that's three."


Usopp froze and thought carefully for a long time before reacting.

"Isn't this zero."

listening to Usopp's words, Lin Lai was instantly displeased.

"What a zero, how can you smear people's innocence out of thin air."

Usopp replied loudly.

"But I obviously see that the keg next to you is empty, this is not what the Air Force is."

"This is not the Air Force, this is cultivating sentiment, the fisherman's thing, can it be called the Air Force?"

Lin came to argue with reason, followed by what Jiang Taigong fishing, willing to take the bait, not in the state today, another day to fight again and other incomprehensible words, causing everyone to laugh.

the air was suddenly filled with a breath of happiness.

ps: About Luffy is afraid of lightning, in fact, my opinion is afraid, but it is immune to a certain degree of lightning, but with the development of ability, the strength of immunity will also increase, as for Ani Lu hit Luffy, how much moisture is not mentioned, finally, I wish everyone a happy weekend.