
Gods Gift

Thousands of years ago there was a huge battle in the heavens that no one on earth even knew about. A battle that had been going on for hundreds of years, a battle that no one could see or hear but and the destructive force power to wipe out galaxies. It was a huge battle between Angels and Demons.

Hoggyblue · Fantaisie
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51 Chs

Chapter 43: The Argument

Jake arrived in the main hall of the monastery with Abigail still holding onto his hand, Jake turned to Abigail shocked that and annoyed she had teleported with him, he was about to try and hide Abigail when Taka walked into the main hall.

Taka: Jake who is this? Why is she here?

Jake sighed

Jake: This is Abigail, my girlfriend I have told you about, she grabbed my hand as I teleported

Taka: You know you can't have people here

Jake: I know can you just not tell anyone, please

Taka was hesitant

Taka: Sure, we should head to your room

Jake: Good idea

Jake grabbed Abigail's hand and started making their way down the hall towards Jakes room, Abigail was in amazement of the place she was in wondering what was behind each door.

They arrived in the room and Taka quickly took out the book he was holding.

Taka: So, anyway we have found some important information about the Demons and how their possession works

Jake: Oh really, go on then

Taka: Basically they can only possess someone if the host gives them permission

Jake knowing this is great information as he did not have to worry about Valac taking over his body or now even Abigail's body.

Taka then pulled flipped the pages in the book and handed it to Jake.

Taka: That was not the only reason I wanted to talk to you here, in this book is mention of your powers and also mentions that man you spoke with, what Shi

Jake quickly took the book and started to read through the page, it mentioned Shi in the war and said that he would be the last blue flame user, Jake obviously confused with the last part as he was clearly another blue flame user and wondered why Shi did not mention it.

Abigail started to get agitated as they were keeping her in the room, so she decided to start reading a book that was in the room which made Taka a bit nervous as she was not allowed to know anything about it.

Jake happy with the information Taka had given him and saw him out of the room, turning to Abigail with a stern look on his face.

Jake: Why did you grab my hand? Have you any idea what could have happened?

Abigail stood up from the bed putting the book down

Abigail: I just wanted to come with you for once

Jake: You know you can't

Abigail: I'm just sick of you leaving to come here without me, can't I just explore this place a little bit

Jake: No, they would literally kill me, we are leaving

Jake then grabbed Abigail's hand and teleporting them back to Jake's house, where they continued the argument.

Abigail: Can't you just for once have some rest, all you do is train and go to that monastery

Jake: You know I need to train

Abigail: But just have some time for me or at least let me be part of both your lives

Jake: But the other masters sa…

Abigail: Fuck the other masters, without you they would still be fighting four demons

Jake: I'm not doing this right now

Abigail: Because you know I'm right

Jake: Yes, but what else do you want me to do, I'm trying to save the fucking world

They continued the argument for another hour with it ending when Abigail storming off upstairs to get away from Jake.

Jake was left in the living room feeling extremely angry and frustrated, he quickly teleported to the field he trains in and let off a few attacks destroying the ground around him, then after about ten minutes, he teleported back to the house where he was met by Abigail coming back downstairs.

He held Abigail and told her he was sorry, whilst Abigail was in tears apologizing back to him, she then said she was going back upstairs to get some sleep with Jake responding telling her he would join her after he cleaned himself up.