
Gods Gift

Thousands of years ago there was a huge battle in the heavens that no one on earth even knew about. A battle that had been going on for hundreds of years, a battle that no one could see or hear but and the destructive force power to wipe out galaxies. It was a huge battle between Angels and Demons.

Hoggyblue · Fantasy
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51 Chs

Chapter 42: A Year Later

Arriving outside of Abigail's house and knocking on her door, she quickly opened it and basically jumped into his arms excitingly.

Jake: What's this for?

Abigail: I'm just happy you are here

She then grabbed his hand and basically dragged him into the house closing the door behind them.

Abigail: You just in time, I was just making dinner

Jake: Oh right, what you making then

Abigail: lasagne, do you want some? I'll make you some

Jake: No I'm alright, no need to worry about me

Abigail: Nonsense, I'm a good cook so just have some

Jake: Okay, thank you

Abigail: Alright you take a seat in the living room and I'll go get it ready

Jake took a seat on the sofa as she ran off into the kitchen to prepare the dinner, they continued their conversation through the walls, Jake not being able to hear her properly decided to join her in the kitchen.

Abigail: I told you to wait in there

Jake: No point shouting to each other plus I can help you

Abigail: Alright

Jake started helping her out making the dinner, they got everything sorted and started to eat the food whilst discussing their lives with each other.

Abigail was still amazed by Jake's powers even after Jake had told her pretty much everything there was to know about his powers.

Abigail: So, do you think I would be able to my own powers.

Jake: Yes, anyone could but it's incredibly hard to do, you have to go through some intense training, and that typically takes some years

Abigail: What about you? You got your powers quickly

Jake: Well, mine is irregular, we still don't know fully what mine are

Abigail: How long did the others take to get theirs?

Jake: Some over forty years

Abigail: Oh, wow

Jake: Yeah that was my reaction

Abigail: I don't think I'll try to get any powers

They finished up their dinner and were both cleaning up.

Abigail: So, how about we go on a date tomorrow?

Jake almost dropped the plate he was holding.

Jake: Yeah, sure, where would you like to go?

Abigail: Well seeing as you can take us anywhere, how about Tokyo?

Jake: Oh I see, sure I'll take you to Tokyo?

Finishing up with the cleaning up Jake was starting to leave.

Jake: I guess I'll see you tomorrow

She then made her way over to Jake kissing him in the doorway, pulling away from the kiss she looked at him.

Abigail: Why do you need to leave?

She then closed the door and they made their way upstairs.


A year passed since Jake had captured the three demons and he was living a happy life, now in a relationship with Abigail the pair of them completely falling in love with each other.

Jake had returned to the monastery many times over the year trying to find any information on the whereabouts on Valac as they had heard nothing from him or any demon since the three were captured.

A video had gone viral in the last year of the scene of Djynn appearing in Vegas destroying a car, with more reports of each of the fields Jake had destroyed with his fights, the masters knew it was bad but also knew they could do nothing about it.

Other reports of the town and army base that Valac had destroyed had surfaced and officials lumped them all together as being part of the same thing, Jake had gone to the town that had been destroyed looking for Valac but found no one.

Jake over the year had been training every day for around 4 hours using his powers to the max to try and master them, so far he had only been able to unravel the cloth about 3 more times in the past year

Still having so much left on it Jake was eager to fight Valac knowing that if he did his power would increase experientially he had tried to spar with some of the other masters but when he did the fights did not increase it any more than him just training on his own

Jake and Abigail were currently in Jake's house sitting on the sofa together watching TV when he had received a call off his call card from Taka, Jake shocked by the noise as he had not used the card for some time.

Jake: Hello Taka

Taka seemed to be out of breath

Taka: Jake, you need to come to the monastery, quick

Jake quickly stood up searching his house for his equipment and getting changed into his robes.

Jake: Is everything okay, is it Valac

Taka: No but quickly come to the monastery, I'll explain when you are here

The call then cut off as Jake returned to the living room where Abigail was.

Jake: I need to go, I have no idea how long I will be

Before Abigail could even answer Jake began his teleport but as he was about to vanish Abigail grabbed his hand teleporting with him to the monastery.