
Goddess of Victory : NIKKE -THE Last Kiss-

Ark, the Humanity's last Bastion. They have been pushed to the brink. Most of them never have the chance to bathe in natural sunlight anymore. For the rest of their life. In this turmoil age, 3 Goddesses and one human will change the hopeless situation. ---No matter how much people stab fingers on their back. ---No matter how many setbacks to prove their sincerity. ---No matter how many deaths they have to walk past through. HE WILL NEVER STOP MOVING. . . . . ....Until his very last breath. ------ I'm Gonna Die Someday. 俺はいつか死ぬ. So don't need to pray for me. だから俺への祈りは要らない ---- Author's Twitter(X): https://twitter.com/p2fU5C2HMKb64PK?t=PeTWsCjO8JNuyM1ftzB8AQ&s=09 Original story Link: https://syosetu.org/novel/301895/ Support the original author by following him. His work is amazing!! Illustraion for MC: https://img.syosetu.org/img/user/196574/120267.jpg ------ Please support me on my Patreon: - https://www.patreon.com/user?u=16023962 ------ My Schedule Update: 1 Chapter/day (P.S. My time zone is (GMT+7) ) You can also follow me on Twitter (X): https://twitter.com/home?lang=en (P.S. Depending on the patrons on my Patreons or Ko-Fi, I might post extra chapter.) (P.S.S Also, I'm using Chat GPT with personal edit, so there may be some mistranslation.)

NikkeSimp · Anime et bandes dessinées
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190 Chs

Ch 113

The group has been tailing the Rapture for 20 minutes already.

Fortunately, it seems that they haven't been noticed yet.

The Rapture, maintaining a single-file formation while producing multiple engine sounds in the direction they were looking, still appeared to Anis as a swarm of ants.

"Hey, I suddenly got curious... why did you guys decide to come to the surface? With the Merchant Union, you should be wealthy enough without doing something dangerous like this, right?"

During this tailing, Anis posed a straightforward question to the three members of the Merchant Union following behind.

Moore, who took over as the leader from her, continued to monitor the advancing Rapture with Rapi while answering. Thanks to the reliable duo leading the way, Anis had enough mental space to have such questions.

"Haven't you seen the news?"

The three members of the Merchant Union, Nikké and the others, looked at each other. Yan, representing them, began to ask indirectly if they couldn't understand the situation.

While Anis, puzzled by their lack of understanding, tilted her head, Neon, who took the question at face value, responded.

"We do watch it. National Defence News──It's a meaningful program that introduces new weapons with splendid firepower every time."

As if mocking, Neon retorted in a slightly indignant tone, but Dolla let out a sigh.

"Not that kind of news. I mean news that deals with current events and topics in society."

Describing it as such, Dolla seemed to have a point. Indeed, the viewership is likely heavily skewed.

"It was quite noisy recently. The stock prices of Mishilis plummeted, causing investors and shareholders to suffer huge losses."

"Eh? That crappy company of──Syuen?"

"When is that story from?"

"Just about two weeks ago, I think. You really didn't know?"

Surprisingly, the news was also new to Anis and Neon. Even though Rupee asked just to be sure, they all shook their heads in unison.

That makes sense. ── At that time, the forward base was busy in a different sense. There was absolutely no time to watch general current events news.

"And... unfortunately, we're one of the investors who suffered losses. To quickly make up for the losses, we had to take some risks. ── For example, coming up to the surface."

"...So, with Commander, that's why you go with us?"

Explaining the circumstances that Dolla pinpointed, Anis asked with a thoughtful look. In response, not only Dolla but also the others nodded.

It was a mutually beneficial situation. On one hand, they wanted to secure the budget for the urgent restoration of the forward base. On the other hand, having suffered from the collapse of Mishilis' stock prices, they wanted to compensate for the losses. Both parties had aligned interests.

Misiilis Industry is one of the three major corporations, supported by numerous shareholders or investors. This is also true for Elysion and Tetra Line, but the recent stock market crash has been caused by several intertwined factors.

Firstly, the flagship squad of Misiilis, Metis, has all succumbed to erosion, and the treatment of cold sleep is still ongoing. In the subsequent all-out war, Misiilis has not deployed elite squads except for mass-produced types. This is unavoidable because the elite squad, Metis, owned by the company, succumbed to erosion, but the public perception might differ. Elysion and Tetra Line sacrificed themselves, but Misiilis was suspected of not contributing equally.

Also, the memory erasure treatment for the erosion-afflicted Metis has not been implemented, and it became widely known that it is currently the only treatment method confirmed to cure erosion.

Even if the erosion-afflicted Nikkes, with specs different from the mass-produced types, were under cold sleep, they still existed in the Ark.

The fact was enough to instill fear and distrust in the citizens.

"...Honestly, it's a well-known story that President Syuen was fond of Metis, and it's not surprising that he would want to preserve their memories. As a fellow Nikke, I hope they find some other way."

──However, the perspective changes when viewed from the investors' position.

They also have companies they are involved with. As a profit-seeking entrepreneur, while personally understanding the situations of Mishilis and Syuen, they might find it hard to comprehend as entrepreneurs.

Yan expressed it as a complex feeling.

When Anis and Neon cast an indescribable gaze at them as they sighed, Moore and Rapi, who were leading the way, returned.

"──Something's off."

Whether they intentionally didn't sense the atmosphere emanating from them or not, Moore informed everyone of an abnormal occurrence.

When Anis asked what had happened, he pulled out his mobile device and projected the surrounding map onto the LCD screen.

Staring at the screen, Anis muttered, "Are they just circling the same place?"

"It seems that way. I recognized a familiar sign, so I checked, and sure enough."

He nodded back to Anis and stowed the mobile device in the pouch of his body armor.

"...Is the direction sensor malfunctioning?"

"So many Raptures all at once?"

"Well, as unlikely as it sounds..."

However, it wouldn't make sense for them to maintain formation and continue marching with even spacing if it were just a malfunction.

While Moore implicitly conveyed that it wasn't a simple malfunction, Yan spoke to Dolla on the side.

"Dolla, have you recorded the entire route the Rapture has taken so far?"

"Of course."

She nodded and shaded her left ear with her hand. The activated earphone-shaped gadget projected the surrounding map in front of her, and after glancing at it, Dolla spoke up.

"Based on the records, it's not that the Rapture are aimlessly circling the same location. Rather, it would be better to assume they are patrolling to protect the coordinates we are targeting."

"...Is it such an important location?"

"Who knows."

Unfortunately, Moore didn't know the extent of the Rapture's value. If she did, planning the operation would become much easier.

However, Dolla's suggestion of patrol rounds was presented, and simultaneously, Moore's mind ruled out the possibility that the tailing had been noticed.

If that were the case, the situation would be a bit problematic.

"Now, what do we do? Force our way through like this? Or──should we give up and go back?"

With her eyes on him, Dolla presented the two options.

Moore is the one in charge of the command on the scene. The decision-making power for the advance and retreat of the group is entrusted to him.

Nevertheless, regardless of the contract with them, the goal is to protect the coordinates.

Whether there is a contract or not, in this case, a retreat to prioritize safety is the best option.

It's a job where the operator is absent. Making the wrong choice could result in physical damage that is visible. Carrying an unnecessary risk is dangerous in one word.

As Moore was about to utter the word "retreat" in his mind, unexpectedly, Neon's voice echoed in his mind.


"Honestly... it's been tough since the forward base was attacked by terrorism."

"Electricity and gas are barely enough... and the water pipe burst the other day..."

"I'm tired of living on snacks with the increase in people!"


──Living on snacks with the increase in people?


"Is it you!? Are you stealing my snacks!?"


In addition, Anis's voice resonated in his mind. While these voices continued to reverberate in his mind, he unconsciously disengaged the safety lock of the assault rifle he had brought with him with his fingertips.

"──Fuck it."


A dull pain surged through his mind, but without paying it any mind, Moore raised his head. At that moment, for some reason, it seemed as if the dark brown eyes hiding behind the sunglasses of Dror, who was beside him, had dilated.

"Force our way through. Squad, cock your hammers."

"Hold on! Commander, are you serious!?"

"I'm always serious."

Anis thought the eyes behind the sunglasses looked steady, but she couldn't help but question his sanity.

Nevertheless, Moore couldn't be more sane. And he was serious.

"──Rapi, Anis... work with the Merchant Union. Take Yan and flank to the left."

"Are we doing this too?"

"If you want treasures or whatever, work for it. ──Neon, Dolla, and Rupee, move under my command. We'll launch an attack from the front, drawing the enemy's attention. During that time, Rapi and the others will move to the left and shower them with grenades from the side."


"Any questions? ──If not, let's begin. Rapi, take the two and move."

Rapi nodded and ran with Anis and a somewhat reluctant Yan.

Watching them go, Moore hid behind cover and peered through the optical scope glasses ACOG mounted on the top of his assault rifle.

"Um... big brother. Can I ask you one question?"

"...What is it?"

"What if we fail?"

"Don't worry. If things go south, I'll make sure you guys escape."


"...Move a little farther away. If enemy fire hits, you'll all get blown away together."

With a rather extreme remark, Rupee couldn't help but make an indescribable expression, and he targeted the rear Rapture with the reticle.

"Dolla, take down the lead enemy. I leave the timing to you."


Anticipating Dolla's movement towards the collapsing building, he continued to aim at the last enemy.

Soon, she must have reached the sniping position. With a dry gunshot, the leading enemy, advancing forward, was pierced and destroyed.

The sight of the Rapture flock turning their red monocles toward the direction of the gunfire, which was heard from the rear after witnessing the scene, was witnessed by Moore and his group hiding.


Convinced that the attention was focused, he gave the command.

As Moore pulled the trigger, the same gunshot resonated from Rupee's assault rifle.

Like rain hitting from the front, the barrage of gunfire struck the Rapture, and each component making up their bodies was shattered by bullets, rolling onto the street.

If these were living humans──he absentmindedly thought.

If pain was functional, they might flinch a bit from the pain, or scream and cause a loss of morale around them. However, the opponent is a mass of machinery. Such functions are likely not present.

At most, their systems might experience errors, causing their movements to slow down or stop.

Difficult to kill, he thought with a straightforward mindset.

Eventually, Rapi and the others, who had flanked to the side, seemed to have reached the attack position. As soon as they observed the explosion of grenades once, twice within the enemy ranks, he stood up from behind cover.

"Neon, follow me! We're clearing them out!"

"Yes, Master!"

Responding to the sharp command, Neon ran after her mentor.

Watching their figures, Rupee──

"Huh? Huh!? Wait a minute!?"

──Could only send them off with a puzzled expression.

Simultaneous attacks from the side and the front.

And with the commencement of the sweeping shotgun all-brake shooting as soon as they entered the range, the enemy machines were quickly reduced in number.

"──Situation clear!"

"──Well done. Any casualties?"


Approaching them with Dolla, Rupee couldn't help but glance at the wreckage of the Rapture scattered on the street before shifting his gaze to Moore.

It seems they didn't expect to fight this much.

"I thought I was going to die..."

"...Are you okay?"

After initiating the attack from the side, the moment when all the red monocles turned towards Anis seemed to flash in his mind. He lightly tapped Anis on the back several times.

"But, if enduring this means I get a suite with a bathtub all to myself, I can muster the last bit of firepower!"

"Very much like Neon. Well, I..."

Anis, who had smiled wryly, seemed to have regained her composure, perhaps due to the pats from him.

"──I didn't think much about it. But when I thought I could get a suite with a bathtub without sneaking into the commander's room for hot water in the middle of the night, I somehow found the strength."

At the same time, they seemed to have relaxed. The moment she spoke those words with a smile, the three members of the Merchant Union all turned their gaze at her. Their eyes clearly expressed disbelief.

On the other hand, Moore knew that she sneaked in for a shower late at night. He could distinguish footsteps, understood the purpose, and even when she came in to take a shower while he was awake, he would turn on the bed, face the other way, and pretend not to notice.

"W-What is it! I'm not the only one doing that, you know!?"

Feeling the piercing gaze and its meaning, Anis turned her hazel eyes toward Neon in a state of confusion.

Well, Neon was somewhat dignified in a sense because she came to take a shower while the commander was awake.

"W-What's the matter!? I'm not the only one doing it!"

This time, there were several piercing gazes directed at Neon. Unable to endure it, she turned her leaf-green eyes toward Rapi.

Rapi, too, occasionally visited the commander's room to borrow the shower, but compared to the two earlier, Moore felt her frequency was lower.

"──Commander, Rapi take secret showers while you're middle of guard duty, right!?"

"──Y-Yes! Did you know, Master!?"

"...Is that so? Well, it doesn't bother me, but... It's not like I would mind if you came in openly..."

"...No comment."

"...It's a bit late now. And, we already showered together last time... I apologize for the trouble back then..."

At this point, Moore unintentionally let slip unnecessary words. Or, one could say he provided unnecessary information.

Especially Rupee's reaction was quite noticeable.

Based on the information provided in her mind, a scene was being pieced together.

Rapi diverted her red-eyed gaze, and maintaining silence, she probably felt embarrassed.

And when Moore mentioned showering together, it greatly fueled Rupee's imagination.

"──Sh-sh-sh... A shocking scandal is hereeee!"

The nature of a streamer, Rupee unconsciously took out her mobile device, aimed the lens at herself, and started filming.

"──Everyone, it's a shocking scandal! The commander, who looks cool and tough at first glance☆ But what's behind that face!? Late at night, he brings in a few poor young Nikke, gives them a shower with warm water, and even does this and that kind of thing~!"

Boldly exposing their tall and sturdy bodies, forcibly pulling the embarrassed faces of the girls closer, and disappearing into the steam - such fantasies welled up in Rupee's mind.

"Wow, what's going on?"


"Shopping: Yes?"

"Handsome guy ○ne: Please explain in detail..."

"Nikke love: Huh? That's unforgivable, isn't it?"


Suddenly resuming the broadcast, viewers began to raise their voices of resentment against Moore in the comment section. Such shameless and extreme acts were not to be forgiven - it was enviable, or rather, unforgivable behavior. A commander should maintain decorum.

"...Don't spread baseless rumors."

"Huh!? Wait, big brother!? You're too close!!"

"Is it malicious gossip or a rumor? Are you trying to trap me?"

Approaching, he grabbed Rupee's arm holding the mobile device, and despite the sunglasses, he peered into her face from an extremely close distance.

Though she understood that he was glaring at her, Rupee, whose cheeks flushed oddly and whose heart raced, quickly stopped the filming before a broadcasting accident occurred.

"H-Heh, putting stimulating topics in streams and videos doubles the number of views, you know? Hehe☆"

"But I have no intention of becoming the target of flames."


It would be better to apologize honestly. Expecting a scene where Moore's forehead wrinkles, visible through the gaps in the helmet and sunglasses, would rapidly increase, Rupee apologized.

"...Well, let's stop with the jokes."

"I don't think I was joking."

"Rupee didn't have any bad intention, right?"


"See, I'm right."

"...Got it."

If an influential person uploads too sensational a video, a flame war can start instantly. Whether there was malice or ill will, depending on the outcome, it could be forgotten or unresolved.

However, Moore told Rupee that as long as she corrected it later, it would be fine.

"Yeah, I got it. I'm sorry?"

"Is the conversation settled? Well, if you hit the jackpot with this incident, you can buy anything, even a shower room."

Lightly talking, Yan urged them to proceed along the cleaned-up street. However, the incident where his social status was almost jeopardized seemed a bit too late to fix.

Indeed, the comment section, where the broadcast was interrupted, continued to be filled with viewers' voices of resentment against Moore.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

NikkeSimpcreators' thoughts