
God Of The Omniverse

This story follows the rise of a regular small time criminal who had the odds against him his entire life. Just when things looked like they were about to come to an end for him, he received the power to turn his life around. Ambitious, Cruel, Manipulative, Cunning and now...Powerful. Follow his story as he makes a name for himself and grows as both a being and an organization by any means necessary, the likes of which the universe has never seen. Update Schedule: Monday, Wednesday and Friday. ....................................................................................................................................................................... Read ahead on patreon: patreon.com/GodOfBrutality Join the Discord server: https://discord.gg/U29paHWKEN *Disclaimer*: This fanfiction is a non-commercial work of art created solely for entertainment purposes. The characters, settings, and other intellectual property from the dc universe, marvel universe, and others referenced herein belong to their respective owners and creators. I do not claim any ownership over them nor am I affiliated with the studios or authors who created them. This fanfiction is not officially endorsed by any of the original creators or the studios that produced the original works. All rights to the respective characters and worlds are acknowledged and respected. This work is intended to pay homage to the original creations and to share a new story with other fans. No infringement is intended. All original characters and plots within this fanfiction are the property of the author. Please support the official releases and the talented individuals who create the original works.

God_Of_Brutality · Films
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Chapter 74: A God Part 1

Back in Washington, approximately an hour later, Arias had finally finished dealing with calls and responding to emails. To prevent more calls from coming in, he turned his phone completely off, content with the offers and deals he had made. All of which would begin to prove beneficial in just a few days' time.

As for the press briefing that would occur tomorrow, he wasn't the least bit concerned. Although they claim the majority of questions asked will be based on what the public as a whole is curious about, Arias knew instead that the questions asked would be carefully prepared by the media in an attempt to spark a story.

Figures with connections to major media companies were likely to be asked basic questions whereas those without could only hope they were overlooked. It was also very possible for some with connections to have another figure purposefully targeted, making the whole thing basically a struggle to survive the onslaught of questions.

For such there was no guarantee that Arias could be safe either and there was no way to prepare beforehand for what would occur not only for him but Diana as well.

The solution to this, was very simple. To not attend. The event was completely optional and thus many figures who felt like they'd be targeted wouldn't attend. People like Queen Bee and other dictators more especially.

By not being present, he was sure that some people would take a few jabs at him and perhaps that would make seem less positive to some but that was only true for people who knew about him through the debate.

His influence in Gotham was already cemented, thus he didn't give a damn about the rest of the world. Trying to please everyone in a single go was far too greedy and unrealistic.

But to lessen the blow, he released an official statement on his social media stating that to all those with questions for him and Diana, he planned on choosing a network to host him for an interview in the coming week when his workload reduced.

By saying this, he was basically sending a message to all media companies. Whoever chose to speak ill on them tomorrow, would lose out on a chance at an exclusive with the Amazonian princess and him.

Not only that, but by separating the date on which he would speak, the public would hold greater anticipation for him rather than the debate tomorrow where even figures such as president's of third world countries that no one cared about would be present.

No offense.

Humans had a short attention span, only people with no social lives or work that related to the debate would sit through the entire broadcast of the briefing.

With all this in mind, Arias heaved a sigh of relief. 'Now I can focus on my own matters.' The briefing was the last piece he needed to complete his short stent at dealing with affairs that required dealing with possible enemies.

He now needed to wait for a move to made by another party before he could once again. Until then, his focus would be solidifying the loyalty, influence, devotion and or love that those he kept close had for him or were developing for him.

But that too could be delayed until tomorrow. Right now, he needed to cast his focus elsewhere. "Apeiro, are you free to chat?"

That elsewhere was rebuilding or rather building a bond with Apeiro. Despite the oddity of the relationship between them, she was still an all powerful being.

Aron chose to separate those memories he had of the woman he called his mother and Apeiro. The past was the past, he now had to focus on the present.

And of all the assets he had in his arsenal, Apeiro was by far the most important.

[ I told you before Ari, anytime is fine…]

Like a moth to a flame, Apeiro was always quick to answer the moment Arias called to her. It was like a reflex, without Arias, it was like she was in the abyss all alone once again, living and not living at the same time.

But even simple talks with him, made her feel genuinely happy, this only got stronger when she had him become one with her. However, this was a two-way thing, Arias too found himself wanting Apeiro close to him.

He personally associated that feeling as a deep rooted connection he had to his mother, a feeling he couldn't just forget, no, a feeling he didn't want to forget.

They were both ignorant of the bond they now shared. Like it or not, they were drawn to each other.

"Something just occurred to me, about you."

[ Oh….] A subtle anxiousness developed in Apeiro as she wondered whether that something was good or bad.

"Since you've observed me all this time, it means you've seen every sexual encounter I've had. Is it pleasing for you or…?"

[ Ari, I was wrong. Now is in fact a bad time to chat…]


Meanwhile in just the next room, Diana was enjoying the company of her knew friend, Harley. Thus far she had nothing but praise for her as she learned many things about the circular world through her.

Harley was laying on the edge of her bed whereas Diana sat cross legged on a nearby mat, both of them wearing only undergarments.

Now that Diana had become more comfortable, it was time to start a different kind of question.

"Say Diana, I've been kinda curious. Since there's no men on your island, does that mean you don't have sex?"

The question caught even Diana off-guard but she was slightly more comfortable speaking with a woman than a man on this topic.

"Well, a man isn't really necessary to have sex. Many sisters back home often um, played with each other or themselves, sometimes in groups, you know, to relieve stress."

Harley nodded as if she were wearing the most common thing in the world. "Wow, a whole island of pussy munchers huh, sounds dreamy. Though I'm more of a dick gal myself, there's just something a big ole hard dick ramming into your pussy and stretching it out. Can't do that with a tongue or a dildo, you know?"

Diana was like a child mentally, thus the sudden change of topic to sex was a bit overwhelming and yet, it was that same childish nature of hers and naivety that made her curious.

"I um, have never been with a man before or woman, I only… tried my fingers and once almost the hilt of my sword but it was far too shameful to continue! Is it… really that good?"

Harley got up from the bed and showed a wide smile. "Course it is, want me to tell you about the best sex of my life? Dick so good that it'll leave you trembling with pleasure a whole day."

"By Hera! Is such a thing possible. Wait… did you bed a God?"

give stones for faster releases. low popularity is low motivation to release more than once a day. Otherwise enjoy

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