
God Incarnate

What if you could unlock your brain's full potential? What if the limiter that was set on your body was broken? What if... --------------------------------------------------------- In a far and desolate planet there was a boy who contracted a virus that killed millions of people. He was already on his last breath until... The boy, through sheer will and unwillingness to die suddenly managed to unlock his full potential. His brain, the universe inside our head evolved into something that made him into a higher being. Able to adapt to any environment, able to evolve his body to best suit his surroundings. His evolved brain is able to process data faster. And his mutated body was able to regenerate faster. He became a God. An immortal. An everlasting entity. Thus he was able to live until the day his planet was destroyed. After his planet was destroyed his body reformed into space. He then began to wander the eternal cosmos for a new planet. His body underwent a major change during his travel. Able to absorb and produce different kinds of energy that he encountered…Going from planet to planet observing its beginning and witnessing its ending. Learning about parallel-universe. Meeting beings made of magic or law; Gods! But with eternity comes solitude. He became apathetic and lost his desires. He became stagnant. After travelling every known realm and space, he has killed every being just to satiate his ever empty feeling. He seeked battles and war just to feel something. And when the last Primordial God died by his hands he stopped moving. He drifted into space for half an eternity. Seeking closure in slumber, reliving the days he spent as a mortal, as a weak being who was struggling to survive. He wishes to go back to the past and relive it all but that would be impossible because his power was designed to destroy and not create. Suddenly he awakened! He then began gathering every power he had on his body and… BOOOM! he self-destructed… After his body exploded it came together and formed a new realm, a new universe. His death birthed new lives and a new path, a new world, a new beginning with a new meaning. And after billions and billions of years later he again came into being…. Disclaimer: The cover is not mine.

Fat_Neko · Fantaisie
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24 Chs

The Shy Mana

Chris and Prince Victor caught up and talked about the events that happened in the Kingdom. Chris was especially attentive because he only gets news concerning the Kingdom when some "travelers" pass by their village. And desperate "travelers" rarely use the route leading to their village because it was too dangerous. That's why Prince Victor had to bring a few soldiers with him, just in case something unexpected happens. Chris left the Kingdom and never stepped a foot in it again after he was disowned by his father, he was only 16 years old at that time. He could still enter the Kingdom but he chose not to. He disappeared completely from the map on that day and only a few people knew that he now lives in this small village in the middle of nowhere. Chris originally planned to travel the whole world but his plans were cut short when he met his wife Calir. The two didn't get along at first but as time passed their love blossomed and they became lovers. They then found this small village and decided to settle here because it offered everything that they needed.

During their earlier days of staying in the village, a beast tide occurred which almost destroyed the entire village. Luckily Chris and Calir were there and so they managed to save the village. Because of his heroic act of defending the village from a beast tide, the villagers elected Chris as the next village chief as the current chief was already old. They then officially became part of the village and got married a few years after. The one who officiated their wedding was actually Prince Victor, who was surprised to hear from his old friend in a very long time.

"You're not gonna ask about your family?" Victor probed as he saw the hesitation in Chris' eyes. "H-How are they?" Chris knew that he could never undo the 'things' that he did that day. So just thinking about his family made the guilt that he buried deep down resurfaced.

"Your father is fine. A bit old but fine. Your brother had also married and had two children now. While your younger sister is still as stubborn as ever and is still looking for you. And as for your mother-" here King Victor paused. "She's still asleep…"

Chris closed his eyes as he reminisced about the days he was still living in the Kingdom. He felt sad and regretful about how things ended up. Suddenly two small hands grasped his leg. He looked down and saw his son smiling at him with bright eyes as if saying 'it's okay'. Little Lu crawled down from Victor's lap and crawled toward his father like he was able to feel the sadness his father was feeling. Truly, newborns are much more sensitive towards emotion. Especially if it's about their parents.

Chris smiled and picked up his son and gave him lots of kisses while tickling him. 'You're right my son, having you and Calir by my side is more than I could hope for' Chris thought as he took Calir's hand and hugged her by the waist. The family of three then warmly laughed as they enjoyed each other's embrace.

Victor saw this and couldn't help but be emotional. This was the perfect picture of a family. If only things were that simple though. 'You got a lot in stored for you in the future little Lu' he thought as he looked at Chris and Calir. One was the heir of a very powerful lineage while the other was the Princess of an ancient clan. 'Blood ties are not that easy to sever, you know that right Chris, Calir?

As the three were having a joyous moment they suddenly felt a fourth person in their midst. "What the hell are you doing?" Asked Calir as she stared coldly at King Victor. She still hadn't forgiven him for destroying her garden yet he had the nerve to join and ruin their family moment?

Victor immediately distanced himself and nervously said "I-I'll compensate you for the ruined garden don't worry hehe. In fact I'll build you a bigger one, right a bigger one!"

"A bigger one huh? Fine, I'll let you off the hook for now. I want it done by tomorrow."

"Good for you Victor." Chris warmly smiled at his lucky friend. "awdabu ah wah" said little Lu while clapping.

*Sigh "Like father like son…" Victor slouched in a defeated manner.

"Speaking of son, how's your son doing?" Chris asked.

After hearing those words, Victor immediately became energetic and sat back down on his seat.

"Fufufu I'm not really one to brag, but my son is already a knight apprentice and had already started developing his mana core and he's only 5 years old! Can you believe that? Of course you can't. You had to see it for yourself to believe it. Am I right? His teachers are always complementing how talented he is but I believe it's because he's my son that he's able to achieve such feet at such a young age *sigh*." Victor said with a smug expression later followed by a humble one as if he wasn't really bragging which only annoyed Calir even more. He even took the credit for his son's achievement. "Soon my son would surpass me. They really do grow up fast." Victor followed with a distant gaze.

'For someone who doesn't brag you sure know how to brag like an expert' thought Calir.

But then Calir smiled amicably at Victor.

"Oh a knight apprentice at the age of 5 and to top it all, he's already developing his mana core, very impressive." Said Calir as she signalled Chris with her eyes.

Chris saw this and couldn't help but also smile.

"Indeed." Followed by Chris as his right hand gathered light energy from the surroundings which then formed a ball of light on his hand. "What are you doing?" Asked Victor, confused why Chris would suddenly conjure Illuminate. Illuminate is a basic spell used by Magicians with a light attribute, just like the name implies, it illuminates the nearby area. It's mostly used at night when traveling or when someone enters a dungeon this would be their go to spell to illuminate the way.

Chris ignored Victor's question and turned to a laughing baby on Calir's lap. "Lu, catch." Chris tossed the ball of light towards baby Lu gently.

"WHA- ARE YOU CRAZY??!" Victor saw this and subconsciously stood up with wide eyes. He was about to swat the ball of light away from baby Lu but his actions lagged for a bit because he was caught off guard by the sudden turn of events.

Lu caught the ball of light with his two tiny hands and couldn't stop laughing. He was hugging the ball of light as if it was a stuffed toy. In his hands Illuminate looked like a normal toy, albeit shining. Victor's eyes widened even more while looking at the scene. A baby with no Mana Core was holding on to a ball of light made from pure Mana without being corroded by it? 'Wha-'

And if that wasn't crazy enough, Lu threw Illuminate back at Chris which Chris then caught and threw gently back at baby Lu.

Victor fell down on his buttocks and looked dumbfounded. And why wouldn't he? The craziest thing was happening right before his eyes. "W-wha- h-how? How can that be? T- That's im-impossibl- how?" Asked Victor while stuttering and losing all of his composure as a Prince which he never really had.

"Oh this? It's just a game Lu and Chris like to play. I believe it's called catch. You never played it with your genius son?" Calir asked with an innocent smile. 'Hmp bragging about how great your son is in front of us huh. You're 9 months too late my friend.' Chris thought while looking at the funny looking Prince. If Victor had bragged about his son while Chris and Calir still had no baby then they would've really been impressed with Victor's son. Unfortunately, he had to brag in front of the most competitive woman in the world who had a son who came back to life! Calir was a very proud mother and would not back down from any challenge and as her husband Chris had to play along. Chris wasn't competitive at all but if it's about his son we're talking about then goodluck competing.

"Hahaha I must be dreaming." Victor suddenly laughed as if realizing something. "Come on, wake up me!" *Pak* "Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!"

*Pak *Pak *Pak

Victor slapped himself continuously trying to wake up or.. . convincing himself he was asleep?

After a while Victor finally accepted reality and looked at the father and son in front of him playing "catch".

"How is this possible Chris?" Victor's tone was serious. But Chris couldn't take him seriously because of his face. Which looked like he had a very bad case of allergy.

"I'm being serious here."

Chris looked at Calir and the latter nodded.

"I guess I should tell you how it all began. Let's start on the day Lu was born… " Chris said.

Chris then told Victor the events that happened on that day. He also added some things that happened after Lu was born. Like how Lu suddenly had a strange birthmark on the back of each of his hands which slowly turns more vivid as day passed. At first it was blurry but after some weeks it began to form a more concise image, a strange magic circle.

Chris also told Victor how he and Calir suddenly broke through a bottleneck they were stuck in for years. Especially Calir who can cultivate now more easily. She said it was like Mana was suddenly attracted to her. There was also Old Beth who's becoming younger by the minute. The Mana concentration in the village also skyrocketed over the few months.

But the most important event happened 3 months ago when the Mana concentration in their house suddenly soared. They were alarmed but they suddenly heard Lu was laughing in the middle of the night. They immediately checked on him and what they witnessed astonished and at the same time scared the living soul out of them.

Little Lu was on his crib laughing because he was playing but he wasn't playing with a toy he was playing with Mana!

Mana, also known as the world's breath. A mysterious energy that gives anyone who can wield it with power beyond measure. The power to cleave mountains, the power to split oceans in half, the power to create storms, the power to control fire that can burn like the sun, the power to freeze all life form or the power to terraform the earth. The ability to bend nature to one's will and also the possibility to achieve immortality. This very energy was dancing above Little Lu like a glittering wisp of smoke while a thin blue fog lingers in the room.

This intangible force of nature was being touched by a little baby. Anyone who would witness this would be dumbfounded and wouldn't know what to do. Chris and Calir were no different. Especially since they can see that the Mana wasn't harming Lu. It was actually being. . . affectionate?

They couldn't describe what they were seeing because even for them, who can wield Mana, it's still a very mysterious existence. There are still many things to learn about Mana and more mysteries to uncover.

Anyway back to the story, after they entered the room to check on Lu. It seems like the Mana noticed them and dissipated afterwards. Lu, who lost his playmate, began turning his head looking for it. And after not finding it, he cried. Only then did Calir snap out of being dazed and immediately ran to Lu's side and soothe the crying baby, examining him if something was wrong and after not finding anything, only then did she release a sigh of relief.

After a few nights, Mana began gathering once more in their house. At first they didn't know what to do so they stayed by Lu's side, protecting him. After a while of not appearing, the Mana began to disperse and would return after a few nights later. If they're beside Lu, the Mana wouldn't manifest and would disperse a few minutes later and if they're not then it would play with Little Lu. At first they were nervous because something might happen to Little Lu but even after a few days, nothing seemed to be wrong with Little Lu in fact he was always energetic. So they decided to not intervene with it anymore and let the Mana play with Little Lu. They would stay at the room beside Lu's room and would cultivate. And in case something did happen, they would be able to protect Lu faster since they're just across the room.


Victor was now slouching at the couch, the more he listened the more overwhelmed he got. To think that he actually carried a very unbelievable baby made him dizzy. 'What kind of existence did these two conceive?' Thought Victor. 'The child loved by Mana.' Nothing describes Little Lu better.

"Hmm I see." Victor cleared his throat and sat straight while slowly nodding in understanding, trying his hardest to look calm and composed, but Chris and Calir weren't buying it. After all, Victor was covered in sweat. Even for them it would be hard to believe but they know they wouldn't act cool like Victor did. So the couple just rolled their eyes.

Victor had also felt the Mana concentration in the village was abnormally high compared to the last time he came which was years ago. At first he thought it was because the village was secluded and so the Mana was able to increase without being absorbed by so many Magicians like other places. There could also be a new Mana Pool born near here. But nope! The cause of this was actually the baby in front of him.

"This is the first time I've ever heard of a case like this so I don't know what to say. Do you think that this all happened because of Lu after he-" Victor almost said Lu 'came back to life' but since they weren't exactly clear on what happened it would be a little inappropriate to phrase it like that. After all, no parent would like to think that their baby had already died before. And did Lu really die? Maybe he was just precisely born at that moment. The moment when he was already out of the womb…

"It's alright Victor. We did think about it before but now it doesn't matter anymore. What matters is Lu is with us right now, alive and healthy." Chris said after noticing his friend's sudden pause.

"That's right, none of it matters as long as he's with us." Calir followed while hugging the cute baby on her lap.

"M-ma hmama" said Lu while struggling to escape from her mother's hug.
