
God Incarnate

What if you could unlock your brain's full potential? What if the limiter that was set on your body was broken? What if... --------------------------------------------------------- In a far and desolate planet there was a boy who contracted a virus that killed millions of people. He was already on his last breath until... The boy, through sheer will and unwillingness to die suddenly managed to unlock his full potential. His brain, the universe inside our head evolved into something that made him into a higher being. Able to adapt to any environment, able to evolve his body to best suit his surroundings. His evolved brain is able to process data faster. And his mutated body was able to regenerate faster. He became a God. An immortal. An everlasting entity. Thus he was able to live until the day his planet was destroyed. After his planet was destroyed his body reformed into space. He then began to wander the eternal cosmos for a new planet. His body underwent a major change during his travel. Able to absorb and produce different kinds of energy that he encountered…Going from planet to planet observing its beginning and witnessing its ending. Learning about parallel-universe. Meeting beings made of magic or law; Gods! But with eternity comes solitude. He became apathetic and lost his desires. He became stagnant. After travelling every known realm and space, he has killed every being just to satiate his ever empty feeling. He seeked battles and war just to feel something. And when the last Primordial God died by his hands he stopped moving. He drifted into space for half an eternity. Seeking closure in slumber, reliving the days he spent as a mortal, as a weak being who was struggling to survive. He wishes to go back to the past and relive it all but that would be impossible because his power was designed to destroy and not create. Suddenly he awakened! He then began gathering every power he had on his body and… BOOOM! he self-destructed… After his body exploded it came together and formed a new realm, a new universe. His death birthed new lives and a new path, a new world, a new beginning with a new meaning. And after billions and billions of years later he again came into being…. Disclaimer: The cover is not mine.

Fat_Neko · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
24 Chs

The Guest

Nobody knows how much time has passed since time itself stopped functioning but after a while- after the Primordial Consciousness went to sleep time moved again as if it never stopped in the first place.

Inside a small hut, an old woman and a man were in the middle of casting some spells when suddenly they were jolted with shock when they heard a baby's cry.

Uwaaa! Uwaaa! Uwaaa!

They both immediately cancelled their spells or at least tried to. The old woman suddenly felt a surge of power within her body and it greatly affected the gate she opened. It dissipated all of a sudden, she was shocked but she was able to figure it out immediately after. Turns out she released too much energy causing the spell to break apart. The man on the other hand looked awkward. He was still stuck in the pose he did earlier with arms stretched out when he released his spells but no power was being emitted from him. He looked like a kid trying to mimic a finishing move of a superhero he saw on TV.

"W-What just happened?" Asked the man as he was still not able to process what was happening. He was casting two spells when suddenly his spells lost power and dissipated, it also felt like the energy he released went back inside his body. And then the Baby that he thought was dead began crying. He did cast a spell 'Well did he really?' The man began wondering if all of it was just his imagination. He looked at the old woman and saw she also has the same dumbfounded expression.

The old woman's eyes trembled as she looked at the baby in her arms. She checked for pulse, heartbeat and also checked if the baby has a soul, and it does! "Wha- How?!" She clearly felt it! The baby was dead but all of a sudden it came back to life?

The father immediately went beside the old woman and also checked to see if what he was seeing was true and not a dream. And then he felt it… the baby's small hands wrapped around his fingers as it stopped crying. Speechless- the father didn't say anything anymore and just embraced the baby gently as his tears burst out like a dam. He was only brought back to reality when he heard loud cheers coming from outside.


Cheers began to echo outside as the other villagers celebrated after hearing the cry of a baby.

'Yes, that's right, this is not the time to weep. It's a time for celebration. I don't know what exactly happened but what matters now is that my son is alive and healthy.' Thought the man as he brought his son beside his wife that was still unconscious on the bed. The wife opened her eyes when she felt something warm touch her. She looked sideways and saw his husband with watery eyes beckoning her to look down on what he was carrying.

"M-My baby, my sweet little angel." The mother couldn't stop her tears as she held the sleeping baby gently.

The old woman saw this scene and decided to go out. She didn't want to disturb the couple as they deserved this time alone because of what happened earlier. She was still worried about the baby but she decided to conduct her check up some other day.

But when she was only a feet away from the door she looked at her hands as she remembered the feeling of how the baby grasped her fingers as it was crying. Tears then began to roll down on her saggy cheeks 'Thank god, you're alive. Thank you, Thank you *hick Thank you!' God knows how much guilt she felt when she saw the lifeless baby on her arms. It was her who delivered it and it died by her hands. She was prepared to give up her life just to bring the baby back to life earlier. It was the least she could do to repay the kindness that these husband and wife showed to her. She was already old and doesn't have much time to live so she has no qualms sacrificing her life for the baby. She wanted to die that moment but when the baby held her hand she only thought of one thing…

"I want to watch this little one grow up."





It has been 9 months since the baby was born. The baby was named Lucian, his name was derived from the name of the hero, Lucia. Who thousands of years ago created a miracle by bringing an end to the "Calamity". His parents, Chris and Calir were convinced that after that incident when he was born, Lucian fought death and came back to them, truly a miracle. The child who crawled out of heaven as Old Beth phrased it whenever she told the story of how Lucian was born. Lucian was born with two strange tattoos on the back of his hands which his parents considered a holy blessing. He has the same hair color as his mother which is dark red but Lucian's hair was lighter and he got his amber eyes from his father.


On a bright sunny day, on top of a small hill, a small cabin stood proudly. It looked simple and cozy yet surrounding this small house was a group of heavy armored soldiers each riding a brown Pegasus except for four beaten up soldiers who were mounted on a white Pegasus. Inside the wooden house, a man in his mid 20's with platinum blonde hair and amber eyes was sitting face to face with a man with a similar age. The other man has golden curly hair and bright blue eyes that could charm anyone. But the most noticeable thing about this golden haired man wasn't his eyes but the golden crown that was resting on top of his head.

"Congratulations on having a son Chris. I'm sorry I couldn't congratulate you sooner. I had to deal with those damned Northerners who kept attacking our borders." Said the golden haired man with a crown as he smiled at the platinum bloned haired man.

"adah ahh ahh"

"No worries my Prince, this humble servant thanks you for your kindness." said Chris with an exaggerated bow. "Hahaha stop that, just call me Victor like you always have. It really creeps me out whenever you start acting formal." It has been years since these two saw each other so they couldn't contain their glee when they talked about events that occurred in their lives.

Prince Victor Gabrielle Gesus was the 4th Prince of the Kingdom of Nirvahnna, he was also known by the name, Victor the Golden Gale. He was childhood friends with Christopher Michaelis who came from a prestigious noble house. But due to some events, Christopher or rather Chris was disowned by his father who was the current head of the Michaelis Household. He was stripped of his noble title and family name. He's also been banned from ever entering their territory. He's still free to enter the Kingdom though. But he's not allowed to enter the properties owned by the Michaelis Household.

Despite becoming a commoner, the Prince didn't change the way he treated his friend. They've been through many life and death situations and have already acknowledged each other as a brother so a meager noble title and standing in society couldn't get in the way of their friendship.

"Tch! So why the hell are you even here Victor the annoying?" They were suddenly interrupted by a woman who suddenly appeared beside Chris. She has waist length dark red hair and a voluptuous body that would make any man drool, but her sharp and cold pitch black eyes would make you think thrice before ogling her.

"ahh wahh waah"

"Come on honey don't be rude, even though he's annoying he's still a guest." Chris stood up and picked up a stuffed toy on the floor. He then walked towards the Prince and then handed the stuffed toy to a baby that was happily sitting on the Prince's lap.

"awu aahg" said the baby as it threw the stuffed toy again on the ground.

"He's right Crimson Veil, you shouldn't be rude to your guest- eh, did you just call me annoying?." Prince Victor was dumbstruck, sure enough only this friend of his and his wife would treat him, a Prince as annoying. "Don't call me that, I have a name and its Calir. And besides what kind of guest brings a battalion of soldiers when they visit! Because of you and your lackeys my garden is now ruined!"

"Haha…." Victor has no excuse. How was he supposed to know that a small patch of grass was supposed to be a garden? Prince Victor lived inside a castle his whole life so his common sense revolved around the castle norm. The gardens they have there are massive with fountains, flowers that bloomed all year round and some rare herbs.

"Don't 'Haha' me! How are you going to pay for those rare and priceless plants that you ruined huh?" Calir was not backing out of this one. Sure those plants were rare but they were not priceless. The only thing that made it priceless was because she worked so hard in taking care of those plants that she had trouble sleeping at night thinking that pests might be eating and destroying her garden.

Calir Draven also known as Crimson Veil came from an ancient clan of Dragon Warriors who were known for their unnatural strength and regeneration ability, she was a warrior through and through. So for a warrior who only knows bloodbaths and destruction, that garden was like a symbol that she had finally escaped that bitter life of hers. Whenever she works at the garden she feels like a normal woman and now a normal mother who does those kinds of things.

"ahh awahh"

"But most of all, because of you my play time with Lu is ruined!" Said the aggrieved woman as he looked at the cute baby who was curiously touching and pulling the ornaments that decorated the Prince.


An hour ago, Calir was happily playing with her son inside their house when suddenly flaps of wings were heard. She was alarmed at first but her husband Chris walked in from outside with a smile on his face thus she ignored the commotion. Suddenly someone else came inside after her husband. It was a shining man, no, he was sparkling to be exact. It was like heaven sent an angel that would grace them with its presence. But Calir was too familiar with this kind of entrance so the moment she saw it she only felt annoyed and then on top of that a very flamboyant voice echoed. "Greetings friends, your beautiful and ever so magnanimous Prince has finally arrived. No need to kneel." It was followed by a sparkling smile and sparkling wink.

Calir was in a good mood so she didn't mind his antics that much. She stood up and was about to greet the man when she noticed something on the corner of her eyes. She looked out the window and what she witnessed made her eyebrow twitch.

Suddenly out of the blue, a bottle of baby powder flew directly at the man's face. *Poof* the powder exploded and the man was covered in powder. "Wha- Who dares disrespect this beautiful Prince?!" Snarled the man who of course was Prince Victor but what answered him was a cold voice. "Let me ask you then… YOU DARE DESTROY MY GARDEN??! HUH??!" It was a voice full of malice which made the hair on Prince Victor's body stand up. Just like how Calir was familiar with Prince Victor's antics, Prince Victor was also familiar with Calir's aura and presence. And that voice had the presence of death.

"O-Oh it's you Crimson Veil. *gulp" Victor turned toward a man who was laughing at the whole situation. Earlier before Victor's Royal Carriage and Royal Guards landed on the ground they saw Chris flapping and waving his arms at them. When Victor saw Chris he was overcome with happiness as he also started waving at him. But when they finally landed on the ground Chris' face lost color as he stared at the spot they landed. The spot was full of weed like plants but a small fence was surrounding it. Victor was about to greet his friend when he suddenly felt Chris' hand on his shoulder. "Goodbye my friend." Chris then smiled as he walked inside the wooden house.

He finally now knew why his best friend and sworn brother said those things to him. Prince Victor wasn't an idiot so he quickly connected the dots the moment Calir uttered the word 'garden'.

Calir rolled up her sleeve as she made heavy steps toward the Prince but suddenly a baby's laughter echoed destroying the tense atmosphere. They all turned towards a baby who crawled and was now tugging on Victor's cape, it was a red cape with golden linings making it shine like the rest of Prince Victor's attire.

"H-Honey get away from that. You might catch some unknown disease from it. Come to mommy hurry." Said Calir with a warm smile towards the baby as her expression took a 180° turn. Prince Victor ignored the utter disregard of him as a human being and just saw his only hope out of this situation. He quickly picked up the baby and held it in his arms. The baby created a temporary shield that would protect him from the violent woman.

"Y...you! Let him go in this instance!"

"Hahaha no way. Only an idiot would let go of their only hope of survival."

"Coward! Fight me like a man!"

"Hmmp! Don't worry I shall pardon you for your insolence towards this Prince this one time." Prince Victor had a smug expression on his face.


*Sigh* "Come now guys. It's been years since we saw each other. Let's sit and talk things through. Let's not expose little Lu to violence." Said Chris with an amiable smile as he became the middle man.

"Hear that Crimso-

"Of course Victor would compensate for the garden that he destroyed." Chris had a sharp look in his eyes as he looked at Victor who choked on his words. 'What ever happened to sitting and talking things through?' Thought Prince Victor as he slouched in a defeated manner.

"No need to be so down Victor. This Princess shall pardon you this once for your insolence." Smirked Calir as she went outside and released some of her anger on the Prince's Royal guards who also destroyed part of her garden.

Screams of agony were then heard from outside. Victor apologized to his royal guards in silence as he sat comfortably on a couch and talked to Chris about the things that happened the past years while playing with the baby on his lap.

"dabu ahww"