In the epic and unforgiving world of Elden Ring, a young gamer's obsession with defeating the notorious boss, Margit The Fell Omen, reaches new heights. After countless sleepless nights and relentless determination, he finally emerges victorious, but at a great cost—exhaustion claims his life. But instead of finding himself in the afterlife or facing a Game Over screen, he wakes up inside the very game only just began conquer. Armed with only his knowledge of the starting area and the basic necesities, the young man sets out to find meaning and purpose in his new world. ... Alright, let's quickly go over everything you need to know before diving into the story. Just like any other Souls game, the lore of Elden Ring is famously vague and complex. So here's the deal, I'll be throwing in some theories about the lore that YouTubers have come up with, or maybe even a few of my own, to keep the story flowing. Some of you might agree with these theories, and some won't. But honestly, I couldn't care less either way. Now, fair warning, this story is gonna be slow-paced. Like, really slow. There's a bunch of sights and explanations I need to cover, since not everyone knows the ins and outs of the world and lore of Elden Ring. Plus, I happen to enjoy taking my time when it comes to storytelling. But hey, if a slow burn ain't your cup of tea, do yourself a favor and find something else to read right now. Oh, and here's the best part: it doesn't matter if you've played the game or not. I'll do my best to explain the story and describe the world in the most vivid way possible. That's another reason why I'm taking it slow. So sit back, relax, and get ready for a leisurely journey through the mysterious realm of Elden Ring.