
Girl in The Window

I bump into a wall... or at least something hard. Great. I'm already making progress here. I catch a glimpse at the wall, and my face turns pale. A guy. A hot guy. I BUMPED INTO A HOT GUY ON MY FIRST FRICKEN DAY. "Going somewhere, sweetheart?" He whispers while holding me from catching me because I fell. ~ "You can sit in the 3rd row, next to the window," Ms Carson said as I walked over to my seat. I look at the guy sitting next to me and look at his face. But instead, I am met with a pair of pretty green orbs. I think the guy caught me staring because he suddenly starts to lean over. "Something wrong, princess?" He whispers while smirking and I blush. Why can't he smile properly?!? "No, I was just thinking of something.." I reply while covering my face and facing the front. "You look cute when you blush," ~ Alison Barlow. A nerdy 16-year old tomboy girl with ten annoying brothers. When she was 7, she had to go to a private school to better her manners. For a girl who has been in a private school for most of her life; how will she do at a public school with her four popular brothers? Zackary (Zack) McConnel. A friendly, caring guy who plays Soccer. Other than a broken family, his brother coming out of jail and his only other family being his Aunt, how bad can it be? His view of Alison is a friend, but can it become something more? Hunter Kings. He's a complete Bad Boy, who plays Basketball for the school, looks after his little sister because his dad is never home and his mum has to work; he just happens to live next door. Hunter views Alison as a nerd who likes to have fun and enjoy herself, but he still can't figure her out. Both boys enter her life at the same time, but when the time comes, who will she choose? ~ I POST AT LEAST ONCE A WEEK

Daoist0YrrSX · Sports, voyage et activités
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3 Chs

Chpt 2 Bathroom Guy

Hey there, I hope you enjoy reading this, let's get right into it!

~*Alison's POV*~


I enter my wondrous new school, scared and nervous, but excited.

Yeah, I'm a nerd, get over it.

I wander down the schools' brightly coloured halls and march towards the direction of reception.

Suddenly, I look around, and my confidence drops. People start staring and whispering, while my body starts trembling, my hands start shaking from a sudden fright that goes through me.

All of a sudden, I feel my face heat up, a few streams of sweat roll down my face and, without thinking, I dash into the nearest bathroom and speed into the first stall.

"Yoo dude!" says a hushed voice, and I suddenly freeze.


"Sup bro! So what's happening, I heard a lot of talking before I got here..." another deep voice says,

Yup, I'm definitely in the boys' bathroom... now if they could just get out of here so then I could sneak out...'

"OHH! Yeah! There was this new girl, and you could tell that she was nervous and that everyone freaked her out because her hands were shaking and everything! You should've seen it, dude!" The first guy whisper-shouted excitedly.

C'mon! It wasn't that obvious!

I go to rub my face in frustration, but then I feel a watery substance rolling down my face and sigh in disappointment.

I'm crying. Great, this is the perfect moment to be crying right now.

I hear a few more murmurs that I can't make out, then the bathroom doors open and close. I listen carefully to see if anyone else was there, and it's was dead quiet, so I let in a few sniffles and streams of tears flow and then open the stall and exit the bathroom as sneakily as I can.

Well, at least that was my plan. Instead, I open the stall, start speed-walking, while looking down at the floor with my hoodie draped over my head.

I bump into a wall... or at least something hard. Great. I'm already making progress here.

I catch a glimpse at the wall, and my face turns pale.

A guy.

A hot guy.


"Going somewhere, sweetheart?" He whispers while holding me from catching me because, apparently, I fell.

I try to wriggle out of his grip, and I think he noticed because he loosens his grip. I escape from his clutches, run towards the door and around the corner, not uttering a word.

What just happened..?

What the HELL just happened?

I replay what just happened in my head a few times, hoping that it will go away.

I finally spot a door out of the corner of my eye and turn my head towards it. "The Receptionists Office" It read.

Yes! The receptionists' office! Finally!

I sigh relieved as this awkward part of my day is behind me. Or at least I hope.

I take a few steps into the receptionists' office and knock on the door, grabbing the attention of a lady behind a large desk and computer, "Take a seat" Says a lady with a monotonal rough sounding voice.

I take a seat and start reading one of the magazines in peace.

When suddenly the mono-rough-lady - yes, I am going to call her that - comes up to me and creepily stares at me, or maybe, she's just old, so her 10-inch thick glasses are magnifying so much that it's creepy.

"Are you Alison Barlow?" She says with a shaky voice,

"Yes..." I reply, not knowing what to say, so there is a strange silence between the two of us.

"Follow me..." she continues as she starts walking to the direction of her computer and desk.

Yeah, that's not creepy at all... I slowly follow her into the room.

Okay, now that sounds SUPER creepy!

"My name is Ms Sherbet, by the way." She informs me as I let out a small giggle.

Luckily, she can't hear me, as she took off her hearing aids and left them on the desk.

Or that she's just old. Either way.

She shows me and gives me all the information that I need to know, and I grab my timetable for the semester.

As I'm about to head out the door, I hear a murmur coming from Ms Sherbet, "I just hope you are WAY better than your five other brothers that have come before you..."

"What?" I question as I face her, "Oh! Nothing!" she assures hesitantly.

Okay, I think I may have heard that...

"Can you please take a seat outside? Your tour will be here shortly," she adds, as I sit down on the chair and start organising my bag.

Ugh... my bag is a mess! I mutter while shoving books and timetables into my backpack.

"Feisty much?" "Jeez, calm down, what did it do to you?" A voice teases in behind me as I shoot my head up in confusion, I look up and see what looks like a really, really scary guy with black hair, a white t-shirt with a black jacket and jeans.

What? I'm observant.

Wait... isn't that the guy from the bathroom?


I turn my head, so my hair covers my face as my cheeks start to heat up from embarrassment.

"Why don't you two mind your own business Hunter!" a girl snaps as she starts approaches me.

So that's bathroom guy's name... Hunter...

What? I like making nicknames!

They may not be any good or anything, but at least they are accurate!

"Relax... I'm Jocelyn, your tour! Unless you are not Alison Barlow..." She snaps me out of my thoughts and stares at me, expecting an answer. I look at her in confusion, and my eyes widen as I realise that she's the tour guide Ms Sherbet was talking about.

Out of the corner of my eye, I can still see bathroom g- I mean, Hunter! He's looking over at me, and I think he knows my name now.

"Oh! Yeah, I'm Alison!" I blurt out as Jocelyn grins and chuckles slightly, "Now C'mon! Let the tour begin! She shouts excitedly as she grabs my arm and pulls me down the hallway.


About half an hour goes by of Jocelyn, giving me a tour around the school campus and showing me where all of my classes were when she drops me off at my next classroom.

"Okay, I'm going to go to English now. Bye! Have fun in Maths!" Jocelyn says and rushes down the hallway towards her class.

"Okay... Here I go..." I mutter under my breath as I open the door to see what seemed like hundreds of eyes peering at me.

"Oh, you must be Alison! My name is Ms Carson, have you finished your tour already?" The lady at the front of the room questioned.

"Y-Yeah" I replied stuttering.

Stuttering! I mean, c'mon! I am better than that!

"Ooh, look at that! The new girl is stuttering!" whispers someone in the corner, "What's wrong with her?" says another, "Why is she stuttering so much?" another person gossips.

"ENOUGH!" The teacher snaps as the class goes quiet. "Now, Alison, would you like to say something about yourself?" she questions turning to me.

"Uh, Okay..." I murmur as I walk up to the front of the classroom, while the class sniggers and muffles their laughs around me.

Why are people so rude?! I am literally new! Is this how they treat ALL new people..?

"Uhh... My name is Alison Barlow and uh..." I start, suddenly, I look around, and almost everyone has a shocked pale look on their face.

Is it something I said?

"... Before I came here, I was in a private school and..." I continue, and I look at my teacher almost to say, 'what else do I say?'

"Do you have any hobbies?" Ms Carson interrupts, saving my life.

"Oh, uhh, Yeah I do, I enjoy doing art, animating, playing piano and Basketball." I finish and look around at the mixed emotions on everyone's faces. What's with them?

"Well, Alison, that's lovely! You can sit in the third row, next to the window." Ms Carson says, pointing to the direction of my seat. As I walk up to my chair, the guy next to it, Zackary I presume, gives me a tight smile greets me with a wave so I, the good person, gave a tight smile and motioned a wave back.

I look at the guy sitting next to me and look at his face. But instead, I am met with a pair of pretty green orbs.

I think the guy caught me staring, because he suddenly starts to lean over.

"Something wrong, princess?" He whispers while smirking and I blush.

Why can't he smile properly?!?

"No, I was just thinking of something.." I reply while covering my face and facing the front.

"You look cute when you blush, I'm Zackary by the way."



The bell echoes as it rings around the school. Wow, that class went so fast! Now to find the cafeteria.

I look around frantically in all directions for the cafeteria, when I spot Zackary talking to his friends leaned against some lockers. He's the only one I know at the moment, so I guess I'll give this a shot.

I start heading my way over there, and Zack seems to notice me coming his way, so he gives a smile and waves.

"Hey, Zackary!" I say facing him, ignoring the looks his friends are giving me.

"Oh yeah, hey, Alison!" He greets and turns to his friends, "This is the new girl I was talking about." He continues, motioning to me.

"Yeah, um, do you know where the cafeteria is I'm a bit lost.." I question while scratching the back of my neck, "Oh yeah, it's down the left and then go strai- and you know what? Just follow us, we were just about to go there anyway. Zackary says while his friends give him annoyed looks.

~1597 Words

~Has she made one friend, or two?

~Who is this Hunter guy?

~Let's find out.

~But, enough about that. How was your day?


~Has she made one friend, or two?

~Who is this Hunter guy?

~Let's find out.

~But, enough about that. How was your day?

Have any ideas about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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