
Girl in The Window

I bump into a wall... or at least something hard. Great. I'm already making progress here. I catch a glimpse at the wall, and my face turns pale. A guy. A hot guy. I BUMPED INTO A HOT GUY ON MY FIRST FRICKEN DAY. "Going somewhere, sweetheart?" He whispers while holding me from catching me because I fell. ~ "You can sit in the 3rd row, next to the window," Ms Carson said as I walked over to my seat. I look at the guy sitting next to me and look at his face. But instead, I am met with a pair of pretty green orbs. I think the guy caught me staring because he suddenly starts to lean over. "Something wrong, princess?" He whispers while smirking and I blush. Why can't he smile properly?!? "No, I was just thinking of something.." I reply while covering my face and facing the front. "You look cute when you blush," ~ Alison Barlow. A nerdy 16-year old tomboy girl with ten annoying brothers. When she was 7, she had to go to a private school to better her manners. For a girl who has been in a private school for most of her life; how will she do at a public school with her four popular brothers? Zackary (Zack) McConnel. A friendly, caring guy who plays Soccer. Other than a broken family, his brother coming out of jail and his only other family being his Aunt, how bad can it be? His view of Alison is a friend, but can it become something more? Hunter Kings. He's a complete Bad Boy, who plays Basketball for the school, looks after his little sister because his dad is never home and his mum has to work; he just happens to live next door. Hunter views Alison as a nerd who likes to have fun and enjoy herself, but he still can't figure her out. Both boys enter her life at the same time, but when the time comes, who will she choose? ~ I POST AT LEAST ONCE A WEEK

Daoist0YrrSX · Teen
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3 Chs

Chpt 3 New Girl

Hey there, I hope you enjoy reading this, let's get right into it!

~Hunter's POV~


"Wake up! Wake up, Hunter!" A little voice says in my ear, and I open my eyes to see my little sister Stacy.

Stacy is 8 now, and she has the most cutest face and the cutest outfit- but no one needs to know that.

"Hey Stace," I greet, my voice hoarse as I get up out of bed. "Okay, have you made your lunch?" I ask, and she nods excitedly, "Have you brushed your teeth?" She nods again, "What about your bed? Have you made your bed?" I ask, already knowing.

She never remembers to make her bed.

Her face drops a little, and she murmurs, "No..."

"Okay, go make your bed while I get changed. Whoever finishes first wins!" I challenge, knowing that she will accept. "Wins what...?" She asks innocently.

Hmm... What would an 8-year old girl want more than anything?

"How about your favourite pony?" I ask, and she immediately accepts, and I go to shut my door, "What about you? What will you get if you win?" A little voice comes out.

"I get your cupcake for lunch! Now goooooo!" I see Stacy run over to her room, and I shut the door and lock it.

Now, what do I wear? Hah! You thought!

I quickly grab a t-shirt and shorts and get changed, when I'm done, I peer out the door to see that Stacey hadn't finished yet.

Obviously, I am going to wait until she finishes, what kind of caring brother would I be then?

She races out and knocks on the door, excitedly, "Done!" She yells a bit, and I walk out of my room, just pretending to put my jacket on.

"Yes! I win! You owe me a Rainbow Dash pony!" She shouts and goes down the stairs about to go to school.


I come up to the school on my bike. But not a motorcycle, I'm rich, but not THAT rich.

I lock my bike up and enter the entrance to see almost everyone laughing already.

What happened here?

My friend Isaac must've seen the confusion on my face because he came over to me, "Hey Dude! Yeah, I have no idea what happened because I just came too, but Corbin can tell you, he is in the bathroom." Isaac informs me, and I head over to the boys' bathrooms.

Did he do something... Orr?

*"Yoo dude!" says Corbin a hushed voice.

Why is he whispering? Can't he just talk normally for ONCE?!

"Sup bro! So what's happening, I heard a lot of talking before I got here..." I reply, and he covers my mouth and mouths to be quieter.

What's his deal?

"OHH! Yeah! There was this new girl, and you could tell that she was nervous and that everyone freaked her out because her hands were shaking and everything! You should've seen it, Dude!" Corbin whisper-shouts excitedly.

So that's why everyone was laughing when I got here.

"Corbin... Why the fuck are you whispering??" I curse and whisper to Corbin, and he grabs my shoulders.

Don't you dare touch me, you filthy gremlin!

"Dude! I saw her run into the guys' bathroom! She's in here! I need to go see Danielle, but you can wait until she comes out!" He shakes my shoulders, so I grab his shoulders and start shaking, "You mean your annoying girlfriend?" I tease, and he snaps at me before leaving.

Who got his panties in a twist?

Suddenly I listen closely and hear a few sniffles as the girl cries a bit.

Oh no. Boohoo. Too bad.

I wait a bit longer and, sure enough, a girl comes out of one of the stalls. She doesn't see me standing there because she has her hoodie over her head and her hands in her pockets. I look a bit down at her attire, and I gotta say, this girl has got some nice legs - She's got three-quarter yoga pants on or something, so you can see her leg shape through them.

What? I'm a guy.

I get distracted from looking at her body and don't realise that she walked right into me. I quickly catch her from plummeting to the ground and whisper, "Going somewhere, sweetheart?" She looks up at me and widens her eyes, I take the chance to tighten my grip around her waist and ask her again.

"What are you doing here, sweetheart?" I ask, my voice getting lower and she squirms to try and get away from me.

Okay, I've had my fun, I'll let her go now.

I loosen my grip, and she rushes out the door, but not without dropping something - her hairclip. I'll give this back to her later.


"So, you just let her leave? And she didn't say anything?" Isaac questions while on the edge of his seat. Literally. We are sitting on a bench outside.

I look over to see the same girl again coming out of the receptionists' office. What's her name?

"I'll be back..." I say to the guys and excuse myself and walk up to her.

She starts attacking her bag, trying to put what looks like a timetable and a map. She probably ripped her map in the process and oh, look at that! She just did.

"Feisty much? Jeez, calm down, what did it do to you?" I tease, and she snaps her head in my direction and then widens her eyes at me.

She turns her head, her hair almost covering her face, but I can still see her blushing, probably from embarrassment.

"Why don't you two mind your own business, Hunter!" Jocelyn snaps as she starts approaching the new girl. I back away but listen in closely, to maybe catch the new girl's name.

What? I don't wanna be calling her 'The New Girl' all the time!

"Relax... I'm Jocelyn, your tour! Unless you are not Alison..." She asks the girl.

Maybe it's Alison, but Jocelyn could be wrong.

I see the girl turn her head a little, and she seems to catch me still listening.

Well, I better head off since she's probably not gonna say it or anythi-

"Oh! Yeah, I'm Alison!" Alison blurts out as Jocelyn grins and chuckles slightly, "Now C'mon! Let the tour begin! She shouts excitedly and grabs her arm and pulls her down the hallway.

Okay then... It is Alison...

~1065 Words

~Is he going to give her hairclip back?

~Is this how Hunter saw things?

~Who is this Hunter guy?

~Let's find out.

~But, enough about that. How was your day?
