
How a Man Enslaved a Goddess or The Tragic Woman

Planet: Tarsonis


Place: Confederate ??? Academy

--0800 - Starlight Complex --

The glorious Tarsonis's sun shined brightly of this luxurious building creating the illusion of a building marbled in gold. Surrounding this luxurious architect were the men and women, whose fortunes had brought them from all over the star sector.

As they drove into the complex their already shattered expectations imploded under the weight of its still restricted technology. A smooth and hypnotic bell sounded off; its sound forced their cars to slow then pull over, all the while alerting them to their oncoming guests.

Every man, woman, and child rushed out of their cars to catch a glimpse ate who was coming. "It's the Terra's!" They yelled, staring upon Terra's slow-moving armored security force. They rushed after their vehicles as the armored escort pulled into a reserved parking lot.

They caught a glimpse of the confederacy's first-ever hover vehicle. "It's Constantino! It's Constantino!" Yelled the crowd. To their delight, Constantino Terra stepped out of his car with Annabella in arm. The crowd gawked at her stunning auburn hair, perfectly proportioned, curvaceous body, and stunning clean white skin.

The men fantasized about fucking her, while the women leaned in to admire her perfect features. Annabella smirked knowing they constantly asked each other. As the sexes glanced back towards Constantino. Men sneered under his stunning long blond hair, 6'5 frame, perfectly lined mustache, and dashing good looks. While the women took pictures in adoration.

They followed the couple past the shopping district, and through the food court. While always making sure to never step within 3 meters of their armed guards. As the couple came upon an elevator, it stopped then forced those within it to exit.

When Annabella stepped in, she turned and curtsied to the crowd while Constantino waved for all the women. The two then smiled arm in arm until the doors closed and the elevator shot up. They parted ways, not even bothering to hide their contempt for one another.

"Elevator, slow mode," said Annabella. She cherished what little space she could gain from Constantino during this trip, and for him it was mutual. Yet a small part of her hoped that today's trip would fix their fractured married. 'After all, it was doctor Martha's advice. And recently, she's been, my only real true friend--'

Thought Annabella. Her thoughts were cut short by the opening elevator and the sea of people. Constantino gripped her hand as a sigh threaten to escape her lip Constantino whispered into her ear. "Don't you dare! One's image is everything and for us, a sigh could be disastrous."

Annabella smiled. Nodding slightly while she waved at the crowd. The couple strolled through the floor until they made their way to a place, which read CCRC in big blue letters.

See it caused the crowd to gasp while women from all over the floor began to push each other in an attempt at getting close to the couple. Their guards gripped their rifles and ready their taser rounds. While women approached them, yelling. "Take me! Take me! Take me! I can carry your third child!"

Their husbands grinned seeing the potential prophet but held their tongues for image reasons.

Annabella raised her hand, prompting the women to stop. They stared into her eyes while begging for this opportunity. When she spoke her words left the crowd stunned. "Thank you. Coming to a confederate child reproduction center makes me nervous. But I'm grateful for all the support. A woman of my status would normally use a sergeant mother or artificial womb. However, today I plan to experience this pregnancy myself."

She watched as silence engulfed the floor. Constantino hid his contempt at her latest stun before embracing her in loving support. The women cheered and applauded then began to make the right calls, so they could do the same. They watched on, supporting Annabella and Constantino, who soon entered their doctor's office.

The couple sat arm's length apart, In between them, was their personal security, shielding them from one another. Shortly after a blonde-haired middle-aged doctor walked into the room, disregarding this sight completely. 'After all. Why would he care? Our life is normal amongst the 11,' Thought Annabelle. If any of those women saw her now, they'd be shocked by her visible depression and misery.

"Hello again mister and misses Terra. Are you ready for today's procedure?" Said the doctor. His visibly cybernetic eyes screamed of power and wealth.

"Yes," said Annabelle. His new cybernetics gave her confidence, only a select few could wear this model. "Change of plans doctor. Matha, my personal doctor, speaks glowingly about the wonders of a natural pregnancy. So I'd like to experience one myself."

"Are there any more changes?" Asked the doctor. When he smiled towards her, she felt as if his face was slightly wider.

"Yes. As you know the 11 are fairly inbred, so there's been another change. Instead of using Constantino's seed, I'd like to use one with better genetics, preferably mar saran. They say their men are bigger and stronger," said Annabelle. Her words enraged Constantino but he said nothing.

"However, the only real requirement is that they are as similar to him as possible. I know that'll be difficult given the surgery he's had. But we have an image to maintain."

The doctor grew cheerful upon hearing this news. "It truly is a small star system! Just yesterday the holts canceled an appointment after we found their ideal target. I'm confident he'll work for you! "

He rushed to hand Constantino some legal documents. Before rushing out the room with Annabella in toe.

She paused, squinting her eyes out of suspicion at how fast this news came but buried the thought. Due to the hope that this child could bring her joy. Unlike the other two. 'They look too much like Constantino,' thought Annabelle. Praying to any god this child would look more like her.

Her praying stopped as her heart raced. The doctor's smile widened at the sound of her voice stammering. "W-w-why a-a-re we alone?" Asked Annabelle, she panicked hearing the doors lock.

Her pupils dilated while her head bobbed left then right, back then forth. A shimmer blocked the door while hearing. 'There should be nurses!' Echo throughout her mind.

She screamed once the cameras on-light shut off. But cried "I'M A TERRA!" After hearing his next words. "The walls are soundproof, remember?

Her doctor laughed while dropping his pants. She inched back looking to find a weapon but only spotted a container of semen. The chair he now leaned in, and the turkey baster meant to impregnate her.

She turned back to the sight of his outstretched legs and long thick cock with one question in mind. "You're not Kath, are you?"

He laughed then applauded. The sight of her tearless face made his cock rise in anticipation. "No, I'm not. We've never met. But you've seen my face, your kids have seen my face. It's all over the place. Hi, I'm Commander Popovich."

Annabelle snarled, scoffed, then tried to threaten him. But he laughed while saying. "I don't care about your name, nor its influence. You came after me! Bribed my staff, threatened my career--my dream of just and great Confederacy. Forced me to purge any agent you tried to contact.

So now I'm here, to let you fuck me! While I fuck you...in every sense of the word. And if you still can't tell! Going forward, you're my personal bitch.

But worry not. I'm an honest, fair man, with a devout belief in true equality. And as such, inside my scrotum is the semen for your ideal child. So, worry not. I won't be the father of your child, in fact, I killed them yesterday.

However, I digress if you even think about going public. Because I have enough evidence to bury you and your maid rapping husband. Oh, and Annabella. You know your husband was right, right? You really should have never fucked with a man like me. Regardless, this is a blessing for you. Under my command, your resources could finally be put to good use. Now seduce me."

Popovich's words left Annabella stunned, distraught, and tearful. She understood he was about to make her his glorified slave. Yet fought back these emotions, knowing they wouldn't help. This sight caused Popovich to lean and finally appreciate her stunning beauty.

As Annabella began to strip his long, thick, semi-risen cock finally hardened for her to see. She leaned within inches of his face while caressing its thick, throbbing shaft. When his eyes slid towards her stunning chest, she slowly pulled them up, making sure to hold eye contact.

The two kissed while she slid his cock in and embraced her fate. His cock was big, her pussy was tight and very, very! Dry.

Annabella shuttered. Her eyes widened. Depraved, lust-fueled thoughts spilled into her mind as an all-black, green goggled soldier appeared behind her.

Popovich grinned, watching Annabella moan "pop, pop, pop," over and over. Her low muffled moans picked up volume and steam as she quickly succumbed to this mental attack. Her body shuttered, his dick pulsated. As they both orgasmed, she glanced to the door, only to see a ghost recording it all.

Annabella turned, trying to hide her face. But Pop leaned in, making it look as if he planted a kiss. Then grinned at the camera before pulling Annabella in to display her cum filled vagina mid-orgasm.

Her eyes widened as realization washed over her. The camera cut. Its last image was her slumped on top of his body.

Annabella finally cried when Popovich told her. "If that video's released people won't see me fucking you. They'll see you fucking a doctor you seduced...right after you dragged Constantino down here for a child he knows won't officially be his.

Oh, and if it makes you feel any better. Right now, he's in a washroom fucking the mistress! You were supposed to meet tomorrow."

If you didn't like the way this chapter turned, sorry. But this is necessary for the progression of the story!

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