
THE NEURO-ADJUSTER! Or The Growing Power of Popovich

Planet: Tarsonis


Place: Confederate Council Headquarters

--1300 - Confederate Council Headquarters; Auditorium--

#An: This isn't your standard auditorium. Think overly high-end and unnecessarily fancy. #

Suki leaned back in one of its many chairs. Held within her hand was a video replaying last month's memorable event. When the video stopped, she replayed it again, then again, and again. A yawn escaped her lips. But eventually, her eyebrows rose, and the video slowed.

Popovich's orgasm caused Suki to grin while closing the video, 'he used to be the cautious type.'

Alone, there wasn't enough evidence to prove he wore a skin suit but because of past and recent footage, any court would believe this was him. 'In fact, just yesterday he finally brought her to his office,' thought Suki; she glanced to the stage. On it, Tom and his crew were setting up for the presentation of their lives.

They brought out two unmarked boxes, and three chained 14 to 15-year-old apprentice rank ghosts. Her eyes turned cold watching Tom's crew finish their setup; Over the years Popovich had this, along with many other projects hidden from ghosts purview. And now that one of them was surfacing, it made Suki anxious.

She sat, watching the stage as its staff departed, mulling over her thoughts. Seconds turned to minutes, minutes to an hour. Soon the brightest, most important, Confederate men and women entered the auditorium; alongside them was Popovich. Walking side by side Constantino, his new mistress, and a one-month pregnant Annabella.

Constantino grinned at the Duke's, who glared at him with venomous eyes. He smirked then leaned closer towards Popovich. They eyed the two in regretting they'd ever approved Popovich's promotion.

"I don't know what possessed you to try threatening our base of military power, but if you think for a moment it'll succeed. Your painful wrong! " Said, general Duke. As he glanced around the room, he was shocked to see the other family heads, scientists, military personal, and everyone of note grinning due to this recent development.

"Thanks to Popovich. We realized we don't need to defeat you, just weaken your sphere of influence. Yah know....drag yah to the negotiating table," said a man. It was Angus Mengsk, the richest man in their sector of space.

The Duke's sneered but said nothing about his words. Although the Duke family had military might, Angus's planet enabled him to dominate everything else. And that alone made everyone cautious around Mengsk.

"Come, now! My scientists have worked tirelessly to develop this new project. And I promise everyone! that this revolutionary project will usher in the Confederacy's golden age!" Yelled Popovich, stretching an arm towards the stage. His charming smile and stunning features failed to charm anyone. But even they took a seat out of respect for his growing might.

While the men sat with their mistress and the women, their misters, Popovich took his seat by Suki. With Annabella at his side. Opposite to Suki was Constantino, above her lord Duke and his mistress. Observing this all was lord Mengsk, the only man alone.

He stat above them all, not as a lord but as a pariah. While the 11 honored but still hated his status, the others stayed away out of fear. Letting him ponder alone. 'The rich and powerful perpetuate the taking of a mistress...or mister calling it a display of wealth. What most do not know is that the 11 do it as a sign of a failed marriage.

#An: mister is the male version of mistress. #

So why is Annabella seated with Popovich, instead of her new mister?' Thought Angus. As he smirked glancing at all the failed marriages, dr. Thomas strolled out on stage in his fanciest suit.

"Ladies and gentlemen, nobles and lords. My name is Dr. Thomas Andrews, today I'll be unveiling the latest breakthrough in neural technology!"

Tom paused, glancing upon the many stunned faces, which now littered the room. A look of pride and superiority replaced his humble, kind demeanor as he lay eyes upon his rivals and cohorts.

"The device I'll be unveiling today is called the Neuro-adjuster! Its main use is to suppress or reshape a disloyal mind. Although this can be used in tandem with neural-resocialization on regular soldiers and marines, its main use, is to dampen psionic agents...or ghosts as we've come to call them," said Tom, he glanced at Suki who was visibly disturbed.

After he finished, an older doctor quickly interjected.

"So, young Thomas. Is it correct to assume you based this device off of Dr.Martha's neural inhibitor? And if so. Wouldn't it be more accurate to label this next-gen device?" Said the old doctor.

He grinned, seeing Tom's pupils dilated. Under confederate law, his words meant Dr.Martha should receive a whole litany of benefits. Some of which would prove disastrous, due to what Tom and Popovich did to her. And all the doctors knew what Tom did! Because they had all done so themselves.

Tom paused then raised his hand, each box fell open, displaying the device in all its glory. Behind them was a 3d display monitor breaking down some of their features.

"While this tech was based on that device this item was specifically designed to limit psionic energy. And in truth, the only reason mental suppression, reshape, and aggression limitation features were incorporated is because these things can drastically affect a person's psionic energy output!"

Yelled Tom, his words stunned the group; a few of them looked to Suki. Who did nothing but eye Tom as he played a video. He stepped forward, placing an arm across his chest. "For those of you still skeptical, we've put together a short video, demonstrating the growing necessity for this latest innovation.

In this video, you see two subjects. The first; a grade 5 dubbed subject Kent has overcome repeated torment at hands of his fellow recruits and our best preceptors. In doing so he's slowly but steadily grown to rival our best grade 7 and worsts 8s.

The second is our first-ever grade 1; subject Kerrigan, whose immense psionic potential has forced us to take a more hardened approach when dealing with her. As shown in this video subject Kerrigan's psionic potential is no better than 9's. But with the neuro-adjuster, we'll finally have the tools to drop it WHEN NEED BE! This will ensure they can't rebel after taking our new growth hormones, muscle density, and bone density supplements."

Finished Tom. His video left them utterly shocked by how rampantly defiant some of the latest batch of kids have been. Their eyes beamed as they labeled Tom's device the solution to many problems! Angus leaned back observing it all, while general dukes stood up.

"With further funding could you...let's say create a psionic prison?" He eyes Suki. Like a ravenous hunter, inches from their capture. Tom stepped forward beaming ear to ear. "It'll take time, but of course! This is but the first step of many! In fact, after this owning ghosts can finally be a reality."

Everyone laughed in delight while Suki shook in anger, to her left was Popovich laughing maniacally. As his seat amongst the top grew ever firmer. General Duke stepped forward yelling, "I want this thing implanted in every prison marine going forward!"

Each and every general would soon agree, causing the already laughing Tom to yell. "THIS IS THE DAWN OF OUR ERA! TODAY KUPROLU SECTOR! BUT EVENTUALLY, WE FIND THE MILKY WAY!"

crowd: "YEAAHHHH!!"

All the while Mengsk sat there, eyeing the Neuro-adjuster. 'That's how we'll build our forces.'

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Yeah, writing chapter 46 was harder than I thought :(

yooooooooooocreators' thoughts