

Demons, what are they? Why are they here? Is these gods' wrath against humans? Millions of years yet history continues to tell. Demons were once just human but now... Flame of war burns the lands in this small continent. Zeliker, just an unfortunate demon prince, was abducted. But, what he found in human land bewildered him. "I wish to marry your daughter, Princess Stiria Mirima." - Zeliker Asterostes (Demon) "Sure, with two conditions..." - Sektar Mirima (Human King of Eskimos Kingdom) "I disagree!" - Xcerox Mirima (Secret Duo) "I follow your wish, my liege! - Silvert Rekter (Demon) "Kill them all for abducting my son!" - Nekruis Asterostes (Demon King of Flink Kingdom) Author Notes: This is a story which may have many internal conflict and also some characters short story before they meet the meaning of Guide From The Past To A New Era.

Anlhpermy_1993 · Fantaisie
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25 Chs


Zeliker and Silvert move fast at lightning speed. First, they appear near the house where they sense Hien's aura. They also sensed lots of left demon auras that were going to disappear soon. The demon auras seem to belong to the thief and kidnapper because Zeliker and Silvert can feel it was not the demon aura that comes regularly into the house, which was Hein's soldiers.

Zeliker doesn't have his attention on the auras with big lines that can be seen from his demon eyes. He was focusing on the auras of a thin line that he guessed belonged to the baby. Moreover, his heightened nose can smell the baby milky smell and powder.

"That way."

Zeliker vanished and was followed by Silvert who sensed it too. They run to the southeast. Along the way, they met with several Hein soldiers who were searching for the baby trails. Unfortunately, the trails end somewhere near a river. Zeliker and Silvert passed them.

The human soldiers didn't notice it but the demon soldier felt some people pass by. The demon soldier wanted to stop them but was frozen after seeing the intense glowing red eyes.

"Stay where you are. We'll find the baby." Silvert told them through telepathy.

"Who, Who are you?!" One of the demons asked with slight fear and surprise.

"We're Your Highness Xcerox's guards."

Silvert didn't speak further and with Zeliker, they jumped across the river to the other side and disappeared. The demon soldiers were astonished. They were wondering when the expert guards had appeared beside the royal members. Because they can feel the two demons' strengths overpower their own.

They were afraid to guess the two come from the high-rank demons. After all, no high-rank demons would follow orders from a human. And only low and middle-ranked demons live in Eskimos. They never see a high-rank demon helping humans other than the enemies' high-rank demons.

So, where did these two powerful demons come from? They were confused.

As for Zeliker and Silvert, they didn't know the complications that happened to the demon soldiers. They manage to track the baby trail after crossing the river. They can feel they were close to the thief and kidnappers who were moving in a bizarre formation.

The shadows they saw before that move in different directions out of Athier City have met at one point before they move again in a different direction. It was like they were trying to confuse anyone who chased them. But, they were unlucky because Zeliker and Silvert were powerful demons and they didn't know it.

Silvert enclosed them in his dimensional wall again when they almost arrived near the running thief and kidnappers. Zeliker eyed Silvert while telepathy him.

"I'll get the baby. You go get the documents."

"Noted!" Silvert departed from Zeliker toward another direction.

Zeliker continued his way. A second later, he found two shadows moving fast. However, they weren't faster than him. He heard their conversation from afar.

"Hey, just throw away the baby already!" One of them barks at the other.

"Why?" His partner asked.

It seems two of them were one woman and one man. The one who was carrying the baby had a woman's voice.

"What why?! That thing is going to hinder us later! Or give it to me!"

"No, you don't! This is my dinner! You can go find another!"

A moment later, the baby cried out. The demons snapped their head at him.

"Oh, geez! Shh! Shh! Don't worry my little baby, I'll cook you nice and warm later." The woman said.

"Grr! Just eat it now! Or I would!" The man growled.

"Hey! Go away!" The woman moves to the side when the man jumps on her to get the baby.

Zeliker focused his attention on the two demons while moving closer. He can see that the two were fighting about the baby. His mind went red when the baby was scratched to his cheek by the man's claw.

Both demons instantly turned their heads to the baby when they smelled his blood. Before the man went for a kill while the woman salivated over the baby, both of their heads were cut off. As for the baby, he was taken away from the woman's hold.

After killing them, Zeliker landed not far from the two with one hand holding the crying baby. The baby was frightened and had a small injury but was safe from harm. Zeliker let out a sigh of relief and his fast-beating heart finally calmed down.

If it's a little later, who knows if the baby was going to be alive or not. He was still angry at two demons who broke the law for both human and demon kingdoms. The babies of any race were not to be harmed no matter what. Anyone who broke them will be punished with instant death.

Even a demon king wouldn't dare break the law unless he wanted to be dethroned by their people. The parent can die but the baby would be left alive or sent away to anyone who wanted to adopt them. For humans, they might live in peace but for demons, they will grow into human slaves.

The law was made and followed since ancient times. One to benefit the increase of population. Two, respecting their enemies' kindness for a new life. And last, to protect the next generation. Zeliker would never forget the law that was taught to him by his royal teacher.

He looked at the baby with his normal black eyes. This was the first time he got to hold any. He hasn't had a younger sibling since he was the youngest. So, it was a new experience for him to hold a baby.

The baby was still crying loudly. Zeliker guessed the baby must feel the pain on his cheek and don't understand it. So, he makes a small bandage appear and pastes it to the baby's injured cheek. He rocked the baby gently in his hands while humming softly. His scary aura subsided.

It was a long time before the baby slowed his cries and sniffed. The baby couldn't see yet but his hands were trying to grab something. Zeliker moved his finger to the baby's hand and let him grab his own. Then, his attention went to a tree.

"How long are you going to watch me, Silvert?" He asked.

Silvert appears from behind it. Then, he smiled at Zeliker.

"I thought you were engrossed with the baby and didn't notice my presence."

Zeliker narrowed his eyes at him. "Did you get the documents?"

"I did. They were a little stubborn to hold onto it but I punished them with my pets." Silvert grinned evilly.

He had summoned his pets, a few beasts that were only found on the demon's lands to eat those thieves. Their screams were music in his ears.

"Why aren't you coming closer?" Zeliker was confused because Silvert stayed near the tree.

"That… I heard a baby can sense the murder aura from someone who had done the deed. I don't want to make him cry now that he has turned quiet after you calm him. Zeliker, when did you learn to care for a baby? I thought you don't get near babies because they were annoying."

Silvert was confused. Another reason he didn't get close was that he was shocked to see Zeliker doing something unusual. He even hummed a song to calm the baby down!

He had never seen Zeliker around or holding a baby before. So, he was stupefied by what he saw after arriving there. When Zeliker said he would get the baby, Silvert thought Zeliker might be waiting for him to hold the baby later while he annihilated the kidnappers.

Who could have thought he would see a spectacular scene. He was truly surprised.

"I read it in the book," Zeliker answered him.

"Huh?" Silvert's eyes show disbelief.

"You read… A book about babies…? Why?" There was a crack in his voice.

Zeliker looked away from him. "I thought… No, it's just to prepare me for my future. Come on, let's go back to the others."

Silvert stood frozen in his place. He just felt that Zeliker was embarrassed to say it.

Could it be…? Could it be that Zeliker was preparing himself to become a father someday…?

This! This is too unbelievable!!!

However, from Zeliker's short sentence it does sound like it. He snapped back to focus when Zeliker, who had opened a dimension door to their mansion, wanted to close the door after seeing him not coming inside.

"Wait for me!" Silvert rush in.

After they came inside the mansion, they went out again using the entrance door. They directly appear near Hein's home. The latter was walking anxiously while his wife, sitting on a chair, was still crying in anguish. A maid was calming her down.

Only two soldiers were seen with them while the rest had been dispatched to find his son and the important documents. Hein was startled when he sensed two people were walking toward them. Zeliker let Silvert remove the dimensional wall and walked slowly toward Hein.

"You are… Hm? My son!"

Hein realised that Zeliker was carrying a bundle that looked like it belonged to his son before. He hurriedly ran to the latter with teary eyes.

Is his son alive? Did his son get hurt?

He was heartbroken when he saw his son's right cheek have a plaster aid band. Zeliker let Hein take his baby from his hands. Somehow he felt a loss of something which confused him.

Hein's wife, after hearing Hein shout about their baby, hurriedly came over. She hugged her baby after seeing the baby was her kidnapped son. Then, she cried more loudly while kissing her baby many times. She and her husband were very relieved to see their baby again.

"Tha, Thank you. Thank you so much!" Hein told Zeliker and Silvert.

Both nodded to him.

"We're going back to our prince. As for the documents…" Zeliker said before he turned his head at Silvert.

Silvert makes a stack of documents appear in his hands and gives it to Hein. Hein took it and was relieved again to see the stack didn't miss a page. He looks at both of them with gratitude.

"How should I repay you two? Please, you have done us great help!" Hein wanted to compensate them.

"Then, you can ask Prince Xcerox. We are only doing what he wanted. Now, please excuse us. We need to rest." Zeliker replied.

"I, I understand… Thank you again."

Zeliker and Silvert disappeared afterwards. They were welcomed by Xcerox and the others when they returned. Silvert became the one who explained what happened but he didn't tell what he saw about Zeliker rocking and humming to calm the crying baby. He wants to keep it to himself.

It was an extraordinary scene he wanted to remember forever.