

One can move mountains If he is determined to conquer the world. Difficulties are a part of life but the way one overcomes them and faces challenges is what makes him a successful person. This story revolves around a girl whose happy life changed suddenly into a dark shadow. She found the light when there is no hope left and paves her road to betterment. All this required a lot of courage but she didn't lose hope and one day everything turned out according to her will.

writersanagulzar · Sports, voyage et activités
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12 Chs

Chapter 7: Downheartedness

It was a fine morning on May 1st. The weather was cold compared to the last days of April due to the cool breeze, the blue sky was loaded with clouds, and the sun was playing hide and seek, appeared for a moment, and then disappeared in the clouds.

Outside the courtroom, the reporters were ready with their mics, journalists with their notepads to take notes of the statements recorded by the parties involved in the murder trial. As the police mobile came, the media rushed to them, Police covered the face of the accused and strolled him immediately inside the court. A moment later, a car stopped nearby, Miss Layla, Mr. Asmar, and Moneeza appeared, Media streamed towards them; the police gave them a cover to enter the courtroom. After almost 10 minutes, a black BMW reached, and a man wearing a grey suit came out, followed by Aaina and her two brothers.

Aaina's father was among the wealthiest people in the city. The murder of the wife of an affluent man was not ordinary. This case attained hype when the guard was arrested. His contradictory statement about Miss Layla's indictment had compelled suspicion.

Media hurried towards the man, he stopped for a moment and cleared his throat.

"I am sure today my wife's culprit will be convicted to death, and those who are faking their innocence will reap what they have sowed." He marched inside the courtroom overlooking all other queries of the journalists.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

"His condition is getting worse day by day. We are referring him to Bulgaria. His condition is not in our control." The doctor was signing the referral letter.

"But sir, his parents are engaged in a meeting today. You can't refer him immediately." Leo was pleading with his red and swollen eyes.

"His condition is getting critical, and his parents must do something for their son's life. We are doing our every possible effort." He placed his hands on the table and leaned forward. "He must be referred instantly. His MRI is showing Medulloblastoma, which can be exacerbated if we didn't take instant action."

Leo heaved a deep sigh, "His parents are out of the city, and will arrive in two to four hours. Until then, Please keep him in your observation."

"We have no issue, but we are not ready for any emergency. We don't have a neurosurgeon here who can handle any of his medical emergencies."

"I understand, but please give me at least 2 to 3 hours to complete all his arrangements."

"Okay! take your time. But be prepared if anything bad happened to him."

Leo nodded his head and arose to walk but his legs were not supporting his body. His heart was heavy, and his eyes were getting more reddened.

(Bro! please ask her to quit studying and play with us. She listens to you only." Little Aaron was requesting Leo with tears in his eyes. "Moneeza! how cruel you are. Your little brother is crying and you are not listening to him." Leo was standing outside Moneeza's door and trying to get a response from her. "Let's go, Aaron, My mom will take care of you. We will play and eat ice cream. I will buy you your favorite chocolates. We don't need her." Aaron held his finger, "I love you, bro! I will not ask her to play with me." Leo was laughing at the innocence of his friend's brother. Moneeza unlocked the door and held Aaron's hand. "You are not going anywhere. Let's play." Leo smiled, but moneeza didn't.)

He hitted a man, and recovered his consciousness. "I am sorry." He mumbled.

His face was still red, and he was walking lifelessly as if he has no meaning in life and stopped near the ICU door. He looked at Aaron lying in deep sleep from the glass. Tears rushed out through his eyes.

"You are as important to me as you are to moneeza. I wish I could take your pain, and your family had not to go through this misery."

A man stopped near him, placed his hand over his shoulder. He looked at him immediately.

"Years ago, I was standing like you, and praying for my younger brother to open his eyes, but he didn't. I saw him, dying. I saw his death, I saw my family members dying one by one, and now I am here for witnessing another death. My only son is in a coma, and doctors said he has no chance of recovery. But look, I am not crying. My heart is dead inside. My feelings are cold. I wish I could die instead of my son. But what have written for us is a lot better than our wishes. So, have patience. Look at me. I am smiling. I know, I am not immortal. I have to die. And I am happy that my family will be already there in the heavens waiting for me." Leo froze, he lowered his head and then held up his arms to hug him, the man gave him a miserable smile and hugged back. "I am speechless. I pray; you get through all these sorrows and got the purpose to live."

The man stepped back, his smile got deeper, "My only purpose in life is to meet my family in heaven as soon as possible. I am alone here, and tired. I think I have fought enough. I don't have the stamina to fight more. This is enough. Pray for me to get what I want. "

Leo faked a smile and rubbed his shoulder.

The man turned around and disappeared in the corridors. Leo looked at Aaron and then mumbled.

"I know the world is full of sorrows and almost everyone holds a heavy heart. Everyone has his sorrows and worries to deal with but Aaron it's not about me. It's about Moneeza and your parents. I have seen my father go and I still miss him a lot, but your father treated me like his own son, and I am debted to his favors. Please get well soon. We can't see you like this. "

Leo's intentions are pure and clear and he can do anything for moneeza and her family. Does moneely deserve Leo? Does Leo be successful in winning the hearts of moneeza and her family? Can he do anything for Aaron?

What do you think will happen next? Please do stay with me. Your comments and support mean a lot.

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