

One can move mountains If he is determined to conquer the world. Difficulties are a part of life but the way one overcomes them and faces challenges is what makes him a successful person. This story revolves around a girl whose happy life changed suddenly into a dark shadow. She found the light when there is no hope left and paves her road to betterment. All this required a lot of courage but she didn't lose hope and one day everything turned out according to her will.

writersanagulzar · Teen
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12 Chs

Chapter 8: Resilience

Beep Beep!

Mr. Asmar grabbed his phone instantly, turned on vibration mode, and opened the message.

"Uncle! they referred him to Bulgaria and are requesting to take him as soon as possible. He is in observation here but doctors informed me; that they are not prepared for any emergency. He is diagnosed with medulloblastoma, a kind of brain tumor." Mr. Asmar's face turned pale. Aaron's memories were hitting him inside.

Judge strikes the gravel, "Order in my court." Mr. Asmar put his phone back in his pocket.

"According to all the shreds of evidence and the witnesses, the court has reached the verdict that whatever happened on December 13 was a murder planned by the victim's husband. The guard, Mr. Mac in charge of the murder is sentenced to death and the victim's husband, Mr. Lucas is given imprisonment for life with a three million rupees fine. Miss Layla is innocent in this case, the court honorably discharges her from the culpability. This case is dismissed." The judge declared his judgment by hitting his gravel. People arose and started leaving the court. Some were congratulating Miss Layla. Mr. Asmar stood there silently.

Moneeza was standing there looking at Aaina's father handcuffed. He was continuously trying to talk to Aaina and his sons but they were standing frozen with white faces. She strolled forward, grabbed her mother's hands giving a sharp eye to Aaina, and moved outside the court followed by Mr. Asmar. Aaina was still there with her brothers; unable to move.

On reaching out, reporters rushed toward them and bombarded them with questions.

"Miss Layla what are you feeling now?". . . "Why do you think they entangled you in the conspiracy?". . . "Are you happy?". . ." do you want to say something?". . . "Miss Layla, please inform us about the court proceedings". . . "We want to know what happened in the court". . .

Miss Layla raised her chin, and look into the camera " I knew from day one that liars can not succeed. A person having bad intentions for you will never succeed in letting you down until you got trapped In his net and allow him to acquire control over you. If you show him a sign of weakness, he will definitely destroy your peace and self-confidence. Never be so weak, that one can get control over you. Be firm on your thoughts and let the truth speaks for you. "

Miss Layla turned her face away, "that's all from me." and strode towards her car. Reporters were behind her with an urge to know more until her car drove away.

"It is still unbelievable; He killed his wife." Mr. Asmar changed the gear and turned the car toward the city road.

"I want to meet Aaron." Miss Layla was glancing outside the window with teary eyes.

Mr. Asmar looked at Miss Layla and then through the mirror to moneeza who was also looking outside the window with cold expressions.

Mr. Asmar loosen his tie and braked the car. Moneeza and Miss Layla looked at him instantly.

"You both are making me anxious. We are a family and we are fighting everything with the help of each other's courage. How Can I drive properly when I know my son is in the hospital? I need you to talk to me so I can control my thoughts. I am broken inside. Don't do this to me." He placed his palms on his eyes.

Miss Layla placed his hand over his hand.

"At the time of marriage, I promised to stay with you in every situation. I am still beside you facing all these problems. But I am feeling dead inside. I was not mentally present in the court trial until they called me on the stand. And I don't know what happened after that until people started greeting me. I am dead and hollow inside. My Aaron is in hospital for two days and I haven't seen him yet. I am sorry. I don't know how to handle this situation."

Mr. Asmar placed his head on the steering wheel, his tears rushed out. Miss Layla pressed his hand tightly, her tears were flowing over her cheeks. Moneeza controlled her tears and walk out of the car. She opened the driver's door and took the car key from the keyhole.

"I will drive you to the hospital."

Mr. Asmar looked at her and without saying a word, sat in the backseat and closed his eyes.

"Dad! I won. Look! I got it. Yayyy" He opened his eyes instantly. His heart was beating fast and he started shaking. "Keep calm Asmar, You will save him. He will be okay." Mr. Asmar told himself and started looking outside the window. He was still rubbing his hand with his thumb.

After 20 minutes, Moneeza was walking swiftly with her parents across the hospital corridors.

Leo was walking from here and there when he caught the sight of moneeza and her family. He ran to them. Mr. Asmar hugged him and broke out in tears.

"Where is Aaron? Asmar is he okay? Leo?" Miss Layla asked by grabbing her husband's arm.

"He is in ICU mom. Doctors referred him to Bulgaria for his treatment."

"ICU? but. . ." Miss Layla sat on the bench. She was breathing rapidly.

"Mom! I am feeling tired. I don't know why but I think I am not energetic anymore. . . . You are thinking too much Aaron. You are allowing laziness to take control of your mind." . . . "Mom! I have an extreme headache. I can't even talk. . . You are taking it on your head my son. Let me give you some painkillers. You will feel okay." . . . "Your son fainted in class. He is complaining of headaches. and it's almost the fifth time when he fainted. Do you consult any doctor? . . .Madam you know how brilliant a student he is. He is just tired these days. I took him to various doctors. They gave me some supplements. I assure you. He will be back to his brilliancy soon." . . . "Mom please turn off the lights. My headache is increasing. I can't look at them. . . But Aaron you have an important match today. Get up and go, Play your part. . . Mom, I said I have a headache and it will kill me if I go outside. . . I said thousand times to you to take your medicines on time. Take this." . . . "Aaron's health is getting worse day by day. We should consult a neurologist. . . . Why? He has nothing he is thinking about his headache all day long. that's why his headache is getting worse. Don't worry, He will be okay. I am taking care of him. . . . But Layla your father had the same issues and he died of. . . . . "

"Mom? Are you okay?" Moneeza placed her hand over her mother's shoulder. Miss Layla eyed her instantly and then at Mr. Asmar.

"Is he diagnosed with a brain tumor?" She barely said it.

Mr. Asmar nodded. Miss Layla's tears rushed out.

"I want to see him." She requested.

"We are not allowed to go into the ICU. But you can see him through the glass window. Come." Leo led her to the ICU.

"Moneeza! I am going to shift some of my office stuff. On returning, I will take Layla with me to pack things. We are going to shift at your grand parent's place."

Moneeza nodded. She was expressionless. Her heart was burning inside but she was trying to behave normally. She knew she was the only member who can save her parents from breaking completely.

Mr. Asmar strode outside. Moneeza sat there on the bench, looking at the boy playing with his sister, without knowing where he is.


Sometimes life hurts a lot, It doesn't mean to lose hope and stop trying. Emotions can be a person's bigger strength and biggest weakness. It's on us which one we chose. Either we fight, or leave everything on its own. Never allow your emotions to become your weakness. Consider them your strength and courageously face everything.

Moneeza is an example of someone who took emotions as her strength and fought off everything.

But will moneeza succeed in surviving all this trauma? Will she be able to see her brother again?

(To be continued. . . )

A writer knows which weed will be grown and which will die. Trust the writer's writing. I am not gonna leave anything untold. Just wait for the right time. This book will answer all the untold stories. :)

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