
Genius Ghost Hunter

Five Evils surround me, Nine Ghosts snatch my soul, born with an open Heavenly Gate! In my life, I have encountered all sorts of strange characters, such as the blind fortune-teller, Auntie Hui from the Witch Clan, and An Ye Su, the Water Spirit. At the same time, dark creatures such as mountain monsters, tree gods, water ghosts, zombies, wandering spirits, and others swarm around me like maggots on a decaying carcass, endlessly. Where will my fate lead me?

shilin_wang · Horreur
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515 Chs

Snake god

"I didn't expect to do such a great deed, but those damn teachers not only didn't thank me, but also treated me so badly. I was burning with anger and couldn't help shouting at him, 'You don't know anything! That evil spirit possessed him, and I had to do that to save his life!'"

"Nonsense! What evil spirit? That's pure fiction! I think you're just messing around. You wait and see, if anything happens to Teacher Wang, I won't spare you!"

The sports teacher was tall and muscular, standing at 1.8 meters, and looked ferocious as he glared down at me. His imposing presence was indeed intimidating, and I became a bit scared and unconsciously wanted to step back.

However, what I didn't expect was that at that moment, my right hand suddenly lifted and grabbed his wrist. The sports teacher immediately fell to his knees, trembling all over, convulsing in pain, and his teeth began to chatter.

"You, you used what, what kind of magic on me? What did you do?"

The sports teacher struggled to raise his head and asked me, trying to free his wrist, but he couldn't even exert any strength.

"You dare to hurt Brother Heng, I'll make you regret it!"

A sharp voice suddenly came out of my mouth, startling me.

It was then that I realized that Little Fuzzy was trying to protect me, so she chose to attack first.

I couldn't really do anything to the sports teacher, and the other teachers nearby had also come over to me, looking unfriendly. So I quickly stopped Little Fuzzy, then let go of the sports teacher's wrist and turned around to run back to the dormitory.

After I ran away and the teachers didn't chase me, as they had to tend to the injured teacher and deal with the corpse of the giant snake, they didn't have the energy to come after me. I arrived safely back at the dormitory, but to my surprise, there was no grand welcome for me as a hero. Instead, when I entered the hallway, there wasn't a single person in sight. Occasionally, one or two people would emerge, but upon seeing me, they would quickly flee like ghosts. This situation stunned me, and I couldn't help but stop a male student and ask, "What's going on with everyone? I'm not a ghost, why are you so afraid of me?"

"Please, don't kill me. I don't know anything," the male student replied, completely scared out of his wits.

It was only then that I realized that while I had looked very imposing and cool when I dealt with the giant snake and the malevolent spirit, the scene where I strangled the teacher and brought the PE teacher to his knees must have been witnessed by these ruffians. As a result, they might not think that I was a ghost hunter hiding in the shadows, but rather a monster, so it's no wonder they're afraid of me.

This made me quite frustrated because I didn't want to leave such an impression on everyone on the first day of school. Otherwise, I would have trouble in the future. If everyone avoided me, I would become a plague carrier, wouldn't I?

I returned to the dormitory and lay down on the bed, but I couldn't fall asleep no matter how much I tossed and turned. Later, when I was dozing off, I was awakened by a soft and delicate laughter.

As I opened my eyes, I noticed a dark figure in the middle of the dormitory floor. At first, I thought it was the evil spirit coming to get revenge on me, so my heart immediately tightened and I unconsciously activated my Spiritual Embryo Secret Art, causing my Heavenly Gate to open wide. Only then did I realize what the object on the floor was. It was not someone else, but Yun Qingyue. She was sitting on a speckled snake and holding onto its neck, with a happy expression on her face. "What are you doing, Qingyue?!" The scene surprised me, and I immediately spoke up to stop her. "Hehe," Yun Qingyue looked up at me and proudly smiled. "What am I doing? Can't you see? The snake is dead, and I've captured its soul. From now on, it will be my mount." "You mean you want to bring it into my body too?" I asked in surprise. "Of course," Yun Qingyue nodded. "Nonsense! Who gave you permission to do that? Hurry up and get rid of it. Let it reincarnate or move on to the next life!" I scolded Yun Qingyue. "No, Little Fool has a buffalo as a mount. I want one too. You can't be biased!" Yun Qingyue said to me. "I don't want to waste time arguing with you. I'm going to count to three now. You'd better release it quickly and come back obediently. Otherwise, you will never be allowed to come back. Do you think I can't handle you?!" My mood was already bad, so I had no patience for Yun Qingyue at this time.

Upon hearing my words, Yun Qingyue immediately showed a fearful and aggrieved expression. She reluctantly released the large snake, but quickly grabbed its tail as it attempted to slither away. She looked at me with a sly expression and said, "I know you're not feeling good. How about we make a deal? You let me keep the snake, and I'll help you erase the memories from those people's minds. What do you think?"

"Do you really have that ability?" I asked, surprised.

"Hehe, I didn't before, but with your energy, I think I can do it. However, once I do it, your body may become very weak, and I'll also need to sleep for a long time," Yun Qingyue explained.

Upon hearing this, I quickly agreed. Yun Qingyue happily rode the large snake back into my body, and then she told me to lie down and continue sleeping, and not to worry about anything else.

I then fell asleep and felt as if I got up and entered each dormitory, slapping each student and teacher's forehead until they passed out. This was obviously a tiring process, and I eventually became breathless and dizzy. The whole world shook, and I suddenly woke up. I realized that it was already morning, and people were already getting up and preparing for the day. The door to my dormitory was pushed open, and the person who walked in was the teacher who had been dealt with by Xiao Hutu the night before.

When I saw the PE teacher, my heart tightened, thinking that he was coming to settle accounts with me. But then he approached me with a notebook and a gentle smile, saying, "You're Liu Yihen, right?"

Realizing that everyone in the school's memories of me had been erased, including the teacher, I answered him in a hoarse voice, feeling sore all over my body, my head pounding, and even developing a high fever. It dawned on me that Yun Qingyue's words from last night were not a joke – she had indeed helped erase everyone's memories of me, but it had taken a toll on my health, and I would need to rest for some time.

The teacher, who seemed very meticulous, took notes while he inspected our living quarters and asked about our accommodations. I told him that I was used to my living arrangements, but that I was experiencing a headache, a sore throat, and a fever.

"It sounds like you have a fever. Later, you can go to the school's clinic and see Ms. Xu for some medication. With autumn here, it gets chilly at night, so be sure to cover yourself well when you sleep," he advised me.

Hearing his words, I felt a warm feeling inside and nodded, watching him leave before struggling to get out of bed and put on some clothes. Finally, I stumbled outside and into the darkness.