
Genius Ghost Hunter

Five Evils surround me, Nine Ghosts snatch my soul, born with an open Heavenly Gate! In my life, I have encountered all sorts of strange characters, such as the blind fortune-teller, Auntie Hui from the Witch Clan, and An Ye Su, the Water Spirit. At the same time, dark creatures such as mountain monsters, tree gods, water ghosts, zombies, wandering spirits, and others swarm around me like maggots on a decaying carcass, endlessly. Where will my fate lead me?

shilin_wang · Horror
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515 Chs

First Day and First Time

As I walked out of the dormitory, I almost fell on the ground. I hadn't had breakfast or washed up yet, so I went straight to the school's clinic to get some fever-reducing medicine. After taking a handful of pills, I started to feel a bit better and slept until noon when I woke up and found that the other three roommates had already come back and were having lunch.

At that time, everyone's families were very poor, and we all brought rolled-up pancakes to school. For lunch, we just had pancakes with salted vegetables and drank plain water, so our meals were simple and quick. Since the other three had come and gone in a hurry the day before, we hadn't had a chance to get to know each other, so I introduced myself to them and learned that one was named Wang Xu, one was named Xu Wei, and the other was named Gao Dongfang.

Of the three, Wang Xu was thin like a monkey, Xu Wei was slightly chubby, and Gao Dongfang was tall and thin. They all seemed like good students, which made me relieved. Wang Xu liked to talk, and he told me about what had happened that morning. Apparently, there was no formal class in the morning, just self-study to familiarize ourselves with the textbooks. So I hadn't missed anything important, which relieved my mind. However, my physical condition still wasn't good, and I felt weak all over, so I hesitated about whether to go to class in the afternoon.

But when I heard Wang Xu mention Wang Qinyuan, who apparently had made a speech representing the students at the school's freshman assembly that morning, I suddenly became spirited. I quickly washed up, ate a little something, and then hurried to the classroom. When I got there, I found that there weren't many people in the classroom; it seemed like everyone had gone to have lunch.

Wang Qinyuan's seat was also empty. She hadn't come back from home for dinner yet, but Zhang Kai had already arrived and was sleeping on his desk. This made me curious.

I walked over and sat down, poking him with my hand and asking in a low voice, "Why did you come so early?"

He squinted at me and said that he ate quickly, so he came early.

At this point, I intentionally or unintentionally asked him, "Why did you come alone? Isn't that girl, Wang Qinyuan, with you?"

Upon hearing this, Zhang Kai chuckled and said, "If you want to know about her, just say it. There's no need to hide it from me. You guys are all damn beasts, all staring at this fresh meat, aren't you?"

Zhang Kai's words made me feel embarrassed and I didn't know what to say, so I just awkwardly smiled.

But Zhang Kai seemed not to care about my expression. He just stretched and said, "She's a good student. She's already studying college-level English now. She goes to the pavilion in the woods east of the school to practice speaking every day. Don't you know?"

"East of the school? Isn't there a cemetery in the woods over there? Is there a pavilion?" I was taken aback when I heard this.

"What are you talking about? There's a martyrs' cemetery on the top of the hill, and there's not only a pavilion, but also a large platform. You'll see it for yourself if you go there later," Zhang Kai said to me.

Upon hearing this, I could only nod, and then asked him, "Is she not afraid to go there alone? Why don't you accompany her?"

"She hates being disturbed when practicing speaking, and if you don't believe me, try it yourself. I guarantee that she won't even look at you for several days," Zhang Kai said, getting up to go to the bathroom.

After Zhang Kai left, I immediately took action. I pushed the cart behind the classroom and then raced towards the woods east of the school.

About a quarter of an hour later, I arrived at the mountaintop and discovered a pavilion. A graceful figure holding a book was pacing inside. She was muttering in English while walking with a focused and serious expression, which was so charming that I was captivated while hiding in the distance. I followed her back to school, feeling like I had done something wrong the entire time.

When I returned to class and sat in my seat, I stole a glance at Wang Qinyuan and realized she hadn't noticed me. I was relieved, thinking that she hadn't caught me spying on her.

Then came class and break time. During this period, I quickly became acquainted with the people sitting around me. After all, we were all young and liked to have fun, so we quickly bonded.

During this process, through my careful observation and analytical reasoning, I quickly discovered a useful character for me.

She was a girl named Xu Qin, not as pretty as Wang Qinyuan but still attractive with a round face and, most importantly, early development with two bulging mounds on her chest that looked like they were about to burst, making me want to grab them hard at first sight.

She was very outgoing and loved to laugh, sitting in front of me. When I chatted with her, I intentionally told jokes that made her laugh heartily, so she quickly eliminated the barrier between us and talked to me about anything.

The reason I was so focused on Xu Qin was obviously not because I liked her. Although I was attracted to her bulging chest, it still couldn't compare to Wang Qinyuan's elegance and purity, which attracted me much more. So I approached Xu Qin and got close to her only for Wang Qinyuan, because their families were neighbors, and they had grown up together as very good friends. I heard that they even studied together and sometimes stayed over at each other's houses when it was late, so if I could win Xu Qin over, I could easily obtain a lot of information about Wang Qinyuan and even have a chance to get closer to her.

"Have you really slept with Wang Qinyuan?"

When I heard that Xu Qin had stayed over at Wang Qinyuan's house, I intentionally spoke in a suggestive and teasing manner, full of ambiguity. This made Xu Qin blush and give me a white glance, saying, "You're the one who has slept with her, aren't you?"

Xu Qin's words immediately caused another burst of laughter.

She realized what was happening and got so angry that she couldn't help but hit me. Her face was full of fury, but this only made me feel more accomplished, and I laughed victoriously. At the same time, I couldn't help but imagine the scene of Xu Qin and Wang Qinyuan, one charming and the other innocent, sleeping together in one bed. The scene was so intoxicating that my mouth watered. However, unfortunately, this was something that had to be approached gradually. Up until now, I hadn't even spoken to Wang Qinyuan, so the chance of entering her bedroom seemed unlikely even by the time we graduated. But to my surprise, on this day, we had made a breakthrough in our relationship - she spoke to me. She came up to me with a notebook in her hand, smiling, and said, "Hello classmate, please pay the group fee, 50 cents for half a year..." And that was the first thing she said to me. Ahem, from that moment on, I learned an important lesson - if you want to get close to a beauty, you really need a strong material foundation. I mean, it only cost me 50 cents to say my first word to her. It was definitely worth it!