
Genesis Awakening

In the bustling city of Seoul, Gash Han's life takes an unexpected turn after a series of devastating breakups leaves him reclusive and introspective. Known for his striking appearance and love for novels and manhwa featuring system-themed adventures, Gash questions why protagonists often seem so ill-prepared. His world shifts dramatically when, after weeks of isolation, Gash awakens to find a mysterious status screen hovering before him—a manifestation of the Genesis System. This system promises him not only wealth and charm but also strength to overcome adversaries. Initially believing himself the sole recipient, Gash soon learns others have been chosen too, sparking his curiosity and suspicion. As Gash navigates this newfound power, his journey unfolds against a backdrop of personal growth and intrigue. He must unravel the secrets of the Genesis System while balancing school life, friendships, and the emerging presence of other Awakeners. Little does he know, his path will lead him to confront formidable challenges in a world where every decision could alter the course of his destiny.

OpGash · Fantaisie
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11 Chs

Chapter 11: The Age of Hunters

Six months had passed since the cataclysmic battle against the Rank A gate on the outskirts of Seoul. In that time, the world had undergone a profound transformation. Awakeners, once shrouded in mystery and speculation, were now known as Hunters—a title that resonated with their role as protectors and warriors against the threats of the Genesis System.

Around the globe, Hunter associations and guilds had sprung up, each dedicated to safeguarding their communities and exploring the mysteries of the gates. Countries vied for dominance in the awakening world, boasting their strongest players and most skilled Hunters.

For Gash Han, these six months had been a period of relentless growth and refinement. He had delved deeper into the complexities of the Genesis System, unlocking powerful skills and enhancing his already formidable stats through rigorous training and strategic encounters.

Status Window

Name: Gash Han

Title: First Awakener

Level: 27

Experience Points: 4200/4500

Available Stat Points: 65


Strength: 75 (3+)Agility: 85 (3+)Intelligence: 95Charisma: 30 (3+)


Shadow Step (Rank: S) – Enhanced stealth and evasion capabilities.Gate Sense – Detects gates and their ranks within a wide radius.Enhanced Reflexes – Heightened reaction speed, crucial in combat.Void Strike – Disrupts magical defenses and weakens opponents.Ethereal Shield – Provides temporary protection against physical and magical attacks.

Event: Tower Trials

As the months passed, rumors spread among the Hunter community about a mysterious tower that had appeared on the outskirts of Seoul—an imposing structure rumored to house challenges and treasures beyond imagination. Known simply as the Tower of Trials, it beckoned to Awakeners seeking to test their limits and claim rare rewards.

Gash, ever curious and driven by the desire to grow stronger, found himself drawn to the tower's allure. It stood tall against the backdrop of the city, its architecture ancient and enigmatic, shrouded in the mystique of countless legends.

On a crisp morning, Gash stood before the Tower of Trials, its entrance guarded by a shimmering barrier that pulsed with arcane energy. Awakeners from across the globe had gathered, their expressions a mix of determination and apprehension as they awaited their turn to ascend the tower's daunting heights.

Inside, the tower's interior was a labyrinthine maze of corridors and chambers, each level presenting new challenges that tested both skill and strategy. The air hummed with anticipation as Gash ventured deeper into its depths, guided by instinct and the faint echoes of those who had come before him.

Level 1: Trial of Shadows

The first level was a test of stealth and evasion. Gash navigated through dimly lit corridors, evading traps and encountering spectral guardians that materialized from the shadows. With Shadow Step and Enhanced Reflexes, he maneuvered with silent precision, bypassing obstacles with ease.

At the level's end, he was rewarded with a pouch of rare gems—a token of his success and a promise of greater treasures to come.

Level 25: Trial of Valor

Midway through the tower, Gash faced the Trial of Valor—a gauntlet of combat prowess against formidable adversaries. Creatures of myth and legend surged forth, their strength matched only by their relentless determination to defend the tower's secrets.

With Void Strike and Ethereal Shield, Gash engaged in fierce combat, each clash a testament to his growth as a Hunter. He emerged victorious, the creatures vanquished, and claimed a legendary artifact—a sword imbued with ancient runes that hummed with latent power.

Level 50: Trial of Wisdom

As he ascended further, Gash encountered the Trial of Wisdom—a cerebral challenge that tested his knowledge of arcane lore and strategic thinking. Riddles and puzzles barred his path, requiring not only intellect but also intuition to unravel their mysteries.

With his heightened Intelligence and Gate Sense, Gash deciphered ancient scripts and manipulated magical constructs, unlocking the tower's hidden passages and revealing a cache of ancient scrolls that imparted forbidden knowledge.

Level 75: Trial of Endurance

At the tower's zenith, Gash faced the Trial of Endurance—a grueling test of stamina and resilience. The environment itself seemed to conspire against him, with shifting landscapes and elemental forces that tested his fortitude to its limits.

With unwavering determination and physical prowess honed through months of training, Gash persevered through the relentless onslaught, emerging battered but triumphant. His reward—a relic of ancient origin that granted him the ability to channel elemental energies at will.

Level 100: Apex Challenge

At the tower's apex, Gash confronted the Apex Challenge—an ultimate test of all his skills and attributes. The battlefield shimmered with arcane energy, the air thick with anticipation as he squared off against a manifestation of the tower's guardian—a colossal entity of raw power and ancient wisdom.

With every ounce of strength and strategy at his disposal, Gash engaged in a battle that transcended mortal limits. Shadows danced and steel clashed as he unleashed his full potential—Shadow Step to evade devastating blows, Void Strike to pierce the guardian's defenses, and Ethereal Shield to withstand its wrath.

Hours passed in a relentless flurry of combat, each moment a testament to Gash's evolution as the First Awakener. With a final, decisive strike, he toppled the guardian, the tower's barrier crumbling in a cascade of light and energy.

As he stood before the tower's summit, Gash Han felt a profound sense of accomplishment. The trials had tested not only his strength and skill but also his resolve and determination. He had emerged victorious, bearing the mantle of the tower's challenges and the treasures it had bestowed upon him.

The Rising Towers

As Gash descended from the tower, greeted by the cheers and admiration of fellow Awakeners, he noticed something stirring in the world beyond. Reports trickled in from Hunter associations across the globe—new towers had begun to emerge in distant lands, each beckoning to those brave enough to test their mettle.

The phenomenon sparked a renewed sense of curiosity and purpose within Gash. The Tower of Trials had been but one chapter in his journey as a Hunter. With towers rising across the world, each promising its own trials and rewards, he knew that his path was far from over.

With artifacts in hand and the echoes of battle still ringing in his ears, Gash Han embarked on the next phase of his adventure. The world of Hunters awaited, ripe with challenges and mysteries that would test his limits and shape his destiny.

But amidst the trials and tribulations, one truth remained steadfast—Gash Han, the Lone Guardian, fought not for fame or power, but for the kindness and protection of those who depended on him. In that, he found his purpose, his strength, and his unwavering resolve to face whatever the Genesis System had in store for him next.