
Chapter 3

*Warning: Suicide thoughts*

It Brielle quite some time to stop sobbing through her 'mother's' body, she stands up from the ground and look at her 'mother's' dead body, her face was expressionless as her eyes was unfocused and lifeless.

She took her 'mother's' body and began to struggle as she drags her body at the empty space of their courtyard, after that Brielle enter their house and began to drag her 'father's' body to the empty space where her 'mother' are.

It her quite some time as her 'father's' body was heavier that her 'mother', Brielle go back to their house again and this time she carried her 'brother' and carefully place it on the ground, alongside with her parents.

Her clothes weren't affected by the bloods as it dried too much. She stares at her 'family's' body, lying in the ground, looking lifeless.


She shouted at the top of her lungs in despair, tears started to flow even harder than the last time as she saw them in the ground, clinging into them for the last time before crying softly. Brielle slowly walk toward their shed and took the shovel and walk back to the empty space and start digging on the ground.

All she could think was 'Why was this happening to me' over and over again as she keeps digging for her 'family' to rest in peace.

Soon enough, she dug a hole for the three to fit and deep as the height of a full-grown man. She carefully places down her 'mother', 'father' and 'brother's' body to the hole.

"Goodbye mom, dad, maven…. I'm sorry, I couldn't be there with you…*hic*"

Brielle sob one more time for the last time as she said goodbye to her 'family' while burying them.

Brielle walk toward their small flower garden and pick up some flowers and put it in their grave.

She stood there for a while before leaving their house and proceed to walk to their neighbor's house, sadly it was the same as her family so she decided to go back to their house.

As soon as she enters, she notices the calendar that she didn't notice before. She moved toward the calendar to look closer, her eyes widen in surprise as she saw the date in the calendar.

'1 day has pass…?!....so that's why…'

Brielle grab the calendar that was hang on the wall and quickly throw it out, ranting out her anger, feeling useless as she felt that she could be with them if she didn't fell unconscious.

'there's no use thinking about it, Brielle….'

She lifelessly thought as her eyes are lifeless and slowly closing it, as her arms on the table, letting her body rest. Suddenly, there's a drop of bloods on top of the table.

Brielle felt that her nose was wet, she touched her nose and felt something liquid. Brielle open her lifeless eyes and saw the blood on her hand and the table.


She thought as she slowly moves her head upward, looking at the cabinet on the top.

Brielle started to look around, she notices a note on the wall where the calendar used to be. She slowly walks toward it and read the note, it seems like it was from her mother's handwriting.


She mumbles the simple word in the note, suddenly she remembered something.


"Okay Bri, do you know what mission is?"

Her mother gently asks to Brielle as she patted her head.

Knowing the answer, Brielle immediately nodded with excitement. Her mother couldn't help but laugh to see her daughter's action, she kneeled down the floor and wait for her daughter's answer.

"Its…a job you have to do!"

She answered honestly, she took Maven's hand and look at him affectionately.

"Like my mission is to take care of Mave"

She added with a sweet smile on her face.

"Well, my mission is to protect you, Bri!"

Maven squeeze Brielle's hand and smile at her.

Their mother laughs at their cute and silly action, she both patted their head and smile.

"That's good Maven and Brielle, now, mommy will tell you what your mission is. For you Brielle your mission is----


"To become a General…."

Brielle mutters to herself as she took the note, staring at the note as if she's daydreaming.

'I was only 6 at that time'

However, the blood from her nose stops her from staring at the note. She began to wipe the blood through her arms, Brielle quickly took a piece of clothing and stuff it into her nose as she looks at every drawer.

'I swear mom have the pill…Ughh…where is it?'

Brielle was slightly panicking as she thinks, her head started to hurt as the times goes by, even the blood from her nose didn't stop and continue to flow.

Looking over in each place and the corner of the first floor, Brielle still didn't find the pill except for the dead bodies of the enemy.

She then decided to look through her parent's room and look at every drawer, fortunately for her, as soon as she searches the nearest drawer in their room, she found the pill that she was looking for.

"Finally, I found it"

Brielle breathed out a sigh of relief as she looks at the pill however, she only found one pill as she needs more for the future.

The ingredients of the pill were mysterious for Brielle, only her mother and father new what is the ingredient and where they bought it.

But her 'mother', 'father' and even her 'brother' died in the attack of the archnemesis of the kingdom, their small village was near the border as it only makes sense that the enemy would attack the villages near the borders.

Brielle quickly swallow the pill into her mouth causing her to frown and almost gag as she tastes the bitterness and the disgusting flavor of the pill that she took.

'Uwahh, it's still bitter and disgusting just like 4 years ago!'

She though to herself as she holds her neck and massage it with a nausea feeling in her body.

The blood flow from her nose suddenly stops as soon as she took the pill.

Roaming around in the road, Brielle would sometime saw some dead soldiers and their crest, it was different from their kingdom.

'I knew it'

Brielle keep moving forward, heading to the old man's house. Arriving at the old man's house, she saw the old man lying on the ground at the front of his door, looking lifeless with a pool of dry bloods.

She quietly stares at the old man; she closed her eyes with a slight frown on her face.

Looking at her, she was different from yesterday. Her aura was matured so as her expression, it was tragic for a little girl to grow up quickly.

She entered the old man's house, she sniffs as soon as she steps inside and took all of the medical books and other books, she put all of it on the bag that she found somewhere.

"Sorry old man"

She apologized in a brittle voice, she then moves toward the kitchen and took the match at the top of the cabinet.

Brielle drag the old man's body inside his house. Brielle took the bag, she opened the match and lit it up. She watches the match lit up before throwing it on the wooden floor.

The match hit the floor where the puddle of gasoline was, the fire quickly spread with the help of the gasoline.

Knowing that she couldn't burry all of the villagers, she decided to burn the whole village to lessen the burden.

'Im sure they would understand it'

She left the old man's house as it burns with the bag on her back, she went back to their house and to the kitchen.

'There's no way that there are going to accept a female in the military'

Brielle thought to herself as she opens the drawer where the knife is, she took the knife with a little compartment with it however Brielle doesn't know what are they for as it was hard to open.

{Just kill yourself, there's no reason to live now, they are all dead…you should join them, Brielle}

The voices inside of her head keep talking when she stares at the knife.

Brielle moved the knife towards her neck then closed her eyes.


Author’s note:

Helloo!! It’s me author! Do you like this chapter? Hey are you okay? You can tell me about it, if you have any problem please don’t result it to ending yourself as there’s many ways to heal to yourself, please consult to someone’s professional if your thinking of doing something as your life is important to me even we probably haven’t met. Anyway, well that turned sour really quick but I hope that you guys are okay and happy! I am just a concerned citizen.

Silv3rRos3creators' thoughts