
Gaming In The Underworld

I pulled an Elvis… not in a cool ‘I have an amazing singing voice and I’m suave as fuck’ kind of way. No sir not me. I pulled an Elvis in the most embarrassing of ways. I somehow died while sitting on a toilet dropping the fattest deuce. Now I’ve got letters floating in front of me telling me I died. That’s not why I’m angry though, I’m not even mad at the embarrassing way I died I’m mad at the fact that ‘You Died’ was in Comic Sans. Fucking Comic Sans! *All recognisable characters belong to their respective owners. I only own the OCs* *Status: Complete

Vargr_the_Skald · Films
Pas assez d’évaluations
14 Chs

I Seduce The Sexy Vampire

You have slept in your own bed. +20% to all experience gain. 

HP, MP, and SP restored 

All Negative Status Effects Cleared

Even though sleep was unnecessary, I still found the experience to be the most relaxing. Meditating achieved the same thing but for me sleeping was much more enjoyable. Meditating heightened my senses to the point where I'd get uncomfortable from all the stimuli around me. Checking my notification I sighed when I noticed the message. 


System Updated

Relationships Unlocked

Moral Alignment Unlock 

'Oh thank fucking god they didn't do anything more.' 


I pulled up my stats and scanned through it quickly while brushing my teeth.

Name: Blake Corvin

Race: Human? Class: Rogue

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral 

Level: 100 Next Level: 0/0XP

HP: 2,500,000/2,500,000 (1 per sec)

(Vitality x 1000%)

MP: 250,000/250,000 (.5 per sec)

(Wisdom x 1000%)

SP: 250,000/250,000 (1 per sec) 

(Endurance x 1000%)

STR: 250 DMG: 1,250 per hit ( STR/2 x 10 )

Bonus 10% melee damage for every point.

(Current Bonus: 2,500%)

DEX: 250

Bonus 10% effectiveness for all stealth related skills and sneak attacks for every ten points.

(Current Bonus: 250%)

VIT: 250

END: 250

INT: 250

WIS: 250

Luck: 120


Points Available: 0




Corvinus Bloodline: (Dormant) 

As a direct descendant of Alexander Corvinus, the founding father of immortality, your blood contains the unique properties that allow for perfect hybridization.  


Fountain of Youth: (Tainted)

After drinking the blood of Ban (Seven Deadly Sins) you have gained a permanent 4x multiplier to your HP. Since it is impure this perk will disappear in the case that you are completely drained of blood. So long as you have a drop of blood in your body you will keep this perk


Chaotic Neutral: (Archetype) 

You put your own freedoms over the ideals of Good vs. Evil. Nothing comes before your need to be free to do what you please. When faced with opposing factions you are your own side. +10% Rep gain from neutral factions. 

'I didn't really see that coming. I guess in a sense that is my goal.' 


I dismissed the status screen before noticing the Quest tab had a new notification as well. Opening the tab I smiled when I saw that my first Quest had been completed the night before. Though it was already pretty much impossible to fail it. 

Quest: 'Caught in the Middle' Completed



Visit Clinic: complete

Survive Werewolf Ambush: complete 

Escape Capture: complete

Secret Objective: 

Meet Selene: complete



Walther P99 (Automatic Variant)

(Hidden) +2 Rare Gacha Coins

Quest: 'The Plot Thickens' Started


Learn more about 'Blood War':

Rescue Selene:

Learn about Corvinus:

Hidden Objective:






Access to Werewolf Race





Werewolf Race Locked Permanently 

Death of Selene


'Selene' Quest Line Started



Learn More About Selene's Family:

Reach 100 Affection with Selene:

Hidden Objectives:





Romance Option Unlocked



Romance Option Permanently Locked

Death of Selene



Seeing that both of them were already active I sighed. While doing quests was entertaining I was hoping that I would have gotten a choice to be able to accept or deny quests. Seducing Selene was already a goal of mine, though now I had to move plans along ahead of schedule. 


'Now that I look at it, the Race Change option doesn't really say anything about resetting any progress stats or otherwise.'


Thoroughly intrigued I got dressed in my usual dark jeans, boots, and flannel to help conceal the wrist blade and the P226 now loaded with silver hollow points and fitted with a suppressor.  With my stealth skills the pistol sounded no louder than a BB gun. It would come in handy if I had to infiltrate whatever hideout I would no doubt be directed to. 

[Scene Break]

It took me nearly four hours to track the hulking werewolf that I knew was Lucian's second-in-command.  I think his name was Raze or something edgy. Using observe on the large dark skinned man I grinned when I got my confirmation. 


Raze lvl. 87

Race: Lycan

HP: 280,000

SP: 62,000

Allegiance: Lucian

Status: Enforcer

Rep: 0

Bio: Raze was one of Lucian's first followers. They've been fighting alongside each other since they first rebelled against the vampire covens. 


My skill revealed more information than I remembered it being able to display. I wondered if this was part of the update. Snapping myself out of my thoughts I focused on the task at hand. 


'Tailing these guys is going to be harder once we get out of the subway. I still can't hide my scent even if I can muffle my footsteps.' 


I continued to follow the werewolf until he took a turn through a boarded up door. He dropped down to the tracks and I cursed. The tracks were lined with gravel. There would be no way to follow without giving myself away. Seeing no choice I decided to take a risk. Continuing to follow Raze I found myself in the ruins of a facility of some kind. It seemed that the subway had corridors that lead to various abandoned stations and other facilities that were in various states of repair. 


"Raze, you seem to have brought in a stray." 


The man spun around and faced me. He looked a bit angry at first but then the man who spoke raised a hand. I observed the man and mentally prepared myself for either some sort of monologue or offer to join his cause. 


Lucian Lvl. 286

Race: Lycan (Alpha)

HP: 1,450,000/1,450,000

SP: 674,000/674,000

MP: 20,000/20,000

Allegiance: Lycans 

Status: Leader

Rep: 30

Bio: The first born werewolf. Lucian was born to a werewolf mother. From birth he had the ability to shift between his human and his werewolf forms. Due to his age he has learned to shift without the moon and has taught this technique to others. Lucian bears a deep seated hatred for Viktor, and most vampires. Lucian seeks retribution for the murder of his mate, Sonja, and their unborn child. 

I had nearly forgotten how much Viktor had screwed this man over. The man deserved every bit of revenge that he would be able to afford on Viktor. It almost made me want to join his gang of mangy mutts if not for the fact that I was trying to seduce a vampire. 


"Lucian, you're a hard man to find." 


The man grinned. "One could say the same towards you Blake Corvin." 


I reached out and shook his hand. "I figured you were looking for me. I do apologize for the men I killed at the hospital." 


"They were under orders to bring you in peacefully believe it or not." 


"As hard as that is to believe, I'm willing to lend you my ear. What is it you need from me?" 


I wasn't too sure of my importance in the story, I had watched the movie years ago and had forgotten most of the plot except for the memorable characters. Lucian led me to an office styled room and took a seat behind the desk. 


"Tell me, have you heard of Alexander Corvinus?" 


The name again, it was familiar but I could remember why. I paused as if to think for a moment before looking at the werewolf leader. 


"I have certainly heard the name repeatedly. It's believed that I am a descendant of his."


Surprise flashed across his face before he smiled. "Good, that certainly saves me from having to explain from the beginning." 


"I don't know much about him so I'm afraid you'll still have to enlighten me." 


"I see, very well. Alexander Corvinus was an ancient nobleman. It is said that he gained immortality after his village fell to a plague where he was the only survivor. Something in his blood mutated the plague, this gifted him with immortality. He passed this immortality to his sons. His first born William, his brother Markus, and the youngest who's name has been lost through the ages."


I could see where he was going with the story, I had vague memories of watching a scene from another movie where this same story was being explained to another person. 


"As the story goes, William was bitten by a wolf. Thus came the werewolf bloodline. Markus, bitten by a bat, sired the first vampires. The two brothers tore through the land bathing it in blood. Alexander, who couldn't bear to end his sons, faded into history." 


"I take it this is something to do with the third brother who you haven't mentioned other than in the beginning?"


"Patience my friend," I could see why so many joined him. The man was charismatic. "As I was saying, the third brother also inherited this mutated gene. Though, the gift of immortality passed his line. Over the years we have searched for his last descendant and finally…"


"You believe that it is me?" 


I was just playing along at this rate, I was learning quite a bit about the werewolves. He smiled and nodded while pulling out a sheet of paper. Sliding it over to me I took a quick look at the page. On it was the family tree which had the original Blake Corvin's name circled on it at the most recent branch. 


"You have all but confirmed it my friend." 


"Bold of you to assume that we're friends." 


He just kept smiling. "You came here seeking us out, you are a dangerous man and yet you haven't raised a hand against us." 


"Fair point, but what is your goal with all of this? I am willing to give you a sample of my blood. But I want answers." 


"That is a fair trade, alright… What is your question?"


"What is your goal in all of this… I have my sources. I know about Sonja and Viktor. My blood is too diluted to turn anyone else but me into a hybrid." 


He paused, staring at me in surprise before starting to laugh. "I see that you are well informed. Shockingly so in fact. All I seek is to make Viktor suffer, to take everything that holds dear away from him. That has always been the goal. Freedom for my kind is but a welcome sideeffect." 


"A worthy cause, he has cussed you no small amount of suffering. It's only fair that you get your pound of flesh." 


"So you will help us?" 


"On one condition." 


"Name it and it's yours."




Lucian smiled in understanding. 

[Scene Break]

It had taken her a fair amount of time to finally track down some more Lycans to interrogate. After which she learned that the Lycans were indeed after a man named Blake Corvin. Seeing that Blake was important enough to the Lycans to attack in public she tried to bring the issue to Kraven. Only the cowardly man had told her to leave the issue alone and that it was being dealt with. Then her escapades from the previous night were brought up and she stood idly while Kraven reprimanded her for disobeying his order. 


"Selene! You will answer me this instant!" 


"You do not own me Kraven." She practically spat his name out as if it disgusted her to even form the words with her tongue. 


She dodged a grab from him and began to walk away back to her room. 


"Don't walk away from me! You disobeyed my orders!" 


"Fuck your orders." She continued to walk away. 


Kraven looked at two passing vampires, "Make sure she doesn't leave her room. I have business to attend to." 


The two nodded before jogging after the retreating form of his intended.  


'I will have her no matter what.' 


He angrily stormed to the garage where he was met by his escort of guards. 


'Time to visit Lucian.' 


Selene paced around in her room silently cursing at her stupidity for getting caught by Kraven. She had almost successfully snuck back in to the mansion just as the sun rose only to be stopped by Kraven who had been waiting for her by the stairs. 


'Erika must have told him I left. There's no other way he would have known.' 


A day had passed and he had demanded that she tell him where she had gone. The cowardly man had the audacity to reprimand her for defending their borders. Her mind drifted back to Blake Corvin. The man had been in her mind for the better part of the day now. For some odd reason she felt drawn to him. 


The way his eyes met hers, the smile that made her smile feel . Centuries of killing Lycans, centuries of feeling nothing but the burning hatred for Lycans, centuries of blood and death. She had forgotten how it was to actually feel something other than the numbness and anger. A mask she had worn for 620 years and it was now cracked because of a simple smile and a little comment. 


'I need to see him, he needs to answer for his… his crimes against me.' 


She quickly got dressed and looked outside her window just in time to see Kraven leave for a 'meeting' of his. She had been suspicious of the man. This sort of behavior didn't help his case. She threw on her coat and tucked her pistol into a hidden holster on the small of her back. She also grabbed a few explosive throwing stars and several throwing knives. 


Checking the outside to see if it was clear she opened the window and jumped out. Landing softly she used a burst of her vampire speed to clear the gate and made her way to the sleeping town. She eventually found a secluded parking garage and proceeded to hotwire a car and drive it to where she last saw Blake Corvin, the Clinic. 


She went mostly unnoticed by the hospital staff, though one man kept glancing her way. She recognized him as Adam Lockwood, an alleged spy for the Lycans according to the man she had interrogated to get information on Blake. The man noticed that he had drawn her attention and began to hastily retreat to a room. She narrowed her eyes and began to follow. 


She made plans for how to interrogate the mortal without revealing too much. If he truly was a spy for the beasts, then she would have no problem cutting his throat. As she entered the room she had followed him into, she cursed as she lost sight of him. She felt a prick in her neck and the sting of some sort of liquid being injected into her bloodstream before her vision flicked. She spun around and saw the man she had followed holding a syringe. He said something that she couldn't quite make out. Her vision faded and she knew no more. 

[Scene Break] 

Lucian eventually had to leave to meet with his spy in the vampire coven. We traded vials, I gave him a vial of my blood, and he gave me a vial containing the werewolf virus extract from his saliva. I didn't want to know how he had managed to accomplish such a thing but I now held the item that would let me access the werewolf race change. As I began to make my way home a notification popped up in front of my face without me having to pull it up. Reading it I cursed and looked around. 

Objective Updated:


Rescue Selene:

Time Remaining: [ 00:09:54 ]

[ 00:09:53 ]

[ 00:09:52 ]

[ 00:09:51 ]

'Fuck! Ten minutes… less than that now.' 


I marked the quest for tracking and cursed. The waypoint was at the clinic on the other side of town. I'd barely make it, much less have enough time to fight whoever managed to capture her. 


'No fucking choice, damn I wish I had more time to study this.' 


I threw the vial containing the werewolf virus into my inventory and selected the race change option. Selecting werewolf I confirmed my choices and winced as pain shot through my body. I could feel every bone breaking and reshaping. My muscles stretched and tore before healing. I felt fur sprout on my body as I doubled over and grunted in pain. I looked up into the night sky and cursed. Of course the moon would be conveniently full. I let out a roar as the transformation completed and I took a look at my reflection in a puddle. Surprisingly I didn't look like a werewolf from this world. I was larger and my head was more wolf shaped. If I didn't know any better, my werewolf form was more like Van Helsing's werewolf form than it was a regular werewolf's form from Underworld. I let out another roar and started running on all fours  up the side of the building I had hid behind. Once I reached the roof I began running normally while occasionally jumping across rooftops cracking the roofs as I landed. It took me less than a minute to reach the Clinic and I sniffed the air. 


I could smell faint traces of blood towards the basement and I growled. The blood smelled fresh, I felt my ears perk up as there was the sound of metal striking flesh and a feminine grunt of pain. I got low to the ground and snuck down the stairs reaching the basement just as whoever had captured Selene hit her again. 


I felt a primal sense of rage as I took in the sight of a bloodied Selene tied to a chair while several men took turns beating her with pipes. My growl alerted the men whose eyes widened at the sight of me standing to my full height. 


"Who is that?"


"I've never seen this one arou- ARGHHHH!!!" 


The man didn't finish speaking as I charged and tore out his throat before he could complete what he was saying. The other four men roared at me and began changing. I looked over at Selene who seemed to be shaking off whatever drug they gave her. Her eyes glowing blue like mad, they flew towards me as I dashed behind her and used my claws to cut the ropes binding her. 


The first of the men finished his transformation and charged at the recently freed vampire only to be splattered across the wall with a swipe of my claws. Two more jumped at me, clawing and biting. My skin proved too tough and they did little more than annoy me. I threw one off my back. The wolf landed at Selene's feet, she pulled a gun from somewhere , and emptied the mag into the werewolf's head. 


Grabbing the werewolf still clawing at me I raised it up so that I could crush its head in my jaws. The last Lycan howled before running back up the stairs. I focused on my human form and felt my body begin to shift back. I froze as I felt the cold barrel of a gun press against the back of my head. 


"Y-you're one of them." Her voice was heavy with what sounded like betrayal. 


"I can explain," I began to turn. The gun went off next to my ear, I winced as I felt my eardrum pop only to begin healing seconds later. "Please?" 


"You can explain in hell." 


I closed my eyes waiting for the shot, but it never came. I spun around and saw the vampire swaying. The gun had dropped to her side. Her eyes were barely open, her wounds hadn't healed and were still gushing blood. Cursing I caught her in my arms as she finally collapsed forward. Ignoring the fact that I was naked I held her close while I snuck out to the parking garage hoping to find a car I could steal. 


As luck would have it, there was a car that looked like someone had recently hotwired it. Looking down at the unconscious woman in my arms I sighed and gently set her in the passenger side. Making my way over to the driver side I closed the door and started the car back up again. 


The drive back to my home was nerve wracking, I kept looking over my shoulder praying that I wouldn't get pulled over for any reason. Even I would be hard pressed to come up with an excuse as to why I was naked in a stolen car with an unconscious bleeding woman in the passenger seat and the both of us being covered in large amounts of blood. I parked the car behind my home and stumbled over to Selene's side. She was still passed out and. I wondered if this was normal for vampires. Carrying her over to my home I eventually managed to get her into a spare bed. Washing up quickly I put on a fresh set of clothes and grabbed a towel and a shallow bucket of warm water. 


If I didn't have Gamer's Mind I would have been flustered as hell and blushing like mad when I carefully stripped the unconscious vampire so that I could clean her wounds and get the blood off of her. I tried my best to avoid staring at her nude form, somewhat succeeding. When I finally got her cleaned up I tucked her into the bed while leaving a note on the bedside table saying that I was in the next room over and that I had a glass of warm blood should she need it. 


While I waited for Selene to wake up I lay in the corner of my bed and pulled up my status screen only to gape in surprise at what it said. 




Name: Blake Corvin

Race: Lycan? Class: Rogue

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral 

Level: 110 Next Level: 56,000/100,000XP

HP: 2,500,000/2,500,000 (1 per sec)

(Vitality x 1000%) (x100 in transformed state)

MP: 250,000/250,000 (.5 per sec)

(Wisdom x 1000%)

SP: 250,000/250,000 (1 per sec) 

(Endurance x 1000%) (x100 in transformed state)

STR: 250 DMG: 1,250 per hit ( STR/2 x 10 )

Bonus 10% melee damage for every point.

(Current Bonus: 2,500%) 

DEX: 250

Bonus 10% effectiveness for all stealth related skills and sneak attacks for every ten points.

(Current Bonus: 250%)

VIT: 250

END: 250

INT: 250

WIS: 250

Luck: 120


Points Available: 50 



Corvinus Bloodline: (Active)(Lycan Gene Added)

As a direct descendant of Alexander Corvinus, the founding father of immortality, your blood contains the unique properties that allow for perfect hybridization. 


Fountain of Youth: (Tainted)

After drinking the blood of Ban (Seven Deadly Sins) you have gained a permanent 4x multiplier to your HP. Since it is impure this perk will disappear in the case that you are completely drained of blood. So long as you have a drop of blood in your body you will keep this perk


Chaotic Neutral: (Archetype) 

You put your own freedoms over the ideals of Good vs. Evil. Nothing comes before your need to be free to do what you please. When faced with opposing factions you are your own side. +10% Rep gain from neutral factions. 


Corvinus Strain Lycan: (Pureblood) 

Being descended from Alexander Corvinus your blood has adapted the werewolf virus to ignore the usual racial debuffs. Your blood status grants you the ability to transform at will. Should you be infected with the vampire virus you will turn into a hybrid capable of harnessing the power of both races without the weaknesses both races possess. 




I blinked owlishly at the description of the perk, I had learned that I could become a hybrid. The reality of it all just sunk in and I groaned. The race change had also somehow raised my level cap from 100 to another number. Remembering that Lucian was nearing level 300 I figured that the level cap was around that number. I'd have to go back to dungeon crawling to max my level again. I pulled up my skill section and looked at the new skill that had appeared with my recent race change. 


The Howling: (Active) Lvl. Max

Due to your status as a Corvinus Strain Werewolf, you have the ability to transform to your wolf form at will. This voids the need for a full moon. Bonding with your inner wolf allows the form of your wolf to change to that of a more canine shape, the bond also allows for partial transformations. 

(Cost: 0) (Bond: 50%) 


The bond was half way already. I wondered if I needed to become a full hybrid to get that to a 100%. Testing would have to wait until I maxed out my level. 


'In the meantime Selene should be waking up at any moment now.' 


As if on cue I heard the door slam followed by the sound of stomping as Selene rushed into my room clutching the sheets around her chest to cover her body. My note was held in her other hand. I glanced at her and fought a smile that had my lips twitching. 


Despite looking a bit flushed, hair disheveled, she still somehow forced a frown on her face. I could hardly take her seriously with how adorable she looked. Even if she did look like she wanted to kill me. 


"Where are my clothes." It wasn't a question. 


"Being repaired, I'd suggest you take a seat. You lost a lot of blood." 


She hesitated, looking at the chair by the walk in closet. I motioned over to it and she nodded before walking over to take a seat. She was still on guard and I raised an eyebrow at her. 


"I'm not going to hurt you." 


She scoffed, "As if you could…" 


"I reckon I can probably take you down with how weak you are right now."


"You flatter yourself Lycan . I'll have your head before you can take a step towards me." 


"Oh really? Want to take that bet?" I stood up and faced her. 


Selene mirrored my actions while still clutching the blankets around her chest. I grinned at the frown she shot me, in a flash I was in front of her. My hand lightly wrapped around her throat. I felt a prick against my chest and looked down and spotted a silver dagger hovering over my heart.


"Where were you even keeping that…" 


"Wouldn't you like to know." 


"Yeah, I would actually." 


I brushed a strand of her dark hair out of her face and lightly touched the bruise on her cheek. She tried to hide it but I still saw her wince slightly. She slapped my hand away. Backing away I took a glass of blood that I had heated in the microwave from my inventory and presented it to her. Her eyes widened at the sudden appearance of the glass before she eyed it suspiciously. 


"It's not poisoned if that's what you're wondering. Besides, killing you would be a waste of a good conversationalist. I'm liking this little back and forth between us." 


She snatched the glass away from me and took a small sip before downing it in one gulp. Her lips were stained red and I had to fight the strong urge to kiss her then and there. Taking the glass I threw it over my shoulder placing it in my inventory again. Selene looked like she was waiting for the sound of shattering glass. Looking a bit puzzled when it never came.


"I told you I'd explain, didn't I?" 


She nodded, "Now make it quick Lycan. While I decide whether I should kill you or not." 


There was no longer any heat in her words. Just her sexy fucking accent making me wonder what her moans sounded like. Mentally raising Gamer's Mind I glanced at her and began fabricating a story about myself. It wasn't really a complete fabrication since I basically just told her a combination of my life story and the original Blake Corvin's story. She listened while I bullshitted my way through my life story up until I got to describing what actually started the war between vampires and Lycans. 


I didn't really go into all the crazy inception level twists but I did mention that the whole war was started by Lucian and Viktor but not why they started it. I may have also mentioned the fact that Viktor planned on killing her entire family but saved her because she looked a bit like his daughter. I had been expecting her to explode from the revelation. I had dropped a nuclear bomb of a history lesson on her head after all. Still, her face was a mask of unreadable emotion. 


'Relax you just basically revealed a secret that's been kept for hundreds if not thousands of years and that her adoptive dad merked her entire family.'


"Lies! Viktor would never betray my trust like that!"


She stood up, bedsheets forgotten. She raised the dagger to stab me but I caught her wrist. Tears threatened to fall from her eyes and I gently took the dagger out of her hands. 


'There it is… she's been living in her own world for a while, time to bring her back to the real world.' 


I hated it, but she had been depressing the memories for too long. Making her relive them was the only way to push her into the right direction. It made me feel like a complete douche but it was necessary. I needed her to begin questioning her loyalties.


"Listen to me Selene, ask yourself. How well do you actually remember that day? Your family, what did they do? Who did they do it for? Who was their 'lord'?" 


Emotions flashed through her face. Her backstory was as convoluted as mine, but if I remembered correctly her family was part of the iceberg. Making her think of them should trigger some of her memories to resurface. Tears ran down her cheeks. Her shoulders shook in a silent sob. I stepped towards her and caught her before she could fall to her knees. She didn't didn't push me away, I held her as she continued to cry into my shoulder. Slowly her hands came up and clutched at my shirt. I rubbed small soothing circles on her back as she continued to silently cry into my shoulder. 


'What a fucking turn of events. This was going to come crashing down soon rather than later. Might as well get it out of the way now.'


Selene eventually stopped crying but didn't pull away from my arms so I just held her while waiting for her to get it all out of her system. Finding nothing better to do I cast Observe on the woman in my arms having missed the opportunity to do so multiple times in the past. 




Selene Lvl. 400

Race: Vampire (620 Years Old)

HP: 1,654,237/3,000,000

SP: 8,614/200,000

MP: 10,000/10,000

Allegiance: Vampires

Affection: 60

Status: Death Dealer, ? 

Bio: Selene was sired by Viktor after he murdered her entire family upon their completion of his fortress. He spared her due to her likeness to his daughter, Sonja. Selene has held a 600 year long grudge against werewolves. She questions her loyalty to Viktor after learning the truth about her family. 




'That's the highest level I've seen so far. I wonder how she'll react if she finds out that she's actually technically stronger than I am. Also how do I already have 60% affection with her?' 


I was still no closer to figuring out how the levels worked with the two races. Lucian was older than Selene according to the timeline their stories had set, but he was nearly a hundred levels below her. She had stopped shaking a minute ago and was now breathing softly suggesting that she had cried herself to sleep. Her stats should have told me that she was exhausted and still recovering from being beaten. 


Vampires in this world were a different breed than what I've seen in movies and TV in the past. Here they were still living beings in a sense, not a class of undead. While they were immortal, enough damage to their bodies could cripple or even kill them. That said, they had all the classic powers. Strength, speed, agility, and accelerated healing. They also had an extreme weakness to sunlight, even more so than any other vampire species. Thankfully that was about it for their weaknesses. They didn't need invitations to enter homes, nor did they have an aversion to running water. 


I gently lay Selene in my bed not wanting to risk awakening her by moving her too far. Looking at the sleeping vampire I couldn't help but to feel a pang of sadness at the thought of her hating werewolves. I had needed to become one to save her. Seducing her also made me feel dirty in a way. I'd rather have her fall for me naturally rather than exploit her into wanting to be with me. 

Sighing, I made my way over to my desk and took a seat. I had a lot of research and grinding to do sometime in the near future. Explaining everything to Selene had taken all day and the sun was quickly setting. I quickly checked the quest I was on and was surprised to find that I had completed it. 

Quest: 'The Plot Thickens'


Learn more about 'Blood War': Complete

Rescue Selene: Complete

Learn about Corvinus: Complete

Hidden Objective:

Rescue Selene in Under 10 minutes: Complete

Kill At Least 3 Werewolves: Complete




Access to Werewolf Race

Mythic Gacha Coins x 2

2020 Bugatti Divo

'Heh, I woke up in a new Bugatti' 


The rewards for finishing a Quest had been mediocre up until that moment. I got a brand fucking new car that wouldn't even come out for another 17 years. I checked my inventory and saw it taking up a slot. Selecting it prompted me to select it in an open space. Looking over at the sleeping Selene I snuck out of my room and down to the paved driveway of my mansion. Opening my inventory again I selected the car and watched it materialize right in front of me. Fighting the urge to giggle like a child I cast Observe on the matte black sports car. 

2020 Bugatti Divo

Engine: Quad Turbocharged W16

Transmission: 7 Speed Dual Clutch

Seats: 2/2

Gas: 100%

Trunk: Empty

Durability: 100%

Price: $9,000,000

'I don't even know what half that shit means. All I know is that this car is fucking sexy.' 


I appreciated the matte black finish with the red highlights. The sleek contours of the frame, the matching upholstery in the interior. I got into the passenger side door and took a big breath in. 


'Nothing beats new car smell. Especially not a new 9 million dollar car smell.'


I had been meaning to buy a car for a while now. I had my drivers license after all, it made no sense to not have one with the amount of money I had sitting in my inventory. But I never got around to it, the blocky cars in this era didn't really appeal to me. Now I had a car that I liked and didn't even have to buy. I had also been meaning to test a theory of mine. Opening my ID menu I selected Empty and confirmed my choice. The world shifted slightly and I used my new enhanced sense of hearing to listen to the city. 


'No cars or screaming people. That means it worked.' 


Grinning like a mad man, I pressed the 'Start Engine' button and felt the car come to life as the engine roared before settling on a deep purring idle sound. I carefully drove the car out of my driveway and onto the street looking for long expanses of straightaways. Eventually I decided to just take the car to the highway. Once I found a suitable road I tore down the center of the lanes laughing wildly as I pushed the car closer and closer to its top speed. Once the digital speedometer hit 240 MPH I slowed down and turned the car around to head back home. The car was an absolute unit and stuck to the road effortlessly. It even handled so smoothly that I only needed the slightest of movements to steer. Shifting between gears was also just as smooth. By the time I got home I had nearly emptied the entire gas tank and ended up having to fill up on gas before taking the car home. Cutting the engine off I tossed the key into my inventory and made my way back inside and to my room where Selene was still asleep. Thinking nothing of it I stripped down to my boxers and slowly crawled into bed next to the slumbering vampire and promptly fell asleep. 

[Scene Break]

You have slept in your own bed. +20% to all experience gain. 

HP, MP, and SP restored 

All Negative Status Effects Cleared


I groggily rubbed my eyes as a startled gasp woke me from a raunchy dream I was having involving the vampire who was now holding a dagger to my throat. Ignoring her for a moment I yawned and stretched in place. 


"Good morning to you too princess. Do you mind putting that away?" 


She huffed and the dagger disappeared to wherever the hell she kept the damn thing and I looked at her. She was looking around the room as if seeing it for the first time and I guess in a way she was seeing it for the first time. It was daytime after all and despite the windows being covered there was still light in the room. A lone stream of sunlight leaked through a crack in the curtains and Selene eyed it warily. I jumped out of bed ignoring the surprised yelp and made my way over to the curtains. She must have thought I was going to throw them open because she was across the room and squeezed into a corner in the blink of an eye. 


"Will you relax princess?I was just going to close them properly." 


"What have you done to me? Where are my clothes?!" 


"Do you ever get that feeling of deja vu?"


"Where are my clothes!" 


"Being repaired, now relax. Like I said last night, no one is going to hurt you in this house." 


I wasn't even lying, I had stuffed her clothes in my inventory and used the 'repair armor' function that I had discovered on my second month going through the dungeons. 


'Once repaired I'd have to find a moment to sneak them into the closet or something. I don't want her catching me holding her clothes like some panty snatcher.' 


"Fine, can I at least get something proper to wear?" 


I gestured to the walk in closet door next to her. "Help yourself." 


She nodded, which I figured was as close as I would get to getting her to say thank you for the moment. She came out of the closet wearing one of my flannels buttoned up till the last few bottoms giving me a tantalizing view of her cleavage. She noticed me staring and I looked away quickly cursing under my breath for reacting like a love struck schoolboy. 


"Like what you see Lycan?" I noticed that she didn't use the name like a slur anymore. 


"I have a name Princess." 


"So do I Lycan." 


I shot her a glare which she returned, it lasted for a split second but I saw the corner of her lips twitch before she sighed and looked away. 


"Why did you save me?" She was looking off into the distance. 


"Why wouldn't I?" 


"Because our kind are at war, I- I wouldn't have done the same for you." It was in the way she said it that gave away her real feelings. 


"That's a lie and you know it Selene." I took a step towards her stopping when she took a step back defensively. 


"I was human up until last night you know," I took a quick glance at her direction and saw that she had stopped moving and was now staring at me. I could feel her eyes burning holes into the side of my face but chose to ignore it and kept on talking.


"I hadn't planned on becoming a werewolf, or a Lycan as you call them, but I needed all the advantages I could get to get you out of there." 


'That wasn't completely true, I had planned on it, just not that soon.'


"You didn't have to." Her voice barely above a whisper. 


"I didn't," She looked up at me. "But I wanted to." 


'Easy does it, don't overdo the flirting, keep it subtle and don't say anything cringe.' 


She didn't reply, she just sat there looking on. In her shoes I would have been floored by everything I had revealed too so I didn't blame her. 


"I must return to the coven tonight." She was changing the subject. I didn't complain. 


"You know they're all loyal to the 'Elders' you'll have no allies there." 


"Then what am I to do? Viktor, the man who I saw as my father, killed my entire family. I am constantly pestered for my hand in marriage by a coward of a man, and the only person I can bear to talk to seeks my demise." 


"Run away with me." It came flying out of my mouth before I could stop myself. 


"What?" She looked at me with surprise. 


'In for a penny, in for a pound, reel her in nice and smooth.' 


"You heard me," I stood up and walked towards her. "Let's leave all of this behind. Find a new place to start over." 


"That's impossible, the covens will not stop hunting us." 


'She considered it!' I cheered in my head, she'd even stopped looking at me like she wanted to skin me and use me as a plush fur coat.


'Time to go in, it's all or nothing baby!' I let out a whoop in my head. 


"Then we destroy them all." Her eyes widened 


"That's treason, the covens would fall without the Elders. Vampires would be driven to extinction." 


"Come on, you don't really believe that do you?" 


"I- No, we can't run away from things. I need to finish what I started."




"Revenge for my family. Revenge against Viktor." 


I sighed, "Well, I guess I'm coming with you then." 


"No." She crossed her arms. 


"Yes, and that will be that. You don't get a choice. I'm helping you." 


"No you're not. I'm not letting you risk your life for me." 


'She actually cares about me, well there is the +60 in affection. But she can't have developed feelings for me already could she?'


"Who said anything about risking anything? I'm helping you, not jumping in front of a bullet for you."


She frowned before attempting to put me in some form of armbar. I dodged her grab before jumping out of the way of a leg sweep. I blocked a punch she threw a punch at my face before attempting another grab. When that failed she tried to throw a knee towards my balls. Catching her leg I spun her away and grinned as the shirt she wore rode up and I caught a glimpse of her toned ass. She hissed in frustration before spinning back around, he fist came flying at my face again and I ducked under it moving close to her. Eventually she gave up trying to hit me and threw herself at me finally wrestling me to the ground. The shirt she was wearing shifted and I felt her smooth legs pressed up against my side and I hesitated. This gave her the opening that she was looking for to maneuver me into position for a choke hold. I felt her arm wrap around my throat and begin to tighten as she restricted my airway. I used my strength to pry her hold apart and stood up with her still clinging on to me. Tossing her off my back she jumped to her feet before glaring at me with something other than anger in her eyes. 


The wolf within me growled as I caught the scent of something I eventually identified as lust. Her eyes started glowing blue and before I knew what was happening she had covered the distance between us and tackled me into my bed. Her lips met mine in a hungry kiss and I felt her fangs scratch against my lower lip. My hands found her ass and I squeezed them roughly causing her to moan into my mouth. 


'Oh fuck, oh god, this is actually happening. I just Mr. & Mrs. Smithed the sexy vampire.'


Her tongue battled mine for dominance, deepening the kiss I reached up, slipping a hand behind her neck and pulling her closer. She let out another delicious moan as she started to grind herself into my painfully erect cock. Without breaking the kiss she tore my shirt open scattering buttons around the room. Quickly discarding the torn shirt I peeled her borrowed shirt over her head exposing her breasts. I stopped kissing her for a moment only to attack her nipple like a starved man. 


"Blake… we shouldn't be do-" she let out a drawn out moan as I pinched her other nipple interrupting her before she could finish. 


[Lemon Ahead]


It seemed like she wasn't used to not being in control. As a moment later she shoved me back down onto my back as she tore at my pants trying to free my member. I helped her out and watched as she toss them off the bed. She gasped when she saw my fully erect manhood. For a moment I had forgotten that I had given myself an obscenely large cock. All the thoughts flew right out of my mind when her soft lip wrapped around me. The sounds of sucking and gagging soon filled the room. 


"Oh fuck Selene…" I managed to groan out as she took me all the way down her throat. My mouth felt exceedingly dry at the moment and I swallowed hard when I saw the bulge at the back of her throat. She let out a choking gasp as she came back up for air. A trail of spit connecting her lips to my now glistening cock. She wiped off the spittle from her mouth as I pulled her into an passionate kiss. 


"Make love to me Blake." She whispered, causing my dick to twitch before she grabbed it and began to stroke my length. 


"Tell me what you want." I replied as I placed another kiss on her swollen lips. She sucked on my bottom lip before pulling away and looking at me with lidded eyes. 


"I want you inside me, filling me up completely." 


I threw caution to the wind and lowered her onto her back, still gently trailing kisses on her lips down to her neck. Breaking away from the kiss, our eyes met as I lined up my cock with her entrance. I pushed inside slowly and she winced. Stopping for a moment she looked at me and nodded slightly. Thrusting the first four inches in, she gasped and her nails dug into my back. I began to work myself deeper into her soaking quim all the while showering her neck with kisses. Every thrust drew out a titillating moan from her lips making me want to sheath myself in her completely. I had about five inches in with another four to go when I felt her legs wrap around my waist locking me in place. Putting my hand around her throat I began to squeeze. With a growl I bottomed out inside her. This caused her to gasp in pleasure as I slammed the rest of my cock inside her with a snap of my hips. Her mouth opened in silent scream. I grunted as I felt her squeeze my dick with her internal muscles. I began to thrust into her with my full length. Her hips met mine with each thrust. I could feel the head of my cock push against her womb. 


I felt her tighten suddenly before I felt a spray of warm fluid at my crotch. She shuddered before her legs began to shake causing her to release her hold on me. With more room I pulled back until only the head was in before slamming into her again. Selene cried out as her still glowing eyes flew open before rolling to the back of her head. I repeated my heavy thrusts, eventually putting her in a mating press. She regained enough control over her body again to flip us over so that she was on top riding my cock. 


Selene began grinding in small circles as I clutched at the sheets to fight off my building climax. Through sheer will I overcame the urge to erupt and sat up while holding her against my chest. Her kisses grew desperate as she began to bounce on my lap impaling herself on my cock over and over again. Soon her breaths grew ragged and I flipped her onto her back before sliding back inside her letting out a pleasurable groan. She continued to meet my thrusts by raising her hips in time. Eventually her legs wrapped around my waist again and her eyes met mine. There was a hunger there that I had never noticed before. She bit her lower lip while maintaining eye contact and I felt my balls twitch. She must have realized that I was nearing my own climax because she pulled me close and whispered in my ear. 


"Inside me, fill me with your seed. Breed me." 


I felt a shiver run down my spine at her words, my thrusts grew desperate, plunging deep into her, her eyes glowed a brighter blue as she continued to look into mine. With one final thrust I slammed past the final barrier and came directly into her womb. I felt ropes of cum paint her walls white as she pulled me deeper with her legs. We shared one more kiss before I rolled off of her and collapsed on my back breathing hard. She snuggled into my chest as I wrapped an arm around her. Ignoring the light sheen of sweat that covered the both of us we basked in the afterglow of our lovemaking slowly drifting off into sleep.  

Hardly five minutes later a pop up appeared just as I was about to drift off. 


Impregnate Selene



'What the shit? Why is this even an option system?'


I selected 'No' before dismissing the notification and falling back into a blissful sleep. 


[Lemon End]


[Scene Break] 

Selene woke up just as the sun set feeling pleasantly sore. She felt some warmth trickling down her thighs as she got out of bed after detangling herself from Blake's embrace. The lovemaking had been spontaneous, but she didn't regret it. She wandered around the room looking for the bath and found it a minute later. Taking a long warm shower she scrubbed herself clean before drying off and coming out of the restroom with nothing but a towel wrapped around her body. She spotted a glass of still warm blood on the bedside table and a note next to it. She felt herself smile at the note and for once she didn't fight the rush of emotions that flooded her body. 




Should I call you 'My Love'? It feels appropriate after what we did this morning. Three hours, can you believe that? We went at it for three hours and we didn't even notice. Anyways, you're in the shower and you're probably going to be hungry when you get out so the blood is for you. Your clothes are in the closet once you finish drinking. Meet me downstairs when you're ready.  




For the first time in her long life she felt giddy, almost embarrassingly so. The last time she had felt like this was on her 18th birthday when Marton, the baker's son, had asked for her hand in marriage. They had been seeing each other for years at that point and her family had approved of their union, her family…


She drank the warm blood as memories of her family began to surface. Her sweet sister Cecilia, her mother Katalin and her father Kristof. Viktor killed them all; he didn't even spare Lila and Bela, her sister's twin daughters who had still been children no older than 7 at the time. 


She felt her rage returning and she finished her drink before putting on her clothes from the closet. She laced up her boots and made her way downstairs. Blake's home was massive. Almost the same size as the coven's mansion if not bigger. She heard him tinkering with a gun in another room and followed the noises until she found him standing in an armory of sorts. 


Hundreds of guns lined the walls in organized racks, shelves stacked high with ammunition were pushed against the walls. Another shelf off to the side held various items like holsters and vests. Blake turned around and gave her a warm smile. Her heart fluttered before she regained her bearings. 


'There will be time for that later. I must have my vengeance first.' She thought to herself. 


"Take your pick. We'll move forward once you've kitted up." 


She nodded at him and looked through the walls of guns. There were even a few that she had never seen before. Reading each label she finally picked a set of guns called 'Beretta 92r's. Each one came with a twenty round magazine. She put a dozen mags for each gun in hidden pouches on her outfit before holstering the two pistols at her hips. She turned back to Blake only to notice him looking at her with an amused expression. 




He shrugged, "Nothing, I just knew you would end up picking those." 


"What do you mean?" 


He waved her off, "It's really nothing," She was going to have to do something about that later she noted. "What's the plan princess?" 


She bit back a smile before shooting him with her signature glare. 


"I thought you had a plan." 

[Scene Break] 

She gave me a deadpan look, "I thought you had a plan." 


I shrugged again, "My plan involves a lot of explosives and a holy hand grenade." 


She looked at me as if I had sprouted a second head. Shaking her head she crossed her arms before sighing. 


"I had planned on exposing Kraven's treachery to Viktor. I suspect that Kraven is working with the Lycans." 


"Kraven is working with Lucian alright shouldn't be a surprise. That plan just might work." 




"Yeah, Kraven has been working with Lucian for decades now." 


"And you didn't think to tell me?" 


"I figured you'd know. Besides, it never came up. Also wolves aren't the problem." 


"What do you mean they want to eradicate vampires, isn't that their goal?" 


"Nope, they'd rather be left alone. Lucian just wants to kill Viktor, vampires who get in the way of that mission tend to end up dying." 


"You can't mean?" 


"Oh yeah… Viktor has not only pissed you off but he's also pissed off the very first Lycan." 


"I'm sensing a story there." 


"Long story short, Viktor had a daughter, ahh you're seeing how this all connects to you now." She nodded and I continued. "Viktor had a daughter, Sonja. Who fell in love with a slave, Lucian, they kept a secret relationship for years. Viktor eventually found out and forcefully separated them. Sonja revealed that she carried a child, a child born from both a Lycan and a vampire." 


"A hybrid of the two species." Selene whispered, nodding. I finished the rest of the story. 


"Viktor was furious, he saw it as a betrayal. He had his daughter and unborn granddaughter executed in front of Lucian." 


"And he called Lycans barbaric… but what's my relation to Sonja?" 


"I mentioned it earlier today, don't you remember? You bear a striking resemblance to the daughter he murdered for falling in love."


"I- it may have slipped my mind when we… Never mind that. So he turned me to what? Replace his daughter?"


"He was a human once, maybe deep down he wanted to atone."


"That doesn't change the fact that he butchered my family." 


"You're right, it doesn't. He'll get what's coming to him eventually."


"But why my family? We were simple builders and farmers."


"It's a complicated story, it ties back again with his daughter and Lucian." 


"I want to hear it." The flames of determination lit up behind her eyes. 


I sighed, might as well get this over with. At least she was relying on me for knowledge. This saved us the trouble of having to find the historian dude. 


"It all started with a man named Alexander Corvinus." 


Selene is actually a really good listener. No once did she interrupt me while I retold the history of the vampire and werewolf race. It took nearly two hours but I eventually got through with explaining why her family was killed. 


"So my father was the one to build Viktor's fortress and the prison that held William Corvinus," I nodded. "and in order to keep the location and true purpose of his fortress a secret, Viktor had my family killed as we were with my father while he built it." 


"Yeah, that about sums it up." 


"Do you know where it is? I'd like to see something that my family built. Even if it does carry a bloody history." 


"Unfortunately no, but I know where that information is held." 


"Good… we're going there after we deal with Viktor." 




A light blush appeared on her pale cheeks. "I'm holding you to your promise to help me Lycan." She huffed. 


"Well then, I suppose I am honorbound to come with you then Princess." 


"Very well, I shall allow you to hold my weapons for me." She replied in an overly posh tone. 


We shared a smile a moment later and I felt my heart skip a beat. She turned around and began loading a duffel bag with weapons and ammo. I stood frozen for a moment longer while I committed her smile to memory. 


'That smile right there, I would set the world on fire for that smile.'