
Game of Thrones: The Beggar King

Game of Thrones with a little ASOIAF lore knowledge AU Fanfic In, this version of the story, Viserys lives..... Yes, I know that Viserys is one of the biggest hated characters in the whole series and book series. But I always found his character and situation interesting, and it's just the whole idea of Viserys living to give a whole new situation in play. What would happen if Viserys, one big snot didn't die as early as he did! I'll try to make my subpar writing somehow appealing. BTW it's my first time writing such novels. it's just a hobby, so yea. If y'all have suggestions then go, I'll try to include it if it fits the setting. No strict time of upload, remind you that it's just a hobby. Art and story are not mine!! Art by Gildracon: https://veliseraptor.tumblr.com/post/185435357632/viserys-targaryen Source Material: George RR Martin

Courting_Death · TV
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8 Chs

Jorah I

From the time the sun rises from the East, in a place where no flowers bloom, no lush green fields, only an expanse of a yellow field of dry grass, a bulking figure of a balding man rises from his slumber.

Ser Jorah "the Andal," a knight of the seven kingdoms of Westeros, anointed by the seven oils of the High Septon, a once great man, a skilled fighter, now reduced to an exiled criminal.

He still remembers that day as if it were yesterday. He was worrying where to seek money from to please his expensive wife, when an opportunity came and he had this bright idea. He knew it was risky, but he'd give his all just to make his wife happy.

A bunch of poachers have been caught in Bear Island. The lands which have made him Lord, although his home, it was not enough to satisfy the luxurious desires of his wife.

Jewelry, gold, and fanciful food, Bear Island had none of that. Wood and Bears were the only bountiful things in Bear Island, and none of those were enough to please his wife.

Tourneys.... yes that could be probable. As a knight, there was no other way to earn more in peace times than winning tourneys. For it was there where he won his lovely wife.

But winning tourneys couldn't last the expenses he had to pay for jewelry, and the skilled chef he hired.

There was only so many tourneys, even if he won most of them, it would probably still leave him penniless.

But he loved his beautiful wife, he was willing to do everything just to see her smile. It hurts him, if he could never give what she asked.

So Ser Jorah muddled his hands to a business which was a taboo in Westeros. If he knew the results of this escapade of his, then perhaps he should've minded his own business.

But selling criminals as slaves was well paying at the time. And if he never gets caught, it would solve his issue on money. He would please his expensive wife and have no more troubles the rest of his life. Happy wife, happy life.

It turns out a happy life was not meant for Ser Jorah, for he had been caught with his pants down.

Lord Eddard Stark of Winterfell had been alerted of his crimes of selling slaves. For what could've been his death, his title saved him and he only got exiled. But this didn't matter to him, as long as he could make a name for himself in the free cities, he could still live a happy life with his wife.

It was as if fate was playing with him again. His wife who he so dearly loved and spent his blood and sweat just to please her, betrayed him for another man, a richer man. Although heartbreaking, Jorah could understand. He had no lands to his name with an unstable income, no woman would want to marry that, but he believed in love and it turns out it was all just fake love.

He yearned to go back home, but he knew he wasn't accepted there. Here in a strange land, with no one but himself, Jorah finds himself struggling everyday until a letter came to him. It was from the Spider itself. It was an opportunity to go back.

Ser Jorah steeled himself and accepted the task. He went after the targets, he spied for Varys, he sent him info about the siblings. It was an odd job surely. He had to spy and act to a young man, the supposed Targaryen heir and his little sister.

It might've been annoying watching over Viserys and his antics. But Daenerys was truly the image of a royal princess, her demeanor and appearance to match. It saddens him to see such a beautiful lady married off to a savage Dothraki horse lord.

As moons come and go, so does the black hair on his head.

But Daenerys grew into a fine young woman, her silver hair and purple eyes gives a hypnotic feeling, and adapting to the Dothraki has given her the much needed confidence. The meek little girl he guarded over turned into a worthy Khaleesi to the Dothraki, much to the enjoyment of Khal Drogo. I've grown attached to the girl, and instead of following Varys' orders and doing as I'm told to go back home, I protected her from being poisoned and ended up being rewarded with any horse I want, a reward from the Khal himself.

Viserys on the other hand, although very similar to Daenerys in terms of physical features such as the Silver hair and Purple eyes of the Valyrians, never changed. H didn't grow up to be more mature, he didn't learn anything in his time here, he continued his constant nagging. The boy has problems containing his anger, his patience is as thin as a needle and it is surprising that he hasn't yet blown off the lid.

After waking up from his stupor, Jorah went about his day until dusk. A Dothraki girl approached, and requested something from the man I've been chatting with since this afternoon.

"The Khaleesi wants rabbit for dinner."

"We don't have any rabbits, cook some dogs instead," said the man.

"Why rabbit of all animals? We could prepare anything else, rabbits aren't of abundance in this area," I also replied.

But the next words from the girl shocked me.

"The Khaleesi have baby inside her."

That sentence was enough for men to go scrambling the fields for rabbits.

Although happy, Jorah felt something inside of him break a little. Perhaps it was because she somewhat resembled his wife, that it was a little heartbreaking seeing her with someone else. Jorah was not sure if it were true, but he had no other leads.

That night, with the festivities about, he had only found out that a fight had brokered between the siblings again. But this time he had seen Viserys walking out of the tent, eyes bloodshot, and with a murderously angry face.

Jorah knew better and didn't approach him.

But on the morrow, he saw him again, this time entering the Khaleesi's tent sneakily. I was curious and had to see for myself what the "King" was going to do.

And there he was, as I stared at his backside, he was spectating the three dragon eggs, unsuspecting that I was behind him. In a moment he packed them into a bag and was about to leave the tent when I approached him. Jorah knew how much the Khaleesi valued these eggs, and just like before, he was willing to do anything just to make the beautiful woman smile his way, just like with his former wife.

"And where do you think you're going with that?"

Alarmed, Viserys tightens his grip onto the pommel of his blade, but later relaxed it when he saw Jorah. A furious appearance etched to his face.

"I'm going to leave. Here, no one will give me an army for my crown. And you who are a supposed knight aren't doing anything to help me!"

"But why do you need three dragon eggs?"

"With one egg, I'll have an army. With two, a large army. And with three I'll have ships. I know a look when I see one, you fancy my sister don't you? As long as you let me go, I'll let this slide."

With a steely gaze, and insulted by such words, I said in a deep voice, "Put it down."

Viserys with a conflicting look in those purple eyes, looked me in the eye with a ferocious look. I swear it looked like he was going to attack me, but instead he let go of the dragon eggs and bumped into me before he left the tent.

I stood there for a moment and overheard his whispers saying,"I won't forget this Ser!"