
Game of Thrones: The Beggar King

Game of Thrones with a little ASOIAF lore knowledge AU Fanfic In, this version of the story, Viserys lives..... Yes, I know that Viserys is one of the biggest hated characters in the whole series and book series. But I always found his character and situation interesting, and it's just the whole idea of Viserys living to give a whole new situation in play. What would happen if Viserys, one big snot didn't die as early as he did! I'll try to make my subpar writing somehow appealing. BTW it's my first time writing such novels. it's just a hobby, so yea. If y'all have suggestions then go, I'll try to include it if it fits the setting. No strict time of upload, remind you that it's just a hobby. Art and story are not mine!! Art by Gildracon: https://veliseraptor.tumblr.com/post/185435357632/viserys-targaryen Source Material: George RR Martin

Courting_Death · TV
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8 Chs

Viserys I

Night falls, curtains close, and the plains are once again draped by darkness. The moon in all its glory, reigning over the night sky. A beautiful sight I could not appreciate today or any dar for that matter, as long as I remain in this place of savages.

A throne, a castle, a keep, a court ,a queen, a crown, and most importantly, a kingdom. I am King and yet have none of those. I was promised everything and yet I have nothing. Gold, riches, subjects to rule over, and all my life I've ran away from my kingdom. Instead of West, my feet bring me east as far that east goes.

Every single day, from the day he left for Essos, Viserys only ever wanted one thing, what was promised to him. However the day that his mother Queen Rhaella proclaimed him King on Dragonstone, only few were there to follow.

"For once, I thought things would be different this time"

Illyrio, that greasy and fat cheesemonger, I've been deceived by his flowery words. He promised me everything I ever wanted at the cost of selling my sweet sister to the savages, but I care not for 'tis a sacrifice I could bear with. An army for a mother-killing slut.

But look how all that has come to. In this place, in some corner, there I was. But the sold product was placed on a pedestal for everyone to gawk at.

Ever since I came here, I've been humiliated, ignored, forced to walk on foot, and treated as nothing but a beggar. Jorah Mormons, that fake knight, he should follow me, not that b*tch. I refuse to accept such treatment.

I am a king! Mother said so herself!


Tears trickle down my face as I'm reminded of mother's bruised, emaciated, and loving face. No one appreciated me more than mother, no one else ever paid attention to me but mother, no one really cared for me except mother. Everyone only ever cared for Rhaegar but at least I have that one person to rely on. The broken Queen Rhaella, she was everything a ruler should be, but like me, no one really followed.

Daenerys, the moment she was born, I wanted nothing but to choke her. She took mother away from me! and that was something I could never forgive her for. I decided against doing it, she was a Targaryen after all, and a princess at that.

The day my mother has been taken from this world was the day I decided to make her wishes real.

To be king

"I'm a king she tells me.... I wonder how much of it was true mother? I know you would never lie to me, even if everyone else is against me, I know you would never be. So I refuse to believe anything those infidels tell me. I am no beggar, my father was not mad, and I am the rightful ruler of the Iron Throne, I will one day come back and take everything from those who betrayed us. Lannisters, Baratheons, Starks, Tullys, and Arryns, to hell with all of them. I don't care if they were once noble houses, I will burn them to the ground."

At the end of his sobs,

"But... how am I supposed to do all of that mother? I... I don't really know what to do..."

Viserys grabs ahold of his bottle and points it to his mouth, nothing comes out.

Immediately, he stood up and in a drunken stance, went on to approach the Khal's tent, sword in hand.

"I don't care what happens anymore, if no one will give me what I want by asking then I'll have to take it for myself"

As Viserys was nearing the tent, a man in a black hood comes closer to him. The man bumps his shoulder and causes the drunk Viserys to fall and stumble on the ground.

"Get out of my way savage!"

"I'd advice you to not continue what you're about to do"

Hearing the man's voice, Viserys was surprised and woke up a little from his drunken self.

"You speak the common tongue... Who are you"

Alerted by the man's presence, Viserys grabs his sword tighter and was prepared to slash.

The man glared at him

"I won't warn you again, drop the sword and run away from here, else I would have to cut you up like the flimsy twig you are"

All his senses told Viserys to get away, reminded of the spies that the usurper sent before. He put the sword in it's scabbard and quickly ran away stumbling after every few steps.

The hooded man smirks and says,

"Interesting, I would have never thought that he would run away seeing how mad he is. However I'm also very curious to how this will go. A supposed dead person tonight is now walking away from his fate. Will it take him to a better outcome or another ill-fated one. Only time will tell, but I'm guessing nothing much will change"

And as Viserys continues to run the hooded man turned to a corner and disappeared like he never existed in the first place.