
Game of Thrones: Tale of the Monarch

A soul from modern earth is transmigrated to the body of the bastard of Winterfell and true heir to Iron Throne. Watch how Jon Snow/ Aegon Targaryen conquerors and unifies the world. (The story will contain harem and smut)

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17 Chs

Jon's Thought about Blood Raven

The old lady guided Jon inside the mansion. Slyvia and Jelerion were following behind him. Jon had to admit that the bald good master at least had good aesthetics. The decorations in the mansion were lavish and denoted the wealth that the man accumulated in his life time.


"What is your name," asked Jon to the old lady.

"Etinanui, My Lord," replied the old lady.

"From when have you been a slave here?" asked Jon.

The replied answered almost in nostalgia, "From my birth, My Lord. My parents were also slaves. The used to work for the grandfather and father for the good master you killed."


Jon asked again, "You worked as translator for your good master?"

The old lady showed a small smile at this, "Yes, My Lord. Learning new languages is something I like. I can speak more than a dozen languages."

Jon nodded in understanding.


After some more moments of walk, they arrived in front a gate. Etinanui stopped at the gate while the other three walked inside.

Inside the room, at the centre was a large bathing tub filled with water. Without hesitation Jon pulled a strap holding his upper robes and then removed his black tunic.


The well defined muscles on the upper body of Jon glistened under the flames of the torches. Slyvia and Jelerion blushed witnessing the scene and they made a quick run from the run.


Jon chuckled seeing their reactions and then removed his remaining clothes and took a dive in the big tub.

He spent some time soaking himself in the cold water and calming down his mind. He had been on adrenaline for the entire day and now he could finally relax.

After his bath, Jon came out of the tub and with a thought a pair of clothes was brought out from the storage bracelet.

After getting dressed up, Jon walked up to the window and with a slight push from his hand the window creaked open.

Since the mansion was located high on the pyramid, almost the entire city clouded in darkness was visible to Jon. The darkness was sparsely broken by few lingering flame torches giving up light around the city.

Jon was lost in gazing the city when his eyes was drawn towards a small bird perched on a nearby tree. Upon careful observation, Jon found the bird to be a raven. The raven was also staring in his direction.

For all the thousands of birds and animals, Jon had controlled till now, he had never tried to control a raven. From all what he had understood he believed that all ravens might be under control of the three eyed raven or the Blood Raven.

Not wanting to get into any kind of obstruction, Jon decided to stay away from the ravens.

For all he knew, he was not sure if the three eyed raven was a good person or bad person? He also did not know, how much did the three eyed raven knew about him? Did the three eyed raven knew about his origin or about his powers?


He also kept wondering if the three eyed raven was responsible for his father's letters not reaching to Ned Stark.

The three eyed raven was a mystery which Jon could not solve even with all his knowledge.

The raven with a loud caw caw took off from the branch and Jon sighed.

He turned and waked outside the room to attend the feast.





Jon woke up early, the next day on a large bed. The feast previous night was nothing like a feast. Jon was the only person who had felt comfortable in the feast. Although the majority of the slaves who had been freed felt happy, they were still not used to their new status and behaved awkwardly. Jon let them be. He knew that behavioural changes will happen gradually and it cannot be forced. He had remained in the feast for a short time and had retired to his room.


Any other person would have been heavily worried for their security after what Jon had done, but not Jon.

Dozens of birds and small animals mostly snakes guarded his room during the night. They hid themselves below the bed, on the windows and tree branches outside the windows.

Similar protection was also given to Slyvia though she was completely unaware about it.


Getting dressed Jon walked outside his room, where two unsullied stood in rapt attention guarding the room.


Both the men bowed and greeted in unison, "Good morning, My Lord."

Jon acknowledged the greeting with a nod and walked towards the main hall of the mansion.


Though Jon had conquered, majority of his work was still incomplete. To maintain his control permanently over the city, Jon needed to develop a sound administrative structure for the city. He also needed to develop the city economically then only could he begin his grand plan for his empire.


Even Daenerys had conquered the cities of the Slaver's Bay but she could never maintain hold on any of the city for a long time. And that was because she only conquered the city and then left everyone on their own condition.

Jon was going to develop a proper structures society with a population who did not have to starve for food. A society where laws were respect and even a small folk was motivated enough to work and contribute for the king.



After a short walk Jon reached the main hall of the mansion. At the centre of the hall was placed a large rectangular town where an Essosi style breakfast had been waiting for Jon. Slyvia, Jelerion and Etinanui were already waiting for him. The three ladies greeted him and Jon acknowledged the greeting and took his seat for the breakfast.



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