
Game of Thrones: Tale of the Monarch

A soul from modern earth is transmigrated to the body of the bastard of Winterfell and true heir to Iron Throne. Watch how Jon Snow/ Aegon Targaryen conquerors and unifies the world. (The story will contain harem and smut)

Graviele · Book&Literature
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18 Chs

Story of a Slave

After dismissing the brothel owners and all the women and girls working in the brothel, Jon turned his attention towards the maid who had sparked the fire by first killing the guard and then one of the good masters.


Though Jon's gaze was calm with a neutral expression on his face, the maid subconsciously lowered her head.


She seemed to around 14 15 years of age. She had dark black eyes and dark hair. Her skin tone was of a typical Essosi colour.

Jon noticed that the collar she was wearing at the beginning was no more on her neck. She was holding a spear in her right hand and her body was covered in numerous bruises.


Jon stepped forward, "What is your name?"

The girl whispered, "Jelerion."

"It does not sound like the name of a slave," commented Jon.


The girl answered, "It is the name my parents gave me."


Jon raised his eyebrows showcasing his interest in the girl's story. Understanding what Jon wanted, she started her story.


"I was not a slave from by birth," she said. "I am originally from city of Lys. I was the sole child of my parents. My father was a small merchant who used to supply grains from Lys to Astapor. Bad luck struck my family around 18 months back."


She continued with a defeated tone, "I was very persistent with my father to bring me with him. I wanted to see the oceans and Astapor at that time. My father gave in to my stubbornness and decided to bring me and my mother along with him on a short trip to Astapor."


"During the journey our ship was attacked by a bunch of pirates just before reaching Astapor. Although the mercenary group hired by my father was able to repeal the attack, majority of the mercenaries died during the attack. Even my father was severely injured."


"Having no other options, me and my mother brought my father to Astapor and decided to ask help for the treatment of my father from the person who used do business with my father."

"When we reached his house, he immediately showed his true colours. Seeing that we had no guards with us and we were deep in his territory, he mercilessly killed my father and captured me and my mother."


She sighed with tears in her eyes, "He enslaved both us. I was young so he merely had me trained in me basic tasks and wanted to turn me into his personal servant."


Jelerion was sobbing at this point, "But my mother was unfortunate. She was constantly raped and tortured brutally just for fun by multiple men. In less than 2 months after our capture she died because of the torture."


She spoke with venom in her voice, "Till today, though I acted as a docile servant I was waiting to take my revenge even if it costed my life. But the good master was always surrounded by guards and I did not get any chance. But today I was able to complete my revenge."


Jon nodded and though his face still remained neutral, his eyes had softened a bit. Slyvia who was standing just behind Jon, had an expression of sympathy on her face.


"What do you want to do know?" Asked Jon.

Jelerion shook her head, "I don't know."

Jon nodded his head, "Work for me then."

Jelerion raised her eyebrows, "What kind of work?"


Jon chuckled, "You will know soon."

He gestured his hands towards Slyvia, "She is Slyvia. She also works for me. You will remain on her side from here on."


Jelerion had lost her everything in her life and had no other path for her future. She also felt gratitude for Jon, as even if indirectly he had helped her in completing her revenge. Thinking all this thoroughly she nodded her head in agreement.


Jon then turned his attention to the 50 unsullied who were surrounding Jon for his protection.

Jon asked no in one particular, "Who is your leader?"


This question confused the unsullied as they were merely acting on their instinct and not under anyone's guidance. They were trained to follow whoever had the scourge in his hand. But after getting their freedom they were doing what they had been trained for.


Seeing their confused expression, Jon sighed, "I want to select a leader among all of yourself. I hope you all are disciplined enough to select someone capable without any chaos."


The unsullied nodded in understanding.




By the time Jon was finished, the sun had completely set now and darkness have taken over the city. After all the chaos and tension throughout the day, the city of Astapor had settled into an uncomfortable silence for now. The fate of almost hundred thousand people had been changed in a single day.


With flame torches in the hands of the unsullied accompanying Jon, he arrived in the mansion of Kraznys mo Nakloz. All the previous slaves and servants in the mansion were waiting on the gates of the mansion for Jon's arrival.


Though no one had dared to approach Jon and say something, the gratitude and thankfulness was clearly visible on everyone's eye.

The old lady who had been acting as the translator was standing in front. She bowed in greeting to Jon, "Welcome, My Lord."


Jon nodded in acknowledgement to everyone.

The lady said, "We have prepared a small feast for you, My Lord."

"I will take a bath first," said Jon.

"That will be arranged quickly, My Lord," said the old lady and then with a nod from her two maids sprang on their feet inside the mansion.

Jon with Slyvia immediately behind his right hand and Jelerion immediately behind his left, followed by everyone walked inside the house. Meanwhile the unsullied took over the different positions in the mansion to act as the guards.

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