
Flesh chapter 20

The night was dark, the winds made a noise as they whistled past; it was not the weather, for it was mild; it could be said to be a quiet night, but in fact, unlike every other night, this was special.

Forty-two became one hundred and sixty, but unlike the initial forty-two, these new recruits were selected from those who had the will to change their lives, but by the misfortune of fate, the strings of poverty were tied.

Among the current Lycans, only forty were women. Even though William did not discriminate against them, it was still a strange idea for him to raise Lycans. His first objective was to create soldiers, but the truth was that he needed to do more than just an army; he needed to raise a race.

With the new intent within him, he began not only turning isolated individuals into Lycans, but he also began to transform families into Lycans.

But then you could weigh: would he use families as soldiers?

The answers were no and yes.

The reason for 'no', was because Lycans were much stronger than humans, and besides the advantages in fighting, they would also be better at physical work. The advantages of raising Lycans were many.

Among all the reasons William could use to create Lycans, the main reason was to create people loyal to him.

With these Lycans, William realized that people's personalities were slightly altered after becoming Lycans; it was already expected, but the changes were very slight, which was surprising.

When a person turned on one of them, that person would become more active, sleep less, and do more things, and as a result of this change, aggression would not be increased generally, unless some other Lycan was injured or his family was threatened.

An incident occurred; these new Lycans were moved to a closed region in Lorath, but before that, when living in their normal residences, a Lycan woman had been attacked by a gang when returning home at night.

Well, attacking a Lycan was a bad idea in itself, and when her brother saw the intention behind these men, not even bones remained.

The Lycans were more loyal to those alike; the aggressiveness turned out to be against those who were not part of their groups.

William was facing the first 42 Lycans; among them was a serial killer, and the other 41 were robbers. He was wondering what to do to solve the problem.

It was hard to think of an answer; they were very loyal to him. Even when William entered their minds, he could see that loyalty. Well, while he planned to give these individuals a second chance, they would be an exception.

In the modern world, there was the idea of'resocialization'. ''Why couldn't he use this concept here for these individuals and give them a chance?

Thus, these would be the only individuals he would transform into criminals.

The serial killer was the one who worried the most. William, with his whispers, managed to change some things inside his personality. The power that William had over these individuals was frightening; he could make a monster into a saint and a saint into a monster.

Even with all this power, William only interfered carefully.

These sub-Lycans, unlike William, felt less like feeding and were able to satisfy with animals; things just got complicated in fights.

William went with them on some training; these were attacks on thugs, and well, even if the attack was in human form, the end result had not been very pretty.

The hunger that arouses in a Lycan is very overwhelming; the more blood shed, the stronger and, no doubt, more frantic they will be.

Tonight, as well as some others, they would attack a detachment, but this time William would take them all. The reason for so many Lycans in a training operation was simple: they would attack a group of 400 dothrakis who had arrived on the island and were causing riots. Lorath's soldiers were not enough to stand against these dothrakis, and the magistrates would not use their personal guards for this.

They were slowly approaching, wearing the veil of night to help them increase their descriptions.

They would attack this time already in Lycan form and could not risk being incapacitated in an operation against so many opponents.

All slowly transformed their bodies and waited for William. These Lycans acted like beasts as soon as they touched their Lycan form and lost some of their minds in exchange for power.

But if William were with them, everything would work out; his control over his actions was perfect.

Slowly, a great white monster stood out among the crowd of beasts.

For more than three meters, William held a monstrous appearance; even the brutal front of his descendants could not prevent his appeal.

With a great, mighty howl, the Lycans pack advanced.

Thomas was a slave today; he was following the dothrakis who had arrived in Lorath. He had thought it might be useful for his business to get involved with these men, but it was a mistake; even though he was a famous bandit in the region, he could not be the one. enough to catch the attention of these dothrakis.

When he arrived, he was soon enslaved and treated like rubbish. Fortunately, the female slaves were treated worse, so even if things got tough, he could unleash his frustration when he could get his hands on these whores.

But now there were many aimed at the Dothrakis, and with that, he had been assigned to a small battalion of fighting slaves. There were about 400 dothrakis and 200 very poorly armed slave soldiers.

If they were going to use these female slaves, the number would make a huge leap, as anywhere a dothraki would go, a large number of slaves would follow him. No different here; there were over 400 slaves.

The nights were uneven, the damn dothrakis kept drinking and fucking the whores, and the slave soldiers were used to watching. That damn life was so unfair.

You go to work, and the trash is enjoying life at your expense.

Then you might wonder why you don't run away.

Well, they didn't run away because they expected to get something back; they hoped to become soldiers of this Khal at some point.

These dothrakis had arrived in Lorath following a Khal who did not want to follow the Great Khal; perhaps it would be good to go after this Drogo one day.

While complaining, he began to hear a lot of howling. It was scary.

Unlike the usual howls, these made his blood run cold, and the wind that was pleasant for a second now was frightening.

The mood had changed.

Holding his spear tightly close to his body, he began to look around. He felt something was watching him.

Looking around, the few slaves guarding this side of the camp felt, just as he was agitated, that something abnormal was happening.

When his gaze shifted to the left, he saw something black falling on one of the slaves; it was a black monster. His body was long and had a body that somehow resembled a man but was undoubtedly some kind of big wolf.

He looked away, ready to ask for help, but everyone was in the same situation; everyone was being devoured.

When he went running, something caught him and lifted him up. He looked at the huge white beast that held him.

Only a shout that was muffled by the noises of the night was heard.