
Full Moon chapter 19

Using all this knowledge about ancient rituals, William was at that time looking at 42 bandits who were tested, all of whom were partially Lycans.

Because he was a bit sure about the success he used in the initial test, William was a serial killer who demonstrated a partial transformation; if it went wrong, William would have no guilty conscience, but with a successful operation, the first tier of Lycans were born.

In succession of the tests already performed and currently performed, 40 Lycans of the first tier and 2 of the second

Well, what would the tier be?

William devised a way to control, so that nothing less than perfect, his descendants, and therefore carefully choosing the rituals he used to create a Lycan, limited their power to the point that was chosen, thus making William the 'Entity X' with a power unmatched by that of its creatures.

If William's Lycan form made him have strength, for example, 1000 tons, tier 1 Lycan would have a strength of 10 tons, tier 2 would be 15 tons, tier 3 would have 20 tons, and tier 4 would have 25 tons.

The numbers are merely for the sake of elucidation because William's power had no limits until then, but his descendants had clear limits that would be chosen by William.

One way for a tier 1 Lycan to evolve into tier 2 would be through William; if he didn't want, the Lycan would not tier up in power. This tier increase was due to the amount of Lycan influence.

Another detail about William Powers was that the moment the first Lycan was created, he had his Warg power awakened. He managed to get into the minds of his descendants, and in addition to getting in, he managed to whisper requests to them. These orders had to be completed by them without the option of refusal; it was like a program; without executing that order, Lycan would not stop.

The big point was that loyalty was something that seemed natural to the Lycans, who were like wolves; they followed the stronger, but William wanted to have more control over his descendants, so he did something inside the ritual. That thing was a way for the Lycans to be unable to go against or betray William; any Lycan lineage would be his eternal servant.

William's greatest demonstration of power was that, unlike his descendants, he had complete control over his Lycan form, could also deeply control his emotions, and could also expand his size, something his descendants showed he couldn't.

Tier 1 Lycans increased their stamina, and the Lycan form was the same size as their human form, but they were more similar to wolves than humans, even unable to stand upright. Their main characteristic was agility, but they were still strong. These monsters were much stronger than humans, and their Lycan fur was black.

Tier 2, in human form, the addition was a greater increase in vigor, had improved strength, received structures more robustly, Lycan forms were still bestial like Tier 1, but were approximately 20% larger than their human forms, were stronger than Tier 1, and their characteristics were focused on strength. They lost some of the agility of their past phase but were faster in the straight line, and the fur was a dark shade of gray near black.

Tier 3 was the highest level William created so far; tier 3 was special; they were developed for the leadership; in human form, his physical improvements were general; their regenerations were stronger than the other tiers; and in Lycan form, their body isn't enlarged, but their Lycan forms possessed more strength and agility than their other brothers and had a humanized form, but that was still far from William's sophisticated form; those Lycans were a lighter dark gray than tier 2, but still not quite normal gray.

The lighter the fur, the stronger the Lycan, the purer was their lineage.

There are 3 ways to create Lycans:

The first was through the ritual that William did.

The second form was made by tier 3 Lycans who could use a short ritual to create tier 1 Lycans; it was limited; each tier 3 Lycan could only create 10 tier 1 Lycans per year.

And even if they appeared in this way, they would all be servants of William.

The last form was reproduction.

Lycans can only have children with other Lycans; they are a different species. After all, these young Lycans would be born as tier 0, which is limited to human form until maturity at 15 years old, when they could reach tier 1 automatically.

Even with this method, William would still be their lord because of the origin of his ancestors.

To William, all these 'Lycans' were not really Lycans; they were something minor, only partially Lycans, but nonetheless very useful. William planned to create some more tiers in the future, in which he would try to create new subspecies with other characteristics.

Actually, William had created another ritual, but it was still incomplete. This was a ritual for creating true Lycans, something William had planned to give to his family only. This was a Lycan form based entirely on William's form; even if it was thousands of times weaker, it was the only one that could come closest to him. Currently, it is only limited to benefits in the human form, not even making it possible to fully transform himself. His human form had physical improvement, focusing on agility and regeneration beyond a very enlarged vigor.

Just like William, if they wanted in their human form certain Lycans parts would immerse, which would be fangs and claws, something only true Lycans could, but their bodies could not expand in size.

William still wondered what name to give this tier; he had thought of pure blood, but it was a lie; only William would be pure blood, not even his children would truly be pure blood.

He needed a name that would show the strength of these Lycans but not separate them from the others, for even if they could not betray him, they could lose morale and be unhappy.

Maybe Elders was a good name...

It should be noted that William's present power was small compared to his potential, and his power in human form was not unbeatable; his Lycan form grew stronger much more easily.

Due to their own lack of 'strength', all other Lycans do not currently exhibit their full potential.

William was still unsure if he was immortal, but he knew that Tier 1 to 3 Lycans had only a longer life than normal humans.

Viewing these 42 freshly baked Lycans, a huge smile broke out on William's face.