
Chapter 5

I awoke the next morning to the sight of Katyia looking down at me. She was gently stroking my hair with a smile on her perfectly sculpted face. "Good morning, my love. Did you sleep well?" She asked while continuing to stroke my hair.

"Good morning, Katyia." I replied, unable to stop myself from thinking back to the night before. I smiled knowing that I could do that whenever I wanted with someone eager to please me. Sure she was made to be that way by myself, but I wasn't complaining and who would judge me?

"What are you so happy about?" She asked as she trailed her finger down my cheek.

"Nothing, why don't you go prepare breakfast." I replied while sitting up.

She looked at me with pouting lips before she smiled mischievously. "As you wish, but, don't you think I should take care of that first?"

She pointed a delicate finger at my fully erect cock. I wonder where this new playful side is coming from? I know I didn't add that, does this mean that they are capable of change? Altering from what I thought to be permanent? I'll have to keep an eye out for any further changes, maybe even use my power for a quick checkup.

"That won't be necessary, pet, now go do as I've asked." I replied firmly while swatting her delicious ass, hard, drawing out a cute little whimper of pleasure.

"Yes, my love." She replied in a husky voice before reluctantly leaving the bed. As she did, her naked body became completely exposed to me and I feasted on every inch of it. She smirked before sashaying out of the room.

"Well, I think I could get used to waking to sights like that." I said aloud before chuckling at the absurdity of my situation.

After getting dressed I made my way towards the living room but something stopped me at the bedroom door. Looking down, I noticed the chicken at my feet, like a silent shadow, right on my heels. After observing the chicken for a moment, I walked into the living room only to find the twins standing in the same place I left them.

"Have you two been there all night?" I asked. They both nodded in affirmation, I only shrugged my shoulders before taking my seat.

As I waited for breakfast to be served, I thought about my situation. Since coming to this world, I hadn't had high aspersions. Reborn as a small folk in the north doesn't lend to many opportunities. And as a former city boy, struggling with college and a shit job, I don't really have much of any skills.

I was content with living a simple life, why try to enter the political stage when I have no power? Not to mention I have no political acumen to speak of. And from what I remember, the characters involved in the game of thrones are not people to be trifled with. Damn, if I knew I'd be sent here after my death, I would have rewatched the show at least.

Yet, with this new power, I think I have a few options. I mean, I could use it on some noble and force them to see me in a favorable light. Maybe marry me to their daughter and inherit the lordship through her? I could live a life of luxury, though, I think I'm making this sound far easier than it would actually be.

Logically speaking, how would I even be able to get an audience with a noble? Not only that, when would I even be able to be alone with a noble long enough to use my power on them? Fuck, this idea is sounding more and more troublesome by the second. I'll think about it later I guess.

After eating breakfast, I headed out with the twins to use my power on the other animals. I didn't learn anything I didn't already know however, so I spent the day just messing around with the different livestock. As I walked away from what used to be a goat, yet now resembled a dark young, one of Shub Niggurath's babies, I pondered on what else I could use my powers on.

I stopped before a tree, it's leaves were long gone and the thing looked gnarled and ominous. I wonder, on a whim I placed my hand on the tree. To my surprise, my power worked on the tree! After some experiments, I found that I could age the tree, make it younger or older. I could force it to grow a new healthy set of leaves. But even more Interesting, my power worked much faster on the tree than when working on people. Now that I think about it, working on animals seemed easier as well, not as easy as this tree, but far easier than working on people.

Curiosity peaked, I ran to the modest garden we had and found I could use my powers on the crops as well. Perhaps my power works on things with life force or something? I don't know, at least I won't have to worry about starving, just plop a seed in the ground and force it to grow, instant berries.

Satisfied, I headed back home for some rest. Katyia brought me a bowl of meat to snack on and I munched away, still thinking about my future. Katyia seemed to notice my troubles so she spoke up. "Is there something bothering you, my love?"

"Well, I'm having a hard time figuring out what I should do?" I replied, not minding her concern.

"What you should do?" She asked.

"Yes, you know, like for my future. With my power, I could be a healer, or maybe a highly successful farmer, or, I don't know." I said feeling helpless.

"Whatever you wish to do, I will always support you." She answered, rather unhelpfully to be honest. Hell, why else did I design you for? I suppose for now I could just continue to mess around with my power.

I looked over towards the corpses of the bandits, I wonder if they have any skills I can pass on to my pets? "Hercules, Achilles, bring those two corpses over here."

Without a word, the two did as commanded and brought the corpses to me. I laid my hand down on one of them and searched for anything that could be useful. Not much apparently, they were regular untrained bandits, how disappointing.

Wait a minute, ah, it seems that these goons weren't alone. They were part of a group hiding out in a cave not too far from here. Seems there are three, no four others. And they have some decent loot amongst them. I could use more material for my experiments, and this would be a great way to see what the twins are capable of.

"Alright people, get ready because we are going out." I said aloud.

"Where are we going, my love?" Katyia asked, the twins just silently went about dressing and gathering weapons.

"We are visiting some bandits." I replied while rising to my feet to get appropriately dressed.

Katyia didn't add anything else and just followed behind me. In a short time we were all dressed and armed. Well, the twins were anyway. Katyia and I had a dagger while the twins wielded the swords looted from the bandits.

"Let's get going then, Achilles and Hercules, you know what to do. Protect me at all costs, unless I order you otherwise your soul duty is my safety. Katyia, just stay beside me, be ready should the twins fall." I said, eyeing them all with my sternest glare.

"Your will, our hands." The twins replied while wearing clothes that were far too small for them.

"I will not fail you, my love." Katyia added from beside me.

"Bawk Bawk!" The chicken said while standing on a table with its wings spread. As if proclaiming its readiness to pluck out the eyes of any who approached its master. I just ignored the thing and returned my attention to the three. Nodding in approval, we departed in search of the bandits' lair.

I skipped the sex scene, sorry to those who wanted to read it. I just wasn’t in the mood to write it. I’ll still write sexual acts, but for the most part I’ll do a fade to black type thing. Hope you don’t mind, anyway, y’all know what to do, leave a comment and or review. Peace ✌️

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