
Episode 1

Drogon had taken Daenerys back to Dragon stone, where they were in a dark large room. Daenerys dead body was laid on the ground, with Drogon laying next to her

"Daenerys Targaryen,"A man said as he walked into the room, with a blue burning lamp.

The man was dressed in a blue cloak, knight amour, armed with a sword and was blue haired. He was in his 30's, light skinned and had a huge build. The man was Kcolraw.

Drogon immediately looked to the man as he heard his voice, he stood up and growled.

Raaaar!Drogon roared loudly, his voice shook the building and sent the birds in dragonstone flying.

As Kcolraw walked closer to him, Dogon began to sniff him. "Drogon, child of Daenerys Targaryen, ''Kcolraw said as he gently touched Drogon.

Drogon became calm, and closed its eyes, as he sat down. Kcolraw knelt to the ground next to Danerys body, he placed the lamp beside her and he took out a knife.

Kcolraw began to chant words, and stabbed the knife deep into Daenerys body. "Oaw!"Danerys screamed as she opened her eyelids.

Daenerys had woken up from her near death state. "Who are you?"Daenerys asked, as she struggled to get up on her feets.

"My queen…..,"Kcolraw said, as he stood and helped Daenerys to her feet.

"I am sorry for the pain, it was necessary to heal you,"Kcolraw said, as he held the knife and took it out.

"Ouch,"Daenerys cried in pain.

"grrr!"Drogon growled as he stood up.

"Drogon!"Daenerys yelled as she hugged Drogon. Tears dropped from her eyes, and they were both happy, like a mother who has reunited with her long lost child.

"What happened?"Daenerys asked.

"Aegon Targaryen betrayed and stabbed you, hence, Drogon toon you back to Dragonstone. The seven kingdoms all think you are dead, Bran Stark, the three eyed Raven now sits on the iron throne". Kcolraw replied.

"Where is jon snow?"Daenerys asked.

"He along with the wildlings has gone Beyond the Wall,"Kcolraw replied.

"I am sorry, who are you?"Deanerys asked Kcrolraw.

"I am Kcrolraw Venix, of Old Valyria"Kcolraw replied.

"House Venix were once close allies with House Targaryen in Valyria''Kcrolraw added.

"I thought House Targaryen was the only house who survived?,"Daenerys asked.

"Oh no, Rhaekar Venix alongside Aenar Targaryen were not victims of the cataclysm of Old Valryia"Kcolraw Venix added.

"I am a descendant of Rhaekar Venix,"Kcolraw added.

"What do you want?Why did you help me?"Daenerys asked Kcolraw.

"Old Valyria was once a very powerful Kingdom"Kcolraw Venix said as he walked towards the door of the room.

"I want to rebuild Valyria", Kcolraw Venix added.

"How do you plan to do it?"Daenerys asked Kcolraw, as she and Drogon walked with him.

"We will do it together,"Kcolraw replied, as they both walked out of the door.

A blue scaled dragon comparable in size with Balerion the Black Dread, landed on the building behind Daenerys.


"Raaaar!"the blue dragon roared.

The roar was loud and scary enough to terrify even Daenerys, the mother of dragons and Drogon.

"You are a Dragonrider?"Daenerys asked.

"This is Venixon, my dragon,"Kcolraw replied.

"Your dragon and mine together, will lead to our rule of Westeros and the rebuilding of Valyria"Kcolraw replied.


Bran Stark is sited on a chair in the Council Hall, with him, is also sitted Bronn of the Blackwater ( Master of Coin), Davos Seaworth (Master of Ships), Sam Tarly (Maester), Brienne Tarth( Kingsguard), Podrick (Commander Of The City knights), Tyrion Lannister ( The King's Hand).

"Send a letter to Aegon Targaryen, Daenerys is alive, and she is coming for us,"Bran Stark said to the members of the Council.


Kcolraw Venix and Daenerys Targaryen, rode their dragons beyond the wall, to Mance Town- a town built by Aegon and the wildings, named after Mance Ryder.

Raaaar!The Dragons roared, as they arrived at Snow Castle- The King's Castle of Mance Town.

"Aegon Targaryen!"Daenerys screamed, as she rode Drogon into the air.

"Daenerys!Khaleesi!"the people of Mance Town yelled, as they saw Daenerys and Kcrolraw. They all ran into their homes, terrified of the mother of dragons.

Aegon Targaryen was in the castle, he stood In front of one of the windows, shocked as he saw Daenerys. Tormund the wildling stood by his right, while his direwolf named ghost stood by his left.

"Aegon, what do we do?"Tormund asked.

"She is going to kill us all,"Aegon Targaryen replied.

"Dracarys!"Danerys screamed as she burned the houses of Mance Town

Aegon Targaryen drew out his sword. "She has a dragon,"Tormund said.

"I have to do something, I can't just let her burn people alive. You see what she did to King's landing,"Aegon Targaryen replied.

"I will fight for my people,"Aegon Targaryen added.

Daenerys continued to burn the people, children and houses of Mance Town. They screamed and cried in pain, as they were burnt alive.

"Daenerys!"Aegon Targaryen said, as he walked out of the castle.

Daenerys landed right in front of him. "If you want vengeance, kill me. You don't have to kill all these people."Aegon said to Daenerys.

"You betrayed me!,"Daenerys replied.

"You are doing the same thing you did in King's landing punishing the innocent for the crimes of the guilty,"Aegon said.

"I won't kill you now, Aegon Targaryen. First, I will kill Arya, then Bran, then Sansa and everyone in the North, before I come to end your life,"Daenerys Targaryen replied.

"You will regret ever betraying me,"Daenerys Targaryen added.

Raaar! Drogon roared, as he flew into the air. Kcolraw along with Venixon, also flew into the air, heading towards the Unsullied, who are located in the Isle of Naath.

"Aegon,"Tormund said, as he walked towards him with an axe.

"Who is that?with the blue big dragon?"Aegon asked.

"I don't know, maybe a Targaryen,"Tormund replied.

"Targaryens have white hair,"Aegon said.

"You don't,"Tormund replied.

"Hurry, we need to help as many people as we can", Aegon said.

Kcolraw Venix and Daenerys Targaryen, rode their dragons to the Isle of Naath, where the Unsullied reside.

"Daenerys,"grey worm said, as he saw them flying towards him