
Day Three With The Academy Girl: The Power Duo

The man howled loudly and snarled. "I'll kill you! I'll kill you both!"

He dashed to us and I looked at my broken sword then tossed it aside. He swiped his claws at us. I grabbed his arm and yelled as my eyes shined then I slammed him on his back. He groaned then Kali sang a note and a thunderbolt struck him. He yelped then I tossed him aside. I dashed to him and my flames surrounded my hands. He stood up and dodged my strikes. I spun around then jumped, going for a kick. He dodged that and grabbed my leg. He slammed me down then tossed me in the air and jumped up then grabbed my face, slamming my head into the ground.

"Leon!" Kali yelled then inhaled.

She screamed and generated soundwaves that blew the man away. He grunted as he crashed into a tree. I stood up slowly and grunted then looked back at Kali. She nodded and sang a song that healed me. I felt refreshed and smiled. She smiled back.

"I will kill you both! Die!" He dashed to us.

I dashed to him and punched his face. He smirked then punched my stomach. I groaned and coughed a bit of blood then he grabbed my face. Kali sang a song that summoned another thunderbolt. He held my body above him and made me take the hit for him. I yelled in pain then he threw me to the pond. I landed in the water and began to sink.

"Leon!" Kali ran to the edge of the pond.

"Human man drown now!" The man laughed.

Kali looked back then noticed the man walking to her. She looked afraid then dodged his attack. He laughed and chased her.

I opened my eyes then noticed I was still underwater but wasn't drowning. I looked up and noticed Kyu-Pit holding me.

"It'll be a shame if you died like this. I refuse to let you just go to the light early. You still have a game to play!" Kyu-Pit said. "So get back up and fight on!"

She tossed me up and I emerged from the water then descended to the ground. I bellowed and punched the man's face. He looked surprised as he was blown away. I landed on the ground and my eyes shined brightly.

"You're okay!" Kali looked at me happily.

I nodded then stood up straight. "Kali, I wanna try something with you."

"Eh? What?" Kali walked to me.

"I want you to use your sonic scream to boost me forward and I can use that momentum to go for an explosive strike. If everything goes right, that strike should be enough to kill him." I said.

"Alright! Let's go for it!" She nodded.

The man stood up and shook his head. I ran forward and Kali screamed, causing soundwaves to boost me forward at high speeds. I bellowed as my arm was surrounded by flames. I went for a punch and I hit his chest then a massive explosion happened.

Kali grunted and covered her face from the smoke. She opened one eye then quickly caught me as I was blown back from the recoil of my attack. I looked up at her and smiled then gave a thumbs up.

{Kali's Affection rose by 73}

{Kali's Affection Points: 383}

{Points Needed Until Next Status: 17}

"Alright we took him down. Go ahead and snap a picture of Destiny." I said then stood up.

She nodded then took out her phone and went to the camera app to take a picture of Destiny. She zoomed in a bit then took a picture. She walked to me and showed the picture to me. Destiny looked rusted..like she hasn't been in use for a long time. Her hair was a faded red. She wore a ripped red sleeveless battle dress and had a long black sock on her left leg, leaving her right leg exposed, but she had a marking on her right thigh. Her horns were mechanical as well as her tail, but they were cracked.

"Alright we got the picture! Let's get this back to Ms. Desiree." Kali smiled then looked at me.

I smiled back then turned around and stopped. Kali turned around and looked surprised.

"I thought he was dead.." Kali said in shock.

"Die...die! Die!" The man howled and dashed to Kali. I pushed her out the way then he grabbed my neck.

I choked and grabbed his wrist. He glared as he squeezed my neck. My necklace shined and I pressed a fireball in his face and it exploded. He yelped and dropped me. I coughed and looked up. He yelled and punched my face. He growled and looked at my necklace then snatched it from around my neck.

"Necklace gives human his power. I will destroy this!" The man yelled.

"No..!" I stood up slowly. "That's...my mother's necklace!"

The man smirked and kicked me away. Kali caught me and looked at the man. "Say goodbye to your mother's necklace then!"

"Stop it..!" I yelled and got out of Kali's arms to run to the man.

"You will remember my name! Alistair is my name! Remember it!" He yelled as he threw my necklace on the ground, breaking it.

My eyes widened. I slowly walked to the broken necklace then fell on to my knees. I picked up the cracked crystal. I closed my eyes tightly as I held the crystal to my chest. "How could you..? How...could you destroy this..?!"

Alistair looked at me and smirked. He howled in triumph and laughed. "Look at you! Crushed below my feet! Where is your pride now?!"

Kali covered her mouth and watched me in sadness.

My hair shadowed my eyes and my tears fell to the ground. "Mother...I'm so sorry...I.."

Alistair grabbed my hair and raised me off the ground. He smirked and punched my stomach multiple times. He gave one last punch then dropped me. He stepped on my head and chuckled. "How does it feel being under Alistair's foot?!"

"L-Leon..." Kali said softly. She wanted to help me but her body wouldn't move.

I looked at the crystal in my hand then my eyes became empty and cold. I had a flashback about the day of the incident. I yelled and my entire body began to combust into blue flames. Alistair looked surprised and jumped backwards.

"Leon!" Kyu-Pit yelled.

I slammed my fists on the ground and my flames grew out of control. Feno appeared next to Kali and grabbed her then vanished.

"No! Put me down!" Kali struggled in Feno's arms.

"If you stay while he's in that state you will die!" Feno warned.

"I want to help him! He's hurting!" Kali said then looked at Feno.

"At the state he's in...Once that Overdrive of power ends...he will be dead." Feno said.

Kali's eyes widened then she shook her head. "No!" She screamed and Feno groaned loudly, dropping Kali in the process. She landed on the ground and ran to my location.

"What is this power..?!" Alistair asked in shock.

"I don't care...if I die after this...I will kill you for breaking something that was special to me..." I said coldly.

I stood up and looked at Alistair with blank eyes.

"What is this power?" Faylen asked then noticed smoke coming from nearby.

"Mon chéri? Could that be him?" Clarissa asked.

Desiree looked back and rose an eyebrow.

Alistair dashed to me and went for a punch. I dodged him and kicked his stomach. His eyes widened then he threw up blood and was sent flying in the air.

"Leon!" Kali yelled as she ran to me.

Alistair began to fall down to the ground. I palmed his stomach as he came down then a massive pulse-like wave filled the area and blew Alistair away. He crashed through multiple trees and flew past Clarissa.

Clarissa looked surprised as Alistair's body shot past her. She looked back and noticed Alistair laying against a tree. "What...Who..."

I walked down the forest and my flames began to set the trees on fire. Ailas noticed the trees being set on fire and grunted. Kali made it back to the pond and noticed the location on fire and looked surprised.

"What the hell is happening..?" Desiree asked.

Faylen and the others noticed me walking towards them and looked surprised.

"L-Leon..?" Faylen looked at me.

I walked past her and walked straight to Alistair. "I'll destroy it all...just like...I destroyed my life."

"What do you mean? Leon!" Faylen walked to me.

{Warning! Warning! Critical Conditions are being reached!}

I looked down at Alistair then raised my hand. A large blue fireball emerged above my palm. Shiro appeared behind me and struck my back. My eyes widened then my flames vanished in an instant. The blue fireball vanished and I fell on my knees then on my side.

"Uncle Shiro!" Faylen looked surprised.

Shiro snapped his fingers and the effects my flames caused began to be reversed. Shiro looked at Ailas and Ailas looked at Shiro. Ikeshia looked at Shiro as well. "Ailas...it was you...who nearly caused the end of the world seven years ago. For seven years...I have allowed you to run under my nose. Lusette is back with her mother so now...I have time to destroy you."