
Conflict Between Two

I watched Kayleigh skate as I sat on a bench nearby. She was hitting different tricks off the ramps and the humps on the ground. I looked at Kyu-Pit. "Hey...I still need money to pay Clarissa for damages."

"I guess this would be a good time to tell you how passive income works. Since you have the Hotel Job and Restaurant Job Unlocked you can just press a button to check in and a timer for 8 hours will go off for both of them. After 8 hours you will gain a combined income from those two jobs and more will be added when you unlock new jobs. To unlock new jobs you have to physically work there for at least 4 hours." Kyu-Pit explained.

"So I could've been getting money...I see." I said as I looked at my Lover Finder and pressed on both the Hotel Job and the Restaurant Job then a timer for 8 hours started.

Kayleigh walked to me and placed a hand on her hip. "Let's bounce, I'm bored."

I looked at her then smiled and stood up. "Alright."

We walked away from the skatepark and went over to the lone trees. I sighed and sat against a tree then pulled out a cigarette. I used my lighter to light it then took a puff and exhaled. She sat beside me and looked at the sky.

She looked at me then took the cigarette from my mouth then took a puff.

"If you wanted to smoke, you could've asked me for a cigarette." I said then took it from her fingers.

{Kayleigh's Affection rose by 31}

{Kayleigh's Affection Points: 181}

She looked at me and blew the smoke in my face. "Tell me something, smooth talker. Why are you choosing to hang out with a bitch like me."

"You're not a bitch." I sighed and turned my head then took another puff from my cigarette.

"Yeah everyone else says otherwise." Kayleigh said.

I looked at her then blew smoke in her face. "Well..I'm not everyone else am I?"

{Kayleigh's Affection rose by 45}

{Kayleigh's Affection Points: 226}

She looked at my face then noticed I wasn't looking as upbeat. She took the cigarette from my mouth then rose and eyebrow. She took a puff and blew the smoke in my face. "Where's that Prince Charming energy at? What's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong." I said then tried to turn my head, but she held my cheek in her hand, making me face her.

"You're a terrible liar." She said then placed the cigarette in my mouth. "You never smoke, you only smoke when you're stressed. Now tell me what's wrong."

I blew the smoke out of my mouth then exhaled. "Nothing's wrong..."

"Then why are you holding something in your hand so tightly?" She pointed at my hand that was holding a crystal tightly.

I looked at my hand then sighed then opened my hand. "My mother's necklace broke earlier today. I...just feel ashamed that I broke something that was supposed to be a family heirloom."

"I see.." She looked at the crystal then took it from my hand, holding it up to the sky. "...So how did your parents die?"

"Why is that the topic?" I asked.

She looked at me and placed the crystal back in my hand then looked ahead. "I don't know. I just suddenly remember you saying how you lost your parents."

I looked at the ground then closed my eyes. I shook my head then gave a weak scoff and smirked. "Alright.."

She listened as she watched a mother and her children walk by.

"I lost my mother the moment she gave birth to me. I never knew who she was, only the stories told by my father on how good of a woman she was. My father...I literally could not explain what happened. One day I came home and..." I paused and gripped the ground. "There was no trace of him. Just blood everywhere. The only thing there was was the necklace that once belonged to my mom."

"How old were you when you lost your dad?" She asked.

"....I was how old I am now. 21." I said. "It's been me and him..for 21 years. He never married anyone else. He never even talked to another woman. It's been me, him, and our job as a blacksmith."

Kayleigh looked at me then noticed me about to light another cigarette. She lowered my hand that was holding the lighter. "I know that's not the truth. I can tell you're holding something back. Tell me...what really happened."

I opened my eyes and had a flashback. I opened my hand then balled my fist. "I...killed my dad."

Kayleigh looked surprised. Kyu-Pit also looked surprised. There was silence after I said that. I grit my teeth then slammed my fist against the ground.

"I swore after that day...That I would never use my power again..then I come to this fucking world. Fucking off, having a grand old time with elves and shit. Pretending to be weak, not wanting to use my power because I'm so scared...that I could end up killing someone else with my power." I said.

Kayleigh still looked in disbelief and noticed me slowly bringing my lighter to my cigarette. "I...I don't know what to say.."

"There isn't anything for you to say. You've gotten your answer. Now fuck off." I said then lit up my cigarette.

{Personality Trait Level Up! Angst Level 3!}

I noticed Kayleigh still sitting next to me. "I said-"

"I know what you said..." She said then took my cigarette from my mouth and put it out. "But I'm not...going to leave you to yourself. I-"

"Shut it." I said then my eyes shined. "You've gotten your answer, just go away."

"To where? You know my situation!" Kayleigh said.

"And you now know mine." I looked at my crystal then felt Kayleigh grip my jacket with both her hands.

She pushed me down and sat on top of my so I couldn't get up. "You can't just tell me to fuck off! That's my job! And even if I did leave, where would I go?! I'm out of the house! I no longer have a family to go back to."

"Neither do I. If fact, even if I did have family I could depend on, it wouldn't matter. I'm stuck in this world. Thrown into this game. You still had a family...and you took it for granted." I said then felt her loosen her grip.

She placed her hands on my chest then her hair covered her eyes. I looked at her and felt her tears fall on my face. "I'm sorry.."

I looked at her and she lowered her body to place her forehead on my chest. "Kayleigh.."

"I'm sorry...I really am. I just...It's been so hard for me and I just-" She sniffled and felt my hand touch her head.

{Kayleigh's Affection rose by 50}

{Kayleigh's Affection Points: 276}

{Points Needed Until Next Status: 24}

"Get up." I said.

She sat up and looked at me. She wiped her eyes and I noticed her make up all messed up.

"Look, I'm not gonna just leave you stranded." I said then sat up. "There are some apartments nearby, and if you want it an apartment...do something for me."

{Kayleigh's Affection rose by 27}

{Reached Friend Status!}

She looked at me and blinked.


Kayleigh knocked on the door of her sister's house.

"Coming!" A woman said then unlocked the door and opened it, seeing Kayleigh and me standing at the door. "Oh...what do you want this time, Kay?"

Kayleigh looked down and interlocked her fingers together. She swallowed her spit then looked up. "I'm...so sorry, Kaitlyn. I treated you like dirt and took our relationship for granted. I know you were hurting as much as I was, but I ignored your feelings...I want to get better. If you could forgive me, I would like it. I promise you...I-"

"I forgive you." Kaitlyn smiled then placed a hand on her hip. "I'm sure you've had help from your friend. Well at least you apologized..but my stand is final, but here."

She gave Kayleigh $3,000 and Kayleigh looked surprised. "K-Kaitlyn..?"

"Buy yourself an apartment nearby and fix yourself up and get yourself a job.." She smiled.

"O-Okay!" Kayleigh smiled then nodded.

I watched and smiled then Kaitlyn closed the door. Kayleigh looked at me and smiled. "Hm?"

"Fuck you...~" Kayleigh smiled and walked to me then hugged me. "But thank you...I wasn't gonna apologize if it weren't for you.."

"You need your sister...You have family, cherish it." I said and hugged back.

"Can we go get my apartment now..? And buy furniture?" She asked.

"Yeah...let's go get your reward." I smiled at her.

She let me go and I did the same then we walked over to the apartments so we could get her one as I promised.