
Academy Training [2]

Two days pass, and Faylen and I were training in the same way for hours. I was able to channel my aura just by thinking about it. Faylen smiled and saw how my aura calmly radiated from my hands. I was able to summon aura in certain parts of my body like my hands, feet, eyes. I looked at Faylen and she nodded.

"You're getting better at this, Leon. Now the next thing to do is to learn to use your aura to attack and defend. You did a similar thing during our battle. You summoned a barrier." Faylen said.

"I remember that." I nodded.

"I want you to do the same thing." Faylen jumped back and her aura appeared around her body. "Don't dodge."

Her eyes shined and she released a blast of wind at me. I grunted noticing the wind blast creating trenches in the ground. I held my hand out and closed my eyes. A magic circle appeared in front of me then blocked the wind blast, shattering the magic circle. I grunted as I was hit with the wind blast. I slid back and panted.

"Rule number one! Defensive Magic Circles can not block energy blasts! Only Defensive Barriers can block blasts. If you need help with summoning a barrier, the best technique to use is to think about summoning said barrier." Faylen said. "Let's try that again!"

She stomped on the ground and roared then her eyes shined brightly. "Tempest Fury!" She yelled then released a wind blast at me.

'You've got to be kidding me...' I thought to myself.

I grunted and hand my hand out then a barrier formed around me, blocking the wind blast. The blast died down and disappeared. Faylen looked at me and saw the barrier then smiled. She nodded. I looked up and saw the barrier around me. I sighed in relief then the barrier lowered.

"Well, well. Seems like you two are getting training done. Mind if we tag in and help? I think you got the basic defense right?" Feno walked up to us with Ikeshia and Myrrh.

"Blasts can be blocked by Barriers and Beams can be blocked my Defensive Magic Circles." I answered.

"Correct, but there are moves that can't be blocked by either one. Moves that can only be blocked with Spiritual Armor. My special attack named Thousand Wind Needle is a piercing attack meaning it'll go straight through barriers and magic circles." Feno said.

"My Special Move can not be blocked." Ikeshia said. "Heavenly Inferno is a defense break explosion attack. It goes straight through all defenses."

"My attack also can't be blocked as it surrounds your body! Umbra Aqua Prism is the name of my signature move!" Myrrh smiled.

Feno nodded and looked at me then smiled. "Of course you have your unblockable attacks, but all attacks that are unblockable can be dodged. All attacks that are unavoidable can be blocked using any means of defense."

"Got it." I nodded.

"Hey I have an idea. How about instead of us just throwing attacks at him, how about we have him have actual combat with us." Myrrh suggested.

"The only one he could survive is Faylen, mainly because she's also still pretty new as well. Ikeshia and I are legends in the Elven Region. Young Prodigies." Feno said.

"He would die if he fought us at his level." Ikeshia crossed her arms.

Faylen nodded and accepted the suggested. She turned to look at me. "How about it? Maybe this way we can figure out what element you can wield."

"I don't see why not." I nodded.

Feno, Ikeshia, and Myrrh got out of the way. Feno held his hand out and Ikeshia snapped her fingers, casting a barrier around the battle area.

"This training match between Leon and Faylen will end when one side is unable to battle! Ready? Begin!" Feno raised his hand.

Faylen dashed to me and punched. I blocked her punch and pushed her hand away then I went for an attack as well. She dodged and grabbed my arm then flipped me over her shoulder. I grunted as my back hit the ground. I stood up then jumped back. She shot a wind blast at me and I summoned a barrier around my body, blocking the blast.

I dashed to Faylen and dodged her strike then sweep kicked her off her feet. She grunted then shot a wind blast at the ground, blowing me away. I rolled backwards then landed on my knees.

"Wind Arts: Gale Beam!" She bellowed and shot a huge wind energy beam at me.

I summoned a magic circle and deflected the beam then the beam flew right back at her. She flew down then summoned her bow. She bellowed and shot three arrows at me. I dodged them and my blue eyes shined.

"Leon.." Myrrh held her hands together.

Faylen shot multiple wind blasts at me and I summoned a barrier to block them. I groaned and my heart thumped hard.

"Leon!" Myrrh took a step forward.

Feno held his arm in front of her and watched. Myrrh looked at him then back at my battle against Faylen.

I groaned loudly and my barrier cracked. Faylen stopped and looked at the barrier. I yelled, not being able to contain my magic aura anymore. A pillar of blue and black flames shot to the sky then Faylen looked surprised.

Ailas stopped walking and looked at the direction of the flames and grunted. Amy stopped and looked at him.

"Something wrong, Ailas?" Amy asked.

"It's nothing. Let's continue." Ailas continued forward.

The flames compressed into a small ball of flames in the palm of my hand. My eyes emitted blue aura then I bellowed and threw the ball of flames at Faylen. She grunted and summoned a barrier around her. The ball of flames made contact with her barrier and a huge explosion occured, releasing powerful winds.

Myrrh squealed in terror, guarding her face. Feno and Ikeshia smirked and their eyes shined. A blue and black pillar burst through the barrier, Ikeshia set. The pillar vanished and I panted, falling to my knees. Faylen uncovered her face and her barrier crumbled into tiny magic particles.

"That destructive power..." Faylen said to herself.

"Yep...the Game of Lust will be pretty interesting to watch now." Feno chuckled.

"I-Is it over?" Myrrh asked.

I coughed and blue lightning crackled around my arm. I grunted and held my arm. "Yeah...that hurts...like a lot.."

"Seems like Leon is unable to continue. Faylen, you win!" Feno smiled.

Faylen slowly descended to the ground and looked at me with wide eyes. "His magic ability...is so destructive. He has so much rage inside of him."

"So you felt it too?" Ikeshia smiled. "He wields Dark Azure Flame Magic. Azure Flame users are already rare, but having the Dark Azure Flame..."

"His magic is literally a double-edged sword! Not only does the magic burn his energy faster, but if he's not careful..." Faylen looked at Ikeshia.

"Despite nearly destroying the battle area, he had high amounts of restraint. He probably knows the destructive force of magic. Besides that attack was pretty nifty." Ikeshia smiled. "What are you going to call it?"

"Call that attack I just did..?" I stood up. "Well seeing what the attack did and what I did to pull it off. I should call it...the...hmm...Oblivion Burst."

"Oblivion Burst. Has a nice ring to it." Feno nodded.

With Ailas and Amy...

"Do you hold any ties with Leon as well, human?" Ailas asked.

"Y-Yeah I do. And my name is Amy. Wait you know Leon?" Amy asked.

"Yes. I do." Ailas nodded.

"Is he...alive?" Amy asked.

"Yes. He is alive." Ailas answered. "The Game of Lust hasn't taken his life yet."

Amy looked happy to hear the news that I was still alive. She made a happy noise and ran off to look for me. Ailas looked back and sighed.

"You may be happy to see him, but I don't think he will feel the same. After all...you did deceive him." Ailas walked back to his home.

"Leon, I'm so happy to know you're still alive!" Amy said happily and looked around for me. "Once I find you, I will give you the greatest apology!"

Amy ran off and panted then saw me walk out the forest and slowed down when she saw me holding Myrrh's hand. Her mood dropped.

"I told you I'm fine, Myr! Let go!" I grunted.

"No! You're not okay!" Myrrh wrapped her arms around my arm.

I groaned and looked to my right and saw Amy standing there watching me. Faylen, Feno, and Ikeshia walked out of the forest as well. Faylen looked at who I was staring at then back at me.

"Leon...who..is she? Who are they..?" Amy asked herself and her lip quivered.

"Amy. Tch...What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I came to check on you! I'm sorry! I-"

I interrupted her and groaned. "Enough from you. I've had enough of you and the other two bastards. You fully knew the rules of this Game and lied to me. You knew the dangers of this and still sent me to my impending doom. Amy...you mean nothing to me. I once liked you, but now...I don't even know who you really are."

Amy took a step back and tears formed in her eyes. She sniffled then ran off crying. I watched her and closed my eyes. Feno pat my shoulder.

"Sacrifices are needed to move forward. I understand your feelings and you are completely in the right. She did send you to your doom..." Feno walked forward. "Hey, at least the rumors aren't completely true! You didn't die yet."

Ikeshia chuckled and walked forward. "Yep, you are still very much alive and happier. Plus you have Myrrh as your little girlfriend."

I blushed and took my arm away from Myrrh then looked at Ikeshia. "She's not my girlfriend!"

"See ya at the academy, bum! Don't think you can skip out too, we have a special event at the academy coming up and I need a partner!" Faylen smiled and walked forward.

"Leon. I'm happy you're here. You've made things a lot more interesting for us, especially me. We all welcome you to our world with open arms." Myrrh smiled and held my hand.

I looked at her and blushed then sighed. "Thanks...but can you stop thinking we're married..?"

"Come on, it's nice!" Myrrh giggled.

"It's weird because I don't know you!" I walked off.

"Then get to know me! I'm Myrrh Grevaris! I love the color purple and my favorite food is Smoked Glass Deer! I'm 20 years old and I like flowers.." Myrrh began to ramble.

Esoria...A world that is driven by sex and magic isn't as bad of a place people on Earth make it sound. My life on Esoria started off on a bad start but after three days, everything became natural. My biggest curiosity is how do I beat the Game of Lust...