

There can't be such a perfect morning. He got me up with the towel on my legs while I had my glass of whiskey, he took me to the balcony to see the city from where I am, the peak of success; shortly after my sister

_What happens that or do you know how to play?

_Remember that you have a meeting with Alexander, the guy who owes you money

_True, I take a bath and when I arrive, please let him in

I've been in the business for ten years, the Mafia battle is getting stronger, gaining ground is important to have greater power within the city because if you want to be respected you must have power everywhere because otherwise things don't work.

But in spite of everything I am proud that my sister is about to finish university in Criminology, at least I know that she will not be like me. I have just bathed and dressed, he went down to the dining room to have a breakfast while I wait for Alexander, that boy owes me about 10,000 dollars but I have my methods to collect myself.

_ Why did you leave me brother? why? why with him?

_I won't do anything to you girl, I promise ...

_Don't get near I have Pandi and I'm not afraid to use it, it can hurt very ugly

_That thing? it's just a teddy (snatches it) what can you do to me

_He knows things, but please don't do anything to him 😖

I could see that when I took the teddy out of the window he jumped up, for being two years younger than me he was still very childish, I returned his teddy to him and I left the room a little confused but normal but before going down the stairs I feel a thin hand touch my shoulder to stop me

_Sir, what do you want me to do? I can clean the house, wash your clothes ... or ... or ...

_Niña, I already have people for that you will be inside that room ok?

_Yes sir, as you tell me but ...

_That you stay inside, I don't like to be replicated, do you understand?

_Yes, yes sir ... I understood 😳😳

_Don't tell me sir, tell me Liam please

_Yes Mr. Liam ... sorry Liam (turns around)

_Or no, you know that we'd better come with me for a ride, do you think?

_As you say Liam