

We got into the truck that was already waiting outside, I was checking my cell phone while out of the corner of my eye I saw how Alejandra was observing the landscape, I took a napkin and wrote something to give to the driver; He already knew what to do in that case, we went to the plaza to buy some things that I just needed

_Have money and go buy what you want, don't skimp

_Ok ... but and if you better accompany me, I don't know how to hang around here much

_That you didn't go out with your brother?


_Ok I'll accompany you

I never believed that she had gone out to the mall, we went to the stores but seeing her refusal to buy the dresses she liked, I decided to ask her size, after that I approached the cashier and asked her to go for all the dressed in those measurements, while she continued to see things I told one of the service girls to go look for all this in the other stores

_Sir, what is all this?

_I asked the lady to bring these dresses to see which ones you want

_But sir, you should not bother, less to spend your money on this

_Just listen to me, run

_It's okay Liam 😊

She took four dresses, I paid and after that we left, just and the service person left the bags I gave her money to go home; I did the same with the driver, now I would drive to a place of "rest".

It began to get dark and we were just getting to that hidden place beyond the beach, on the seashore, where tourists do not arrive.

_Enter without fear, I lower things

_But it's your house, I better help you lower the bags please

_Okay (I'll give you the lightest ones) take them

After a while she went to sleep, I stayed in the living room drinking a little tequila while I watched television when I hear footsteps on the stairs, Alejandra was going down a little asleep, I thought she was going to fall but she just sat on the step and hid his head in his arms without more; I got up and went to where she was

_All good? do you want a drink?

_I don't drink, but thanks

_Then what do you have? Why are you like this?

_ You know that my brother was the only person I trusted and he left me to my own devices, but what will you know about that if you are surrounded by luxury?

_You are very wrong, my sister and I lost our parents, our mother died and then the scoundrel of the man who calls himself our father left with his other family

_Oh sorry, I did not know

_Don't worry, it's logical ... do you want something to eat?

_Si please, can I help you with something?

_It is not necessary, if you want to go watch tv

I saw how she behaved, she looked like a little girl watching the programs, we just had to wait for it to be well cooked to take her away, it didn't take long for her to come out, I poured some glasses of wine and took them to the table.

_Take the drink you want

_Thank you

_Surprise, I made you a "terrifying" pizza I hope you like it