
Gacha System In One Piece

Ken was an ordinary young adult who lived his life usually one day stumbled upon an Advertisement. Not being able to remove it from his screen he ends up pressing it and that was when his whole life changed for the better. I don't own One Piece nor do I own its characters. Only the Oc and nothing else. I made this fanfic so that I could relieve my boredom and so others also can have something fun to read.

IamWuxiaMaster · Anime et bandes dessinées
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4 Chs


The sound of metal clashing against each other reverberated throughout the whole building, as an individual could be seen striking his sword against a puppet made out of metal in the training ground

Next to the puppet, a strikingly handsome man could be seen panting with sweat dripping down his face.

Kane's Pov:

"It's time I got serious" As I said those words the aura around my body fluctuated and I took a stand with my sword.

"Flashy Flash"

In a mere instant, I traveled the distance between me and the puppet and unleashed a barrage of attacks.

- clank

- clank

- clank

As holes formed around the body of the puppet I sheathed my sword and wiped the sweat that had accumulated on my forehead.

Looking back I saw the puppet suddenly explode as metal scraps flew all across the room, only to disappear a second later.

"If only those precious metals didn't disappear. I would be able to make a lot of cool gadgets with them"

Tired from the continuous training that I'd been doing, I sat down on the cold white floor. Looking around the enclosed white room. With only a door and what seems to be a control pad next to it.

Knowing that with the control pad I could change things in the room such as the gravity, order food, summon puppets to fight with, and even all the daily necessities. I go near it and look at how much time I have left in the Time Chamber.

- 50 minutes

Having already stayed here for over 2 whole years I was tired of this scenery and needed to finally explore the One Piece world.

The only reason I stayed in this place after all was because of the dangers that I would soon be facing. Staying here and training these 2 years was pretty much worth it since I got more accustomed to my new superpowers.

And I even assimilated a lot more from both of my characters.


[Race: Human]

[Assimilated characters: None]

In Progress: [ Flashy Flash 57%] [Batman 80%]

[Items: Nichirin Blade, Water, Healing Potion, Eye]


[Gacha roll]

[Gacha Points: 0]

Knowing that Batman had learned a lot of martial arts and was considered a good detective. I went up to the Control pad and asked for martial arts books and even some detective ones.

Trying to imitate those martial arts made me assimilate Batman even faster than I thought. Or it may just be because we both have a similar build and all that I needed from him was his fighting skills.

Another good thing was that Batman and Flashy Flash had a lot in common. Such as both of them being good at martial arts and that they also used the sword. So although I only focused on Batman for the most part. I still assimilated Flashy Flash to a high degree.

Focusing again on the control pad I pressed a few buttons and walked back to the middle of the room.

Suddenly, a normal-sized bathtub appeared in front of me along with a set of clothes next to it.


After being done with my bath. I take out my hairband and tie my hair into an Eren Jeager style.

Now walking over to the clothes, I see a pair of black shorts, a white oversized t-shirt hiding my bulging muscles underneath, White air forces, and a black oversized coat.

"I must always look good, even if I'm in another world"

After putting on my clothes I walk back to the door with the control pad next to it. I gaze at it for a moment to check the left time.

- 3

- 2

- 1

As soon as the timer hit zero, the ground started shaking and I felt myself levitate before I got dropped on the sand.

Now standing up I look up at my surroundings and try to search for the familiar building only to find an endless desert.

" It's about time I talked to the people of this world"

Remembering that some of the big cities in Alabasta were located north, I gaze at the sun before walking in the opposite direction.




| A few hours after Ken left on his journey|

As the night drew closer, walking through the desert at a steady pace Kane could be seen drinking from a water bottle.

" How could I be so stupid, I should've got something to protect me from the heat while I was in the Time Chamber. Well, I at least got some water from the gacha the last time I drew it."

Putting his water bottle back inside the system Kane looks back at the road. Seeing the sand start to quake around tens of meters. He senses something underneath the sand and jumps back

A giant lizard then pops out of the sand and bites at the place where Kane stood.

"I have seen one of those in the anime. I thought that they hunted in pairs, why is this one all alone?"

Not bothering to find out more about it Kane jumped right in front of the lizard.

"Wind blade kick" Ken uses the momentum of his own movements to perform a spinning kick on the lizard.

Getting hit in the face with the kick, the lizard gets thrown back multiple meters as his mouth spurts out blood.

Walking up to the lizard, he finds it unconscious and gives it a bored look before walking past it.

" I can't keep on wasting my time or else I'll never make it to the city before it becomes nighttime."

Now back on his journey, Kane runs through the desert to find his destination a bit faster.

After a few minutes of running, Kane spots a little town a few kilometers away. And when he drew close enough to identify the town he found it to actually be Alubarna, the capital of Alabasta.

"Phew, a few more hours, and I would've had to sleep in the desert."

My imagination is bad so it took me a while to finish this chapter

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