
Gacha In Runeterra

A young man who just got done playing League of Legends goes to sleep only to wake up in a body of a young orphan in the freljord? Oh ya did I mention the only thing he has to help him in this incredibly crazy world is a gacha system? Also this is my first time writing anything so a lot of things may be bad from a readers perspective Disclaimer: I do not own anything except the OC's all other things whether people, places, or things belong to their respective owners this is just a fan fiction meant to entertain

Deus_Dakota · Jeux vidéo
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28 Chs

I'm F****d

A/N: I recommend reading the Auxiliary Chapter it explains things

In the middle of the night there in a dorm is a young man staring intensely at his computer focusing on the game he is playing. This goes on for half an hour till finally a victory screen appears on his computer.

*sigh* "That was a stressful game, luckily even though I picked Yasuo and got counter picked by a Malzahar he wasn't that good so I was still able to get fed and carry"

As the young man said that he looked at the time and saw that it was 4:00am "Shit, I should head to bed I got stuff to do tomorrow" The young man heads to bed unaware that the Malzahar he was up against was actually a god with anger issues who decided to send some lightning and kill the poor guy.


In the far north in a small village there in a run down shack laid a child under some furs with a painful expression on his face as if he was being tortured. All of a sudden the child's eyes shoot open and he sits up holding his head *ahhhhhhh* "what happened!?" All of a sudden a voice appears in his head [You died] shocked the child looks around for the source of the voice he just heard but finds nothing in the rundown shack he's in "uhhh hello anyone there?" [There is no one in the shack with you host] "ok, then whose voice am I hearing?" [Your systems]

Looking around one more time to make sure the child finally believes that no one is messing with him. "So system I have read a lot of novels about this scenario so I got the gist of the situation I just want some questions answered" [Ask away] "okay how did I die" [You were struck by lightning in your sleep] "ohh ok I'm guessing it was some gods mistake so they decided to reincarnate me with a system" [No] "No?" [The lightning strike was completely intentional because you angered a god] "WHAT?!!!! How did I anger a god?" [You beat him in a game] "huh? But I didn't play...…. Was it the Malzahar?" [Yes] "THAT MOTHER ******" The child sat there for a little in a angry and indignant mood cursing like a sailor till he finally calmed down "wait then who reincarnated me and gave me a system" [The father of the god who killed you decided to reimburse you with your dream of reincarnating in a fantasy world with a system] "Oh that's not so bad then so am I in just a random world or one I know of?" [Host knows this world] "Oh do tell is it Danmachi or My hero Academia or something?" [No you have been sent to the world of Runeterra in the League of Legends Universe] "uhhhhh I think my hearing failed me can you repeat that" [You are in the League of Legends Universe] "Nooooooooo!!!!! Why of the many great places I could have been sent to why this universe with absurdly powerful beings everywhere!!!!" [It was random] "Random my fucking ass this is the most deliberate bullshit I've ever seen, why was here chosen actually [....the god you angered convinced his father to send you here as this is the world of the game you beat him in] "I'm fucked"

Although Short I felt this was a good place to leave it. Hope everyone likes it. Any recomendations or things you think could be better please comment and tell me what it is, and your reasoning

Deus_Dakotacreators' thoughts